Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 762: The legendary ghost house

Fengshi Old Town.

This is a place that carries a century of history in Feng City. As long as you walk into it, you can see many old buildings with a strong sense of history.

Entering here is like traveling back more than a hundred years ago.

It's just that in today's fast-developing society, many young people have already moved out of the old city.

Most of those who stay here are some elderly people.

For various reasons, I was reluctant to leave for a long time, and had a deep feeling for the plants and trees here.

However, it is in a very inconspicuous place.

There is a three-story small white building with European style, but it was built in the Republic of China.

It can be said that this small white building, which resembles a small castle, is the most beautiful scenery in the old city in the past century.

However, in the past ten years, this place has been called a ghost building by the locals.

And many times, there will be news of ghosts coming out here.

As soon as the news spread, many young people who like to explore came here on a special trip, wanting to find out.

What is strange is that all the people who have explored inside have some mental disorders after coming out.

No one is willing to tell in person what they met in that building or what happened.

Gradually, this place was closed forever and became a terrifying legend.

There are no more people who dare to go for some adventure in easy running.

The institution has not removed it for a long time, mainly because this small white building is of historical significance.

However, no one would have thought that there were traces of people living in this seemingly haunted house.

In Xiaobailou, there is a secret basement.

In this basement, there are many hidden secrets.

I'm afraid no one has thought that here, it is like a **** on earth, full of all kinds of unpleasant blood.

And there are many stumps and arms.

In the middle of the basement, there is an experimental platform on which various experimental tools are placed.

In front of the experimental platform, a gray-haired old man, who looked like he was 60 or 70 years old, was wearing a white coat and was doing a transplant experiment for an unknown monkey.

At this moment, a rush of telephone ringing rang without any warning.

The old man put down the tools in his hand, walked over with a frown, and picked up the phone.

There was no complaint, not even a word of dissatisfaction appeared on the surface, but was very urgent to put the call on.

"Hello? Yes, yes, everything is going smoothly here, yes, I have already arranged it, I believe that in a short period of time, I can create chaos in the city, yes, yes, yes, once this experimental plan succeeds, I will be a great Japanese , Will be far ahead in medicine, and can rule all mankind. Yes, please rest assured..."

After saying a few words, the old man hung up the phone.

If there are outsiders here at this time, you will definitely be surprised to find that when he called just now, the language he spoke was actually from Fusang.

In other words, he is not from Huaxia, but from Fusang...

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, a crescent moon rose into the sky and hung on it.

Countless stars are dotted in the ink-like night sky, forming a distinct spoon shape.

In the old town, a few cars came quietly.

Lin Fan and Little Fox sat in one of the Audi cars.

"Brother Xiao Fan, this is the old town?" Little Fox frowned.

After all, it is the old city, many buildings are aging, the street lights are dim and weak, emitting a dim light, dispersing the darkness around.

When the car stopped, Lin Fan smiled softly and said, "Yes, this is the old town, which represents everything in Fengshi in the past!"

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the red-haired monkey sitting next to him.

I saw the red-haired monkey. Ever since I came to this old town, my whole body has been trembling.

Looking at the past now, it seems more fearful than before.

Lin Fan frowned and asked, "This is where the laboratory is hidden? Do you remember the specific location?"

Hearing this, the red monkey raised his head slightly.

Looking out through the car window, the black area around seriously affects the vision.

After a while, the red monkey squeaked and said, "Master, it's here. I remember that laboratory is under the ground of a white house!"

"The white house?" Lin Fan frowned.

The old town says it’s big or not, but it’s not too small. Looking for a white house is not that simple.

Besides, Lin Fan is not very familiar with it.

Ever since, he took out the phone and dialed a number.

After a short time, the phone dialed and Wang Jianmin's voice came from inside.

"Hey, how is your investigation going on there?" Lin Fan said lowly.

"I just found out and I am about to call you. I have read all the historical materials of the old town. I really let me find a white old-fashioned building. It was built here by Ingrid. It is said that it was originally a church, but was later bought by a man of the will and converted into a residence!"

"It's just that this man of volition has not lived in this house for a long time. He returned to China in about two or three years, and has never returned, so the house has been vacant!"

"But just ten years ago, there was a rumor about that house. It was said that it was haunted by many people. Many people went in to see it, and the result was not very good. Now it has become a famous forbidden area in the old town near the house! "

On the phone, Wang Jianmin simply told Lin Fan the information he had investigated.

Hearing this, Lin Fan frowned.

Ghost House? In fact, there are rumors about ghost buildings in many cities.

It's just that some ghost buildings are just groundless and spread out by the public, and there is nothing sneaky.

And some ghost buildings are really weird, and some weird things often happen inside.

However, Lin Fan was skeptical of the house Wang Jianmin said.

"I want to know now, does that ghost building have personal ownership? In other words, does that house have an owner?" Lin Fan asked.

"Well, I really checked this, let alone, it really has an owner, and it is still alive, but its identity and background are a bit vague. It will be a while, and I can't find out in detail!" Wang Jianmin said.

"Oh? That's the case, I think I know it!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"What do you mean, Xiao Fan? Do you know what?" Wang Jianmin urged on the phone.

"Hehe, wait to tell you, where are you now?"

"I have led the team to the old town, and it's near the ghost building..."

"Okay, you wait, I'll go right away!"

When the voice fell, Lin Fan hung up, stepped on the accelerator, and drove straight to the location of the ‘ghost building’.