Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 70: My name is Linda

Lin Fan walked over and coldly looked at the big blonde Yangma in front of him.

Unsurprisingly, this woman turned out to be a saber-toothed tiger?

At this moment, she was sitting on the ground, her eyes scattered, motionless as if she were a sculpture. She didn't know if it was because she had just been shocked, or whether there was something in Sun Xiaosheng's golden sand that could make people paralyze.

However, these are not important anymore.

Lin Fan took out his mobile phone and swiped it at the woman. A golden light flashed and disappeared from the place.

While looking at the warehouse, the blonde woman lay there honestly.

Lin Fan didn't worry about the impact of the warehouse on her at all. In his eyes, the idea of ​​daring to hit the zoo was no different from the dead.

Looking at the saber-toothed tiger in the cage, Lin Fan said: "Tiger power Taoist, can you change into other appearances now?"

"What does the master mean?"

The person the Sabre-toothed tiger fears most now is Lin Fan, and as soon as Lin Fan appeared, it dared not lie there watching the excitement.

Showed a cautious look, for fear that Lin Fan was taking a demon pill from its body...

Lin Fan is not a timid person, but if he can avoid unnecessary trouble, he should try his best to avoid it. Otherwise, this zoo will have to become a battlefield sooner or later.

"You are too eye-catching now, let's change into the appearance of an ordinary tiger." Lin Fan said lightly.

The saber-toothed tiger had no other words, and a blue light flashed directly.

The next moment, I was looking at the image of the saber-toothed tiger, which has changed a lot from just now.

Tiger stripes appeared on his body, and a mark of ‘king’ was clearly printed on his forehead, especially the pair of sharp sword-like fangs, completely disappeared.

As a result, the current saber-toothed tiger is no different from the Siberian tiger.

Even when someone comes over, nothing will happen.

Of course, this image will only be maintained during the day when the zoo is open. When the business is closed at night, the saber-toothed tiger will still be restored.

After all, if you want to maintain a transformation, the mana consumed should not be underestimated.

Seeing this, Lin Fan nodded in satisfaction, turned and walked in the direction where he came...

When I went back to the front, the number of tourists in the zoo was much more than just now. At the same time, there were several tourist groups from all over the country. After the tour guide's explanation, this automatically disbanded and moved freely.

At this moment, Lin Fan's mobile phone suddenly came in.

After taking a look, it was Ye Peng who called.

"Hey, Big Brother Ye!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Ye Peng will call at this time, and 80% of it is related to the visit of Mr. Ye in the morning.

"Uh, Xiao Fan, how is your place? There is nothing wrong with the zoo, right?" Ye Peng said in a strange tone.

Lin Fan smiled: "Everything is normal, what can be done with me?"

Hearing this, Ye Peng was obviously relieved, and his tone became more brisk: "That's good, I'm still worried that someone will run to embarrass you."

"Are you talking about Father Ye?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a brief silence on the phone, and Ye Peng was not talking for more than ten seconds.

In the next moment, Ye Peng directly changed the subject, without entangled in his actions.

"By the way, I got news. Recently, some foreigners have come to our China. The strange thing is that they are very interested in your zoo, and their identities are quite special."

Foreigner? Interested in the zoo? Special status?

A few sensitive words made Lin Fan's brows furrow slightly, and he couldn't help but think of the blonde woman he had just caught.

Could it be that Ye Peng was referring to her?

However, Lin Fan did not show any abnormality. He just smiled and said, "Brother Ye, do you think too much? Maybe they just want to see pandas and tigers. After all, wild animals are strictly protected all over the world. , Especially pandas, you can’t see them abroad at all."

"Maybe it's me, but Xiaofan, don't be careless. During the recent period, you must be careful and call me immediately if you have any questions. Although I can't help much, but Some minor problems can still be solved." Ye Peng said.

Hearing this, Lin Fan's heart moved.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ye Peng's identity is unattainable, he is the boss of the famous Pengcheng Group, and he is also a member of the Ye family.

As for how influential the Ye family really is, Lin Fan didn't know, but it was unusual to see Director Liang treating Ye Peng or Ye Family's old man with his servile appearance.

However, during the time when Ye Peng and Lin Fan met, he had always acted as the big brother, and he would definitely help as long as he was busy, and there was no arrogance.

After a few simple conversations, Lin Fan hung up.

Sitting at the door of the staff dormitory, staring at every visitor to the zoo.

But the whole day passed, and no one came to the zoo with other purposes.

The sky dimmed a little bit, and the zoo was closed.

In the staff dormitory, Lin Fan took out his mobile phone and opened the game warehouse, and he saw a woman who looked ill and lying in it.

A golden light flashed, and the blonde woman appeared on the floor of the dormitory out of thin air.

At this time, her expression was much more restored than in the daytime, and her eyes were no longer the kind of numb and numb expression.

When she looked around, she saw Lin Fan and the little fox in front of her, with a panic expression on her face.

Immediately said in fluent Chinese: "Who are you and what do you want to do? I am a reporter from the United States. This is illegal for you. You are kidnapping foreign tourists. I want to sue you..."

Hearing this, the little fox was indifferent, but Lin Fan smiled coldly, and the thing that looked like a gun but not a gun appeared in his hand and shook in front of his eyes.

"Tourist? Reporter? Haha, do you reporters from the United States have to carry this thing when you go out?"

Seeing her own things appeared in Lin Fan's hands, the blonde woman's complexion changed drastically and she was about to reach for it.

But wanting to grab something in Lin Fan's hands, how easy is it to say?

The little fox looked at the blonde woman coldly, as if he had no affection for the foreigner, and said directly: "Brother Xiaofan, you don't need to ask her, I can get her to tell the truth."

"Oh? Try it then." Lin Fan nodded.

The little fox said nothing, a little red light appeared on the tips of his fingers and hit the blonde woman's forehead directly.

For a moment, the blonde woman who had just looked nervous, her eyes became loose again.

Lin Fan smiled coldly and asked directly: "Let's go, what's your name?"

The blonde woman had a stiff expression and replied in fluent Chinese: "In response to the master, my name is Linda, Linda Brandon!"