Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 69: Conspiracy

Sun Xiaosheng has not been idle these days.

Since the saber-toothed tiger came to the zoo, it seemed to have found a new playmate.

During the days when there was no alcohol, Sun Xiaosheng would come to the cage every day and talk to the saber-toothed tiger for a long time, so as to relieve his alcohol addiction.

Because of the cage where the saber-toothed tiger is located, the place is relatively remote, and few tourists visit here.

In many cases, no one can be seen for a whole day.

As a result, the place seemed very deserted, and it also created a good chat environment for Sun Xiaosheng and Sabretooth Tiger.

"I'm old-fashioned, it's so nice in our zoo. There is wine and meat to eat. Why don't you think about it?" Sun Xiaosheng sat on the cage, with Erlang's legs tilted, and an apple in his hand. The old **** was there. Said.

The saber-toothed tiger was lying on the ground, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

"Oh, yes, you are used to being free outside, and you are suddenly bound, and you can't get used to it for a while, it's okay, it will be better slowly." Sun Xiaosheng said to himself.

The saber-toothed tiger still didn't say a word, lazily basking in the sun, completely assuming that Sun Xiaosheng didn't exist.

This state has been going on for two or three days.

"In the last two days, the master hasn't taken us out to do tasks. There is no opportunity to perform meritorious service. I can't even smell a bit of alcohol, alas..." Sun Xiaosheng sighed and shook his head.

Suddenly, the saber-toothed tiger opened his eyes, and a pair of tiger eyes coldly glanced in a certain direction.

It took a long time to say: "Monkey, someone is here."

"Someone?" Sun Xiaosheng was startled, and quickly closed his eyes to sense.

Sure enough, not far away, a woman with golden hair was walking towards them.

The look was a little weird, and the usual tourists were a little different...Sun Xiaosheng scratched his head.

"Brother, take care, grandson, let me go for a while!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sun Xiaosheng jumped and disappeared from the cage in the blink of an eye.

After all, they are not ordinary animals. Humans must not be allowed to discover their anomalies. Otherwise, they must not be caught and dissected?

Da Da footsteps came from far and near.

After a while, the blonde foreign big ocean horse appeared near the cage.

When she saw the saber-toothed tiger in the cage, she immediately changed her expression, and a delighted smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Although the saber-toothed tiger is a tiger, it is obviously different from the known Siberian tiger, South China tiger and Bengal tiger.

The most obvious mark is its two long teeth that look like two sharp swords.

"Sure enough, it is an extinct saber-toothed tiger..." The woman spoke, took out a phone from her bag and dialed a number to call.

However, she did not expect at all that her every move at this time would be clearly seen by the Saber-toothed Tiger and Sun Xiaosheng, who was hiding in the dark.

Sun Xiaosheng is a very clever and cunning monkey.

When it sensed that this foreign woman appeared here, it was a little bit wrong.

This woman is different from other tourists. As for where it is different, she can't say that she doesn't come up. So after she disappeared, she kept hiding nearby, wanting to see what this woman was going to do.

Seeing that she took out the phone, she said a lot of language that she couldn't understand, and Sun Xiaosheng was completely confused.

After a while, the blonde woman nodded repeatedly and put the phone in her bag again.

The next moment, I saw that she took out another silver-white thing that looked like a gun but not a gun from her bag.

The woman smiled coldly, and directly used this thing to aim at the saber-toothed tiger in the cage...This scene shocked the saber-toothed tiger.

Sun Xiaosheng in the dark, but his eyes lit up and he was energetic.

"Nima, there really is a problem. This woman is trying to fight the saber-toothed tiger? Now I am worried about not having the opportunity to perform meritorious service, and there is no reason to ask the owner for a drink..."

Sun Xiaosheng whispered a few words in his heart, and directly threw the remaining half of the apple in his hand.

Just as the woman was about to pull the trigger, the apple slammed over.

The blonde woman hurriedly turned around and hid the ‘hidden weapon’ while her face changed dramatically.

"Who is it?" he said in Chinese.

"Hey, I don’t think you are a good thing, so you dare to fight the old-fashioned idea? Then you have to ask your little grandpa’s answer first..." With the voice, On a tree, a monkey suddenly appeared.

He was one meter two and three meters tall and he was covered with yellow hair. It was not much different from an ordinary monkey, except that his eyes flashed brightly, and there were several broken tree leaves around his waist.

Standing on a tree branch with a stick in his mouth.

If it is not a monkey, then it is definitely a full-fledged gangster image...

In this blonde woman, when she saw a monkey talking, her face changed drastically.

However, her reaction speed was very fast, and her mind was by no means comparable to ordinary people. She quickly stepped back a few meters and pointed the thing just now directly at Sun Xiaosheng on the tree.

"Hmph, still threaten your Little Saint Grandpa with this broken thing? Looking for death..."

With that said, Sun Xiaosheng turned around on the tree and instantly turned into a piece of golden sand, and the windless automatically attacked the blonde woman overwhelmingly.

Maybe this woman is unusual, but she is still an ordinary person anyway. How did she ever see such a weird situation?

In panic, the blonde woman turned around and was about to run away, while yelling for help in English...

However, the golden sand that Sun Xiaosheng turned into was not something that could be avoided by running away. It was just a few breaths before it had come near the blonde woman.

There was a tornado that swept her in, and heard the horrified scream of the woman in the sands...

In only three to five minutes, the woman's voice became weak, and a little bit, there was no movement.

At this time, the sands that Sun Xiaosheng had turned into, whizzed and scattered around.

The next moment, Jinsha disappeared, and Sun Xiaosheng appeared in her original form, and saw the blond woman with a bloodless ‘puff,’ sitting on the ground, her eyes loose.

This was Sun Xiaosheng's mercy and didn't really kill her, otherwise, with her flesh and mortal body, I am afraid it will be in the sands, turning into a pile of bones in minutes.

Until this time, a figure walked out in a hurry, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "Sun Xiaosheng, go to the restaurant by yourself at night and get two bottles of white bar."

Hearing this, Sun Xiaosheng's heart jumped wildly, and when he looked back quickly, there was an ecstatic look on his face for an instant, and he nodded quickly: "Thank you, Master!"