Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 723: Communication is a technology

Leaving the dogfighting arena, Lin Fan and Wei Wu, with the black shell that had just won, drove around in the car and rushed straight to the city.

However, outside the factory building, the middle-aged man looked at him with a painful expression.

Until the car that Lin Fan and Wei Wu were in disappeared from sight, he still didn't recover.

The dog king, worth tens of millions, actually sold it for two thousand yuan.

It's a **** to be happy in my heart.

It's just that as the boss of the dogfighting ring, where does he have this strength to offend Wei Wu?

Who is Wei Wu? That is the spokesperson of the Kyoto Ye Family. Offending him is tantamount to offending the Ye Family, which is worse than death!

"Boss, are you still feeling sorry for that black shell?"

At this time, the next person asked in a low voice.

"Nonsense, what's the use of distressed, have been taken away... You too, what do you usually eat? Such a potential fighting dog, you haven't discovered it?" the middle-aged man reprimanded.

"This one......"

Hearing this, the subordinate frowned and did not dare to say anything.

This incident had nothing to do with them. When the black shell was just sent over, it was never seen.

And he was still a middle-aged man who hid the black shell by himself.

Especially in the past few days, I have been chanting to get rid of that black shell.

As a result... something like this is happening now.

But he buckled the pot directly on them.

However, as subordinates, they can only silently recite the cauldron, and dare not say a word.

"Um... Boss, do we think of a way to **** that dog back?"

"Fuck off, how to **** it? That's Mr. Wei's friend. Go **** his friend. If Mr. Wei is to blame, you can afford it?" The middle-aged man glared and said viciously.

"Hey, boss, let's not grab it, we can find someone to grab it, and it's not a blatant grab, find a little accident, let the dog run away, let's grab it back, isn't it all right? , Who knows that we did this thing? Even if Mr. Wei wants to blame, he has no evidence!" The next man said with a sullen smile.

Hearing these words, the middle-aged man's eyes flashed.

He turned around and said in a low voice: "Come on, you can tell me carefully, what should I do about this matter?"

"Hey, boss, it's not easy? As long as we don't make things big, make a little accident, let the dog run away by itself, isn't it easy? As for how to make this little accident, I already have an idea. I don't know if it will work..."

Ever since, this subordinate approached the middle-aged man and whispered in his ear.

Hearing this method, the middle-aged man nodded continuously beside him, slowly flashing light in his eyes.

"Hahaha, this method is good, not bad, kid, if I can really bring that dog back to me intact, I will need your benefits!" the middle-aged man laughed.

"Then...Boss, shall I do it?" the subordinate said with a smile.

"Go and go, remember, you must not do it for me, you are not allowed to kill anyone, and you are not allowed to expose it to me. If this matter is made known to Mr. Wei, before he comes to me and asks the crime, Lao Tzu Just kill you first!" The middle-aged man said viciously.

This is not a joke, offending Wei Wu's end, he is clear in his heart...

Regardless of whether it is Wei Wu or the Ye Family, once they become angry, with his status and status, it is simply difficult to bear.

"Yes, yes, I promise you will do it beautifully, don't worry!" The subordinate nodded and promised.

After the words fell, the subordinate quickly got on a motorcycle and drove straight to the distance.


At the same time, Lin Fan and Wei Wu sat in the car and went straight to the mansion of Old Man Ye.

"Okay, Xiao Fan, I didn't expect you to have a second time. It's really correct to bring you here!" Wei Wu said with a big smile.

"Old Wei, don't talk nonsense, I just didn't expect that you still have this hobby?" Lin Fan said softly beside him.

"Oh, it's a little problem. I don't go gambling or playing cards. I just like to play dogfighting, but this is not a long time. Every time I go to play one or two games is enough!" Wei Wu said with a smile.

Lin Fan smiled and didn't say much.

Beside him, the black shell was lying there honestly.

It didn't take long. When the car came outside the manor of Mr. Ye, all kinds of famous cars and luxury cars were parked in the surrounding parking lot.

There are also many people who are walking inside one after another.

There was a burst of horn sound, and many people all looked back.

When they saw Wei Wu in the car, they nodded to say hello.

It can be seen that Wei Wu's status is not that simple.

The car drove in, stopped at the parking lot of the manor, and led Lin Fan out of the car.

Immediately, a few people came forward to ask Wei Wu to say hello.

"Hehe, guys, go shopping slowly first, I have to go and see if the old man has anything to order, and I will come to you later!" Wei Wu said politely.

"Oh, Mr. Wei is too polite!"

"That is, there is no need to make a special trip to accompany us, you are busy, you are busy, we are not outsiders!"

"Yes, Mr. Wei is very busy, don't delay your business because of us!"

Several people greeted each other, seeing their appearance, all of them seemed a little bit excited.

This is also normal, but Wei Wu's status in the Ye family cannot be underestimated.

In particular, Wei Wu has always been responsible for everything in the Ye family, and his status in society is huge.

To hear Wei Wu say such things, it was very useful to them.

It is not an exaggeration to say that just a few words that Wei Wu said just now are enough to increase their bragging capital for two years.

"Hey, there is no way. In this position, you have to say something to agree to and get used to it slowly!" Wei Wu said with a wry smile while walking to the villa.

"Don't talk about those useless, what does this have to do with me?" Lin Fan smiled.

"It's okay? It's a big deal. Your zoo will be expanded in the future, right? Your Dayang Island will be developed, right? These all need connections and funds. If you have a good relationship with them, someone will give you money when you open your mouth. !" Wei Wu said with a smile.

"Well, so what?" Lin Fan said disdainfully.

"Oh, I don’t understand you, yes, you don’t lack this network. You have a wealthy wife who is the richest man in the country beside the rich man Lin, and the eldest master of the Ye family supports you, and we need others. Hahaha!" Wei Wu said with a big smile.

Hearing this, Lin Fan's face went black immediately.

As a result, at this time.

From not far away, a girl's voice came: "Ah, where does this dog come from?"