Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 764: The secret room in the ghost building

After Lin Fan's analysis, this legendary ghost building, which is famous far and near, does not seem so scary.

And in Wang Jianmin's view, there are indeed many doubts.

If the laboratory chooses to be here, it will really be difficult to be discovered.

Ever since, just when the police and the superintendent surrounded this ghost building.

Lin Fan, Wang Jianmin, and Little Fox also got out of the car and ran directly to the gate.

"Xiao Fan, what should we do? Let's just rush in?" Wang Jianmin turned around, looking at Lin Fan questioningly.


Lin Fan shook his head, and after dropping this sentence, he turned his head and looked behind.

As a result, in the next second, only a few black shadows'swish' flashed out of the darkness and stood in front of Lin Fan.

Looking down, it was the big yellow cat ingot with three guard dogs and three wolves.

A few of them are now life and death partners who cooperate tacitly. How many times have they been born and died.

In terms of combat, a certain tacit understanding has been formed.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "According to the plan we made before, go!"


The big yellow cat Yuanbao, meowing softly, directly raised his leg and rushed into the ghost building.

The remaining Mountain Dogs and Hei Mei quickly found other entrances and rushed in.

Wang Jianmin, who was next to him, saw him, raised his thumb secretly, nodded and said, "Xiao Fan, I have to say, these cats, dogs, and cats in your zoo are even more powerful than police dogs and military dogs. Not interested, come to the police to help train a few police dogs?"

Lin Fan rolled his eyes and said, "When is it now? You still have the mind to talk to me about this. Wait until the mysterious professor is talking about it!"

"Well, there is no problem with you tonight!" Wang Jianmin said confidently.

The surrounding air became very quiet.

Even the wind tonight seems to have become much smaller, as if they were deliberately cooperating with their actions tonight.

It didn't take long, only about three to five minutes passed.

There was a slight noise in the quiet building.

Then, I saw a dark shadow, which quickly flashed out of the window.

Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin glanced intently, but it was the big yellow cat ingot coming to Lin Fan's side.

"Meow, master, we found a tunnel with a secret room below!" the big yellow cat ingot meowed.

Wang Jianmin's failure to understand the language of the cats does not mean that Lin Fan can't understand either.

Nodded lightly, smiled and said to Wang Jianmin: "You take people here and wait for a while, and control everything around you. All the animals that run out of it, catch all the animals that don’t keep them, and there are animals that resist. Shoot it on the spot!"


Wang Jianmin was also taken aback when he heard Lin Fan's successive orders.

A mutated animal is an animal, and a mutated animal has a great influence on the research of an institution, and it may be possible to achieve a new breakthrough.

Killing directly like this is undoubtedly a loss for the organization.

Lin Fan did not give him too much opportunity to think about it. He said directly: "These mutant animals have basically lost their original consciousness after being transformed. In their bones, there are only endless killings. If they cannot be killed in time, If you win, you must kill, otherwise, once you run out, you will mess up the people of the city!"

Wang Jianmin nodded: "Xiao Fan, you still think carefully, so, I will send you two teams to go in with you? I don't know what's going on inside, so I just went in rashly. It's a bit too risky!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fan waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, there is a little fox following me, no danger will happen, don't worry!"

Without giving Wang Jianmin any chance to speak, Lin Fan himself took the little fox into the "Ghost Building".

Linda and Lin Shu returned to the car with the red monkeys.

In addition, two special police teams specially sent by Wang Jianmin are responsible for protecting the red monkeys.

In any case, Hongmao can be regarded as an indirect witness, and no danger should be allowed to happen to it.

When Lin Fan and the little fox walked into this legendary "Ghost Building", they saw a dark area around them, and they couldn't see anything clearly.

Vaguely, you can find the decoration and furnishings in the living room.

A pair of European and American models, furniture, sofas, and daily necessities are all readily available.

It can be seen that the master here did not take anything with him when he left. Perhaps in the heart of the former master, he still thought that he would come back to this place.

I just don't know for what reason he has never had a chance.

Looking at the furnishings of the furniture, you know that it has a sense of age.

Lin Fan and Little Fox frowned, walked around a set of sofas and ran directly inside.

The area of ​​this villa is not big or small.

A living room occupies an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, and there are many guest rooms, basically all on the first floor.

At this moment, the big yellow cat ingot flashed out and meowed slightly beside Lin Fan.

Lin Fan nodded and walked quickly with the little fox.

"Brother Xiaofan, it's a bit too scary here. If I let me in alone, I would be really scared!" Little Fox said lowly.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "What's so scary, don't worry, I am here!"

The little fox nodded repeatedly, holding Lin Fan's arm in both hands, and walking forward cautiously.

The big yellow cat led the way, turned a corner, passed a corridor that was not too long, and entered a room.

The room is not big, only about a dozen square meters.

According to the plan at that time, it looks more like a nanny room...

And in this nanny room, three guard dogs and three little wolves were guarded around.

But in the middle of them, there is a wardrobe standing there.

The door of the closet has been opened. Lin Fan walked closer and looked inside. He saw that behind the door of the closet, it was not some hanging clothes, pants, etc... but a pair of clothes that I didn’t know. The stairs leading to where.

"It's here, I didn't expect that the passage of this secret room would be so secretive!" Lin Fan said lowly.

Fortunately, he let the ingots come in beforehand and check the entire room.

You know, the sense of smell of animals is far stronger than that of humans, and they are very sensitive to some inexplicable tastes.

If humans come in and look for the entrance to the secret room, it is not only difficult to find here.

Even if it is found, it is easy to alarm the mysterious professor below.

"Let's go, I would also like to take a look, there are some shameful things hidden in it!"

Lin Fan smiled softly, and walked in quietly toward the secret room in the closet!