Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 71: Are you constipated in the house?

"Linda Brandon?" Lin Fan repeated subconsciously.

"Yes, Master!" Linda nodded seriously.

It can be seen that the fox charm of the little fox is not only effective for men, but also effective for women.

When watching TV in the past, various mature foxes used the technique of fox charm to confuse men. At that time, Lin Fan thought that this kind of magic was only effective on men.

When I saw it today, my thoughts were completely overturned.

"What is your true identity? What is the purpose of coming here?" Lin Fan asked lightly.

"Back to the master, I am a member of Group J. I came here because I learned that the saber-toothed tiger is in China on the Internet not long ago, so the organization sent us here to inquire about the reality. If there is a chance, the saber-toothed tiger will be taken away... .." Linda said without any concealment.

"Members of Group J? What is this?" Lin Fan frowned. He had never heard of this organization before.

"Group J is a mysterious killer organization in the United States. It has existed for many years. I heard that it already existed before World War II." Linda said.

"Oh? Killer organization?" Lin Fan was sitting on the chair, tapping the table beside him lightly with his fingers, making a light ‘tack’.

Originally, Lin Fan thought that Linda might be a reporter for a certain newspaper in the United States, or a department related to wildlife.

After discovering the saber-toothed tiger that only existed in prehistoric times, with a curious mentality, came to uncover the secrets of this shocking news.

As a result, he withdrew from a mysterious killer organization?

Lin Fan frowned, making him puzzled.

"Your killer organization, what are you doing here to find the saber-toothed tiger?"

"In our organization, there are many celestial warriors, and they all have good strength. A long time ago, our predecessors heard that the blood and flesh of ancient mythical beasts can strengthen their own abilities. Saber-toothed tigers exist in prehistoric civilization. , So the organization will send us to find the whereabouts of the saber-toothed tiger!" Linda said slowly.

"Tian Wuzhe? Ancient sacred beast?" Hearing these keywords, Lin Fan gradually understood.

Co-authoring them this assassin organization, there is the existence of martial arts inheritors, if this is the case, it will be such a secret rumor, it is not uncommon.

In fact, no matter in novels or TV dramas, the essence and blood of ancient sacred beasts and their bones are very precious materials. As long as you can get even a drop, you can refine the elixir to improve your cultivation, and the effect is very strong.

But the prerequisite for this is that you have a pill in your hand, otherwise, even if you get the essence and blood of the ancient gods, you may not be able to refine the pill that can improve your cultivation.

As for this kind of Dan Fang and Xin Mi, which only belonged to China, it was even simpler why they spread to the hands of those foreigners.

Maybe it was because of some chance, maybe it was because they had inadvertently received similar rumors, maybe it was simply that there was a Chinese warrior who was also a member of the J group. Lin Fan didn't know exactly what was going on, but he thought It is not difficult to learn such news.

Lin Fan's eyes gradually cooled down as he looked at Linda who was distracted.

"You didn't come to China by yourself? Where are your companions?"

"Yes, besides me, there are two other people in China. They are now in a hotel not far down the mountain, waiting for the news that I will bring the saber-toothed tiger back." Linda answered truthfully.

"Oh?" Lin Fan's eyes became more and more gloomy when he heard this.

Dare to fight the saber-toothed tiger? Then don't go back.

At the same time, there is a business hotel just under Tianshi Mountain, only three blocks away from People’s Park.

Since the reopening of the park in Linfan, the business of this hotel has been booming day by day. Almost most tourists from other places will live here.

That's not to say, every day and every moment, there will be room reservation calls coming in, requesting room reservations, and there are many tourist groups from other provinces.

At this time, in Room 315 on the third floor of the hotel, there were two foreign men, fidgeting and looking very anxious.

One of them was short in stature, in his early 1.7 meter and slightly fat, and the other was 8.5 meters in height with dark skin, standing in the light of the light.

"What's the matter, Linda has been out for a day, why hasn't she come back?" The tall black man said with a frown.

Hearing this, the pudgy man standing by the window watching the night view of Feng City shook his fat head: "Maybe something tricky has happened."

"What kind of things will delay her for so long? And the zoo is closed now. The organization is still waiting for our reply. If he can't come back before mid-night, we will go up the mountain personally. Go and see." The black man said impatiently.

Compared to him, the short and fat man looked more composed and he had 100% confidence in Linda.

Looking out the window with piercing eyes, it took a long time to say: "Relax, Linda has a mission and has no record of failing. As long as she doesn't meet a master inside China, she can definitely retreat."

"A master of China?" Suddenly, the black man looked terrified.

This was his first return to China, but before that, he had also heard many legends about China. According to legend, those people were more mysterious than one. Walking on the street, they were completely indistinguishable from an ordinary person. And the methods are very powerful.

Just a few years ago, there were masters in the organization who came to China to complete a task.

Before this, this master also had no record of failure.

As a result, within the mission deadline, after a full delay of more than half a month, the master did not get back the organization, but his arm was torn off alive.

Listening to the short fat man now, the black man's heart shuddered inexplicably. If you really meet a Chinese expert, let alone Linda, I am afraid that even the two of them will be more and more fierce.

At this moment, a slight knock on the door sounded.

The black man and the pudgy man looked back at the same time, and saw the little fat man stretch out his hand to make a ‘silence’ gesture, he took out his gun and walked cautiously.

"Who?" the chunky man asked in English.

"Me!" Soon, a low man's voice came from outside.

The little fat man and the black man were stunned at the same time, and looked at each other. It was not Linda, who would find here?

Just when he was about to continue to ask who the other party was.

As a result, there was a loud bang, and the door was kicked open with brute force.

Then, I saw a man in his early twenties walking in calmly.

After taking a look around and confirming that there are only two people in the room, he said slowly: "If you don't open the door for so long, are you constipated in the room?"