Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 739: Infighting caused by a few chickens

"Brother Fan, those foxes are very weird. Let's try our best to be careful!"

On the way up the mountain, the bald head and the old iron are beside them, reminding them carefully.

Although they keep saying something, they are not superstitious, and they are different from those foolish people, they are all deceptive things.

However, Lin Fan could see that they still had a deep fear of those so-called fox fairies.

To say that they are not afraid at all, it is absolutely impossible.

Lin Fan didn't say much about this.

The three people walked all the way to the mountains, here is a path they often walk on.

Under normal circumstances, there are no wild boars here.

It didn't take long, it only took about thirty minutes, when Bald and Lao Tie brought Lin Fan to a nearby mountain col.

I saw the bald whistle softly, and after a while, I heard a rustling sound from around.

Soon, six or seven people quietly appeared in front of Lin Fan.

"Brother Tie, Brother Bald!"

These people nodded immediately and greeted in a low voice.

The bald head nodded and said, "Well, how about it, have those fox fairies come back?"

One of them said lowly: "No, those foxes left at noon. They haven't come back yet. They should be hunting outside!"

"But if you count the time, they should be back at 7 o'clock in the evening, and it's just after 6 o'clock, and it will take more than an hour!" The person next to him quickly added.

Hearing these words, Bald and Old Tie's expressions were a little dignified, and at the same time they turned their heads to look at Lin Fan next to them.

Seems to be waiting for Lin Fan to give an idea.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "I have come here, and it would be a pity to leave like this. I just want to see what these so-called fox fairies look like!"

When the voice fell, Bald and Old Tie did not dare to refute, although they were a little jealous about this, but they had to bite the bullet and stay.

Ever since, they took Lin Fan to take a look at the so-called fox fairy buildings.

It was exactly the same as the description of the bald head, there were about thirty small houses sparsely, but the construction technology was really a bit scumbag.

It can be said that this is purely a confrontation with a few stones and some straw.

But from a distance, it looks like a human-inhabited house.

No wonder Bald and Lao Tie, they would think that these are fine fox fairies, if they were changed to other people, they would 100% think so.

Let me ask, which animal can build its nest like a place where humans live?

If it is not a refined one, I am afraid no one will believe it.

After seeing the building complex, a group of people came to their usual hiding place.

I have to say that after these few days of surveillance, this place is about to become a temporary camp.

Except for the absence of tents and iron pots, there are basically everything here.

Yufeng’s quilts, all kinds of food and water, and even solar chargers, are all here.

If the surveillance continues for a long time, this place will soon become a place to live.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan smiled lightly and didn't say much, and with the bald heads, they waited here silently, waiting for the return of those ‘fox fairies’...

Time passed slowly, one hour said whether it was fast or slow, and not slow.

Lin Fan has the patience and waiting for an hour is not a big problem for him.

As a result, it was around 7:30.

From not far away, there was a soft rustling noise.

Then, one by one black shadows flashed into the sight of Lin Fan and his party under the silvery white moonlight.

"you're back!"

One of them said quickly and lowly.

But the sound is very subtle, so low that you can't hear it if you don't listen carefully.

No way, these ‘fox fairies’ have very good hearing, and if the voice is too loud, they will be discovered instead.

Ever since, a few people quickly pushed their bodies down as much as possible.

In the bushes, watch the fox fairies who have returned from hunting carefully.

Soon, when these fox fairies walked near those buildings, Lin Fan and the others saw it.

The fox fairies did not bring back a wild boar weighing hundreds of catties as usual, but came back listlessly with a few pheasants.

At the building complex, a few of the foxes threw the pheasants directly on the ground.

He turned around and walked into several of the buildings, as if he had no interest in the pheasants on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan was also a little strange.

What is going on today? Could it be that they didn't find the wild boar?

It's impossible. You know, this is a wild boar breeding base. There are hundreds of wild boars living here.

Although they catch a wild boar a day, it will take several months to eat it all.

Just when Lin Fan was wondering, he only heard a scream in the building complex.

I quickly looked up and saw the foxes, what seemed to be a dispute.

A dozen foxes are divided into two gangs.

Soon there was a confrontation, and it was still incompatible.

What's going on here? Could it be because they did not hunt wild boars today, so they have two sounds?

Because they were far away, Lin Fan didn't hear too clearly what they were talking about.

As a result, at this moment, two foxes, who looked relatively young, couldn't suppress their inner anger immediately, and they fought together.

They just walked on four feet, this fight is completely beyond the scope of human comprehension.

They actually stood up one after another, fighting each other like humans.

Every now and then, it's just like fighting with two kangaroos. It's very interesting.

"Brother Fan, what's the matter with them? Infighting?" The bald head beside him couldn't suppress his inner curiosity and asked lowly.

However, because he speaks louder.

Although I tried to lower my voice, I was still heard clearly by the foxes who were fighting.

In the next second, a dozen foxes were seen, turning their heads towards the side where Lin Fan and the others were hiding.

After a moment, they seemed to perceive that someone was watching in secret.

He stopped fighting immediately, turned to other places, and ran away quickly. Even the foxes who had already returned to the house ran out one after another and followed.

Upon seeing this, Bald and Tie were a little panicked.

Hurriedly shouted: "No, they have to run. If they are hidden by them, it will not be easy to find, chase after!"

When the words fell, several people took shotguns and rushed to catch up with the foxes.

However, at this moment, Lin Fan shook his hand.

Suddenly, three black shells appeared in front of him...These three black shells were not temporarily summoned, but generals and marshals in the zoo.

The other one was brought back by Lin Fan from the dogfighting ring in Kyoto.

"Go, catch up with those foxes, don't hurt them, just control them!" Lin Fan said softly.

Three guard dogs, those are ghosts in the mountains, how many foxes are they chasing? It's not a problem at all.

After getting the order, the three of them quickly turned around, went straight to the direction where the foxes fled, and chased them like flying...