Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 724: A natural match

Looking in the direction of the sound, Xiao Shiyu was standing there with a smile on his face.

I have to say that the appearance of Xiao Shiyu immediately caught the attention of many people.

Especially some old men turned their heads one after another, their eyes almost straightened.

Xiao Shiyu's beauty is hard to describe in words.

Any man who doesn't move after seeing her is definitely a problem.

Coming closer, Xiao Shiyu looked at the black shell next to Lin Fan and said with a smile: "Xiao Fan, I'm not here this day, where did you bring back a dog?"

"Uh..." Lin Fan scratched his head awkwardly.

Not to mention, in the two days since Xiao Shiyu came out, he picked up two animals one after another.

One was the red monkey that I met on the plane, and now he brought back a black shell from the dogfighting arena. What I didn't know was that Lin Fan was here to pick up animals.

"Uh, I went to the dogfighting ring with Lao Wei just now. I saw this black shell is a bit pitiful, so I bought it back!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Dog fighting ring?"

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyu looked at Lin Fan and Wei Wu with a strange expression.

"Oh, don't stand here and talk, walk around, the old man can wait inside, if he doesn't pass, he will be angry!" Wei Wu interrupted the topic quickly.

The spokesperson of the dignified Ye family, if it is known that he always goes to **** places like the dogfighting arena, he still doesn't know how the outside world will discuss this matter.

Xiao Shiyu is also a girl who understands things very well. Hearing this, she stopped asking more questions.

Nodded, followed Lin Fan and Wei Wu to the villa inside.

At this moment, there are already many people standing at the door of the villa, and many people sitting in the living room inside are chatting with each other.

These people are all worshipping old man Ye's birthday, and every identity can be seen.

Either those executives in the political arena, or those in the military, or business spokespersons from all over the country.

The identities of these people, picking out one at random, are enough to shock a place.

However, today, at the birthday banquet of Mr. Ye, they were basically gathered.

Not only that, after listening to Wei Wu's introduction, even several other big families in Kyoto sent out spokespersons to pay old man Ye's birthday.

This includes the famous Lu family, which is Lu Yingxue's home.

"Xiao Fan, your brat is really superficial, not to mention anything else, Xiao Shiyu alone is not easy, don’t look at her current situation is a bit difficult, but I believe that it will not take too long, she absolutely You can control the entire Xiao family, and get the absolute right to speak, followed by the Lu family, whose status is not lower than that of the Ye family. Tsk tsk tsk, your kid is really amazing..."While walking into the villa, Wei Wu side Said jealously.

Lin Fan frowned: "Don't talk nonsense, I have said so many times, Xiao Shiyu and I are just ordinary friends, not as complicated as you think!"

"You? Hahaha, besides me, there are people who say that? Come, tell me, who is that person?" Wei Wu said with a laugh, as if to find a confidant.

Lin Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The other is Ye Peng, Big Brother Ye!"

"Oh? It turned out to be the eldest master, hahaha, this is not surprising, the heroes see the same thing!"

"Also hero, don't put gold on your face, old Wei, how come I didn't find your face so thick?"

"Hahaha...My brothers are good, there are more things you don't know!"

When the two of them were talking and laughing again, Xiao Shiyu, who was walking in the front, turned around and asked with a strange expression: "What did you two say? Come on so happy, let me listen!"


Lin Fan and Wei Wu looked at each other awkwardly, and neither of them said a word.

Soon, Lin Fan quickly changed the topic and asked: "By the way, how is your brother, how is it?"

"Well, it's not a big deal, it's just a little emotionally stimulated, and after being scared for a few days, the doctor said that it's okay to take a rest!" Xiao Shiyu nodded.

"That's good!" Lin Fan also smiled.

Before they entered the villa, Wei Wu called a steward from the Ye family and asked him to temporarily take the black shell away.

After all, I came here to celebrate my birthday, and there are so many people here, and it’s a bit unruly to bring a dog in.

When the three people walked into the villa, they all sat on the sofa, chatting with each other.

In fact, on such occasions, birthday greetings to Mr. Ye are one aspect. For them, it is the key to meeting people at all levels.

You know, whether you are in business or politics, personal connections are very important.

The so-called one more friend, one more way is not a joke.

In many cases, if you have a friend, you will have one more choice to solve difficulties.

Besides, in their position, making more friends will never do any harm...

Ever since, this good birthday banquet has become a place for friends to submit business cards to each other!

As if seeing what Lin Fan was thinking, Wei Wu said with a smile: "This is all normal, just get used to it slowly, maybe you will do the same in the future!"

"Me? Haha, wait, I won't do such a thing in my life!" Lin Fan smiled and shook his head.

As a result, at this time.

Two men approached from the side, who seemed to be about 30 years old, each holding a glass of red wine.

With a red face, he said with a smile: "Hehe, are you Xiao Shiyu of the Xiao family? Oh, it's better to meet after a long time, you look more beautiful than the rumors!

Xiao Shiyu was startled, then glanced back and said, "Thank you!"

"Hehe, this is my business card. I am honored to know you!" One of the men took out the business card directly.

However, Xiao Shiyu didn't even look at it, and said mercilessly: "I'm sorry, I am not interested in meeting you!"

While speaking, he directly reached out and took Lin Fan's arm.

Upon seeing this, both men were dumbfounded.

With a sad look, he turned around and left.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan didn't say anything yet, but Wei Wu next to him started to speak.

"Tsk tusk tusk, your two personalities are really exactly the same. Both are so cold and not close to the fireworks!"

Lin Fan smiled awkwardly, Xiao Shiyu's face also blushed slightly.

However, at this time.

A person came up from a short distance and shouted: "Uncle Wei, why are you here? I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Hearing this, several of them looked back and saw a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl approaching them smilingly...