Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 72: I want to stay here

The person who broke in suddenly was Lin Fan who had come down from the mountain.

After getting news of her other two companions from Linda, she came directly.

When he entered the room, he was sure that there were only two people in the room, and then he gave a cold smile.

"Who are you? Why did you break in?" The little fat man said with a surprised look.

The black man behind him was panicked, with the back of his hand behind him, already pinching the handle of the gun.

"Shao Te, speak bird language with me, who of you can speak Chinese?" Lin Fan said.

The two foreigners looked at each other, and it turned out that the short fat man said in an awkward Chinese: "Who are you? Why did you break into our room late at night?"

Lin Fan glanced at it and said, "It's Linda, let me find you..."


Hearing Linda's name, the two men were shocked at the same time.

As a result, when they hadn't recovered, they saw Lin Fan step up abruptly, slamming a fist with a fierce fist, directly at the little fat man closest to him.

Just listening to the sound of cracking bones, the little fat man was nearly 200 jin in figure, and he was hit and flew several meters away.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the room was large enough, and he fell to the ground with a ‘puff,’ otherwise he would probably just smash out the window.

Upon seeing this, the black also reacted immediately.

He took out the pistol directly from his waist, but just before he aimed at it, another fist wind rushed over.

With a muffled bang, the black felt the light in front of his eyes dimmed, as if there were countless shining stars floating back and forth quickly in front of his eyes.

Before he fell to the ground, he immediately lost consciousness, knowing his life or death.

"You...who are, what do you want..." The little fat man has the foundation, after receiving the punch from Lin Fan just now, although It seemed that he was seriously injured, but he didn't pass out like a black man.

Looking at the man in front of him with horror, the little fat man felt that his whole body was shaking, and his heartbeat was accelerating.

This person is really terrifying. With his own defensive capabilities and the protective clothing he wears, he can't even resist a punch.

If there were no such defenses to shed some power, I am afraid that just now, he would have completely become a dead man now.

Lin Fan sneered, walked slowly towards the little fat man, and said as he walked: "I want to hit my zoo idea, and I don’t see if you have the qualifications. I am here today to reunite you with that Linda. ......"

"Ah? You, you are the zoo... Linda? She, she has been killed by you?" The little fat man had a horrified expression on his face.

"When you meet on Huangquan Road, it will naturally become clear."

As soon as the voice fell, there was another soft "click", and the little fat man died before he could even scream.

"Group J?"

Lin Fan smiled coldly, and then a golden light flashed, and he saw the two corpses lying on the ground, disappearing in an instant.

In the room, there was no trace of the fight just now.

The whole process was over in only two or three minutes, and the two people didn't even have a chance to fight back.

After taking away everything related to the two people in the room, and after confirming that there were no clues left, Lin Fan left.

Back at the zoo, everything around was quiet, but in the staff dormitory, it was brightly lit.

At this time, Linda had already escaped from the control of the ‘fox charm’, her eyes and state had returned to normal.

Opposite her, the little fox was sitting, staring at her murderously.

As long as she dared to move, or had the intention to escape, the little fox would not have any mercy.

However, Linda was full of fear now.

Because of his own control and telling everything out, even Group J told them, even if Lin Fan didn't kill her, the organization would never bypass her.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from outside the door.

After a while, I saw Lin Fan walk into the dormitory, his eyes swept across Linda, and said with a smile: "I have brought back your two companions."

"Huh?" Linda looked back in shock when she heard this.

But it was pitch black outside, only occasionally a few orangutans walked past the door.

companion? Where is the half figure?

Just when Linda was confused, wondering if the yellow-skinned man in front of her was coaxing her.

A golden light flashed, and then I heard two beeps.

Two foreign bodies, one tall and one short, one black and one white, appeared in front of Linda.

Although Linda was also a killer, there were a lot of wrongdoers who died in her hands.

But when she saw the corpse of her companion, she wanted to scream again and again, and she pulled back several meters away, with a panic expression on her face.

"I said, as long as you tell the truth, I will keep you alive. Now you can take your companion's body and go back to life." Lin Fan said lightly, "Right, go back to yours The organization said, if you dare to hit my zoo's idea, I don't mind going to the U.S. in person and uprooting your nonsense Group J."

"Don't think I am joking with you, because I will only play with my friends, and you... are my enemy."

Listening to Lin Fan's words, Linda could obviously match his words, and felt a trace of irresistible killing intent, causing a chill to appear all over her, causing Lingling to shiver.

However, she did not stand up immediately, but bowed her head in deep thought.

"No, I can't go back."

"Oh?" Lin Fan frowned and glanced over curiously.

"I have betrayed the organization, although I was forced, but this has become a reality, if I go back there is only a dead end, I can not go..." Linda said firmly.

Hearing this, Lin Fan couldn't help but laughed, and subconsciously said, "Why, you still want to rely on me?"

Although Linda speaks Chinese well, Chinese characters have been extensive and profound since ancient times. Lin Fan's words didn't mean that at all, but rather a slightly mocking rhetorical question.

As a result, she raised her head with scorching eyes, and said expectantly: "I, can I stay here? Although I am a killer, I will do some other work... The members are scattered in many organizations. We usually live a normal life as ordinary people. Only when we are on a mission will we change to another identity..."

Hearing these words, Lin Fan almost didn't spray a mouthful of old blood on the ground, and asked with a black line: "What do you want to express?"

"I, I want to stay here... as long as I can stay, let me do anything..."