Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 756: Dare to come to this king's site to ma

When the red-haired monkey settled down and saw the few foreign creatures standing in front of him clearly, his eyes almost didn't fall out directly.

Standing in front of it were also five monkeys.

It's just that they are very different from the common monkeys.

To be precise, the species of these five monkeys are the largest number of macaques in the zoo, but their bodies have undergone different changes.

It is the same as the red monkey, except that its change is the color of the hair, turning red.

The five monkeys in front of them are not just about changing their hair colors.

One of them looked like an orangutan.

Of course, only the head looks like, and the body and other parts are still ordinary macaques.

The other four monkeys next to it also undergo various mutations more or less.

One looked no change, but was obviously stronger than the average macaque.

If you can distinguish it from the appearance, you will definitely mistake it for a chimpanzee just by looking at the size.

The most important thing is that their eyes are full of bloodthirsty red.

Another is even more exaggerated. The two arms have been completely replaced with two large shelves, just like a mutant crab that can walk normally.

These mutated weird creatures, all with red eyes, looked at the red monkeys on the ground.

Moreover, the red-haired monkeys also discovered that they seem to have completely lost their minds now, that is to say, what they are doing is not in a sober state.

Looking at it as if being manipulated, without self-consciousness.

"Oh oh yeah, you guys... don't come here!"

Seeing these weird monkeys, Hong Mao's heart was extremely scared. Of course he recognized that these weird monkeys in front of him were the same kind who were kept in the laboratory with him and undergo various transformations every day.

Especially the monkey whose head was replaced by an orangutan, and the monkey whose hands were replaced by two pincers, used to be very good friends with him.

On the day Hongmao ran away, they also helped cover.

It's just that when I meet again, my friends have turned into this weird appearance, and they can't even recognize it.

In my heart, how can there not be a burst of sentimentality?


Obviously, none of these mutant monkeys can recognize the red hair.

In their eyes, there seemed to be only endless violence and bloodthirsty madness.

Seeing this scene, the red-haired monkey rubbed back on the ground while looking at his former companions.

"Do you remember? In that terrible laboratory, we fought together, and we also expected that there will be humans to save us?"

"Do you still know me? I, I just ran out of the lab not long ago, and you helped me!"

When the red hair squeaked out these words, the mutant monkeys did not show any movement.

Still staring straight at the red hair on the ground with that terrifying gaze.

It seemed that what was in front of them was a tempting meal, ready to tear it apart alive and swallow it bit by bit.

"Don't, don't do this, we are friends!" Hong Mao squeaked while hiding behind him.

However, they cannot understand any language at all.

Of course, even their memories of the past seemed to be completely forgotten as their consciousness dissipated.

Looking at his original companion, looking at himself with a pair of fierce eyes.

The fear in Hong Mao's heart disappeared little by little.

The difference is that after this fear disappeared, it turned into hatred and anger towards the mysterious professor.

If it weren't for the professor, how could oneself and these companions become such a non-monkey or ghost?

It was the hateful professor who made them live in the days when they couldn't survive or die.

But in the end, they have to be transformed into this ghostly appearance.

I'm okay, it's just that the hair has been changed.

Looking at them... Basically, they have been greatly changed. Where is it like a monkey? It's just a monster.

The anger in Hong Mao's heart and hatred for the mysterious professor became more intense.

"Kill you, kill you!"

At this moment, from the monkey whose head was replaced with an orangutan, there was a creak.

But falling in Hongmao's ears, it turned into words like ‘kill you’.

It can be seen that they ran into the zoo several nights, and their real goal was to kill Hong Mao.

Could it be that the mysterious professor gave orders to these mutant monkeys?

But how can they or the professor know that they are in this zoo?

Although Hongmao is very smart, he still has a huge surprise with human beings in the way and method of thinking about things.

They didn't think that in today's world, there are such things as high technology.

It never occurred to me whether there was anything transplanted into my body in the process of being transformed by that professor.

Just as the mutant monkey was squeaking and killing you while squeaking, the other mutant monkeys around him also walked towards Hongmao.

Looking at the posture, it seemed that he was about to rush forward, and directly rushed forward, tearing the red hair alive.

Upon seeing this, it would be impossible for Hong Mao to say not to be afraid...

Although these are all his former companions, but when it comes to life and death, I am not afraid that they are all deceiving ghosts.

"Kill you, kill you!"

A few monkeys squeaked at the same time.

Keep talking, the same sentence.

Hearing these words, Hong Mao's heart became more and more fearful, and he kept moving backwards.

As a result, at this time.

It banged and seemed to hit something.

Quickly looking back, it was a big tree, directly blocking its retreat.

Upon seeing this, Hong Mao's heart became more and more frightened.

It seems that tonight, it is inevitable.

Also at this moment, the mutant companions, one by one with their teeth and claws, rushed directly at the red hair.

At the same time, there were waves of horrible weird calls.

Hong Mao trembled in his heart and closed his eyes silently. At the same time, in his mind, there were countless pictures that had been in the laboratory...


Just at this critical moment, a series of slight noises rang in Hong Mao's ears.


Then, there were waves of strange calls resounding in front of him.

Hong Mao quickly opened his eyes and saw the mutant monkeys who were about to attack it.

It turned out to be as if being attacked by something, back and forth again and again.

Looking at the ground, more than a dozen smashed apples are exuding a strong fruity fragrance.

The next second, there was another rustling voice.

In a blink of an eye, I saw dozens or even hundreds of monkeys appearing around the woods, all surrounding the area.

After a while, a relatively young and robust monkey walked out.

"Monster, dare to get into this king's territory to cause trouble? Are you impatient?"