Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 765: Research base

The secret room in the ghost building is very hidden.

If it hadn't been for what the Red-haired Monkey had said before, even if Lin Fan and the others found this ghost building, it would be difficult for them to find the trace of the secret room.

Going down the stairs, I don't know how long no one has been here.

You can smell mold and dust from time to time in your snort.

"Be careful, there is moss here. If you don't walk steadily, you will fall easily!" Lin Fan said lowly to the little fox behind him.

The little fox nodded, even though she was a fox, she was very brave when fighting.

But maybe this is because she has something to do with her transformation into a human being. For some dark, unfamiliar, and secluded places, she always has an inexplicable sense of fear.

At this moment, the little fox is like an ordinary human girl, walking cautiously while holding Lin Fan's hand.

From the hands of the little fox, she can feel that she is very nervous now, and her hands are extremely cold.

On the other hand, look at the big yellow cat ingot and the guardian mountain dog.

But it seemed unusually lively, and in just a few minutes, he had already run down the stairs, waiting below, and observing the surroundings.

It's strange to say, I don't know since when the ingot, which was originally very courageous, became more courageous now.

Take the last few things as an example, sneaking, without knowing it, took the mountain dogs and ran to the mountains outside the zoo, soaking in hot springs every day.

There are many other times, people who don't sleep at night, sway around outside.

If this is changed before, where does it have the courage?

Especially this time, it was obviously a haunted house, but the big yellow cat ingot, without any fear, just took the lead and ran in.

Lin Fan was also watching its changes.

It's just that the situation is a bit special now, and Lin Fan doesn't have time to think about it.

Going down the stairs, you can see a long dark corridor on the right hand side, winding and twisting all the way to a far place.

A piece of black paint, if you change to another person, you can't see the situation inside.

For Lin Fan, it is not too difficult.

This corridor is almost fifty meters away. On the other end, there is a stone door, which is tightly closed.

Maybe it's behind Shimen, where the professor did the experiment.

Seeing this, Lin Fan said lowly: "Little fox, use your shamisen real fire to burn all the things on both sides of the corridor to death!"

"Yes, Brother Xiao Fan!" Little Fox nodded solemnly.

Even the big yellow cat Yuanbao and the Mountain Dog didn't notice. After hearing what Lin Fan said, they looked at both sides of the promenade.

As a result, it doesn't matter if you don't look at it. After seeing those things, the ingots and the mountain dogs almost didn't get frightened.

I saw on both sides of the promenade, densely packed with invisible things, with pointed ears, the whole body was black and gray, a pair of fleshy wings wrapped the body and stuck to the wall, it was really not easy Find.

At this moment, these things didn't seem to notice Lin Fan and the others, but were sleeping there collectively.

At this moment, the little fox stretched his hands.

Two weird orange flames burned in the palm of her hand without any signs.

"go with!"

In the next second, the little fox gave a soft drink and pushed forward with both hands.

I saw fireballs the size of two fists, rushing directly into the corridor.

Just before landing, the two fireballs suddenly magnified countless times when they heard two bangs.

In an instant, the entire corridor became blazing.

In the next second, all kinds of strange screams came out from the corridor, like waves of Boeing, and the ears were very painful.

Lin Fan frowned and shook his hand, but he didn't see much movement.

Seeing at the entrance of the corridor, a translucent protective cover suddenly appeared.

When the protective shield just appeared, all sounds were cut off.

Even the creatures that wanted to rush out were all blocked inside.

"These bats seem to have all been transformed. If they were just a little slower, the consequences would be hard to imagine!" Lin Fan said lowly.

The little fox nodded solemnly, and hated the mysterious professor more and more.

I really don't know how many animals that guy is hiding here.

When the fire weakened a little bit, until the end, all the mutant bats were turned into ashes.

Lin Fan then opened the protective cover.

In an instant, a scorching smell of heat and scorching hit the face.

Lin Fan and the little fox were so choked that they both blocked their noses quickly, and even the big yellow cat ingots had painful expressions.

"Let's go, walk through this corridor, there may be the laboratory inside!" Lin Fan said lowly.

Ever since, two people, with a few animals, went straight inside.

The little fox’s shamisen fire is very domineering, and hundreds of mutant bats burned in just a few minutes, all turned into rows of ashes, scattered on the floor of the corridor.

Walking on it, I can still feel a faint warmth coming from the soles of my feet.

The thick stone gate is like a thousand pounds.

But in Lin Fan's view, there is no difference between this and a piece of paper.

I saw his hands pressed hard, and the thick and heavy stone gate made a bang, not very loud, but very dull.

The moment the Shimen was pushed open, a strong light shone in from inside.

When Lin Fan looked inside, he was immediately startled.

Everything behind Shimen alone seemed incompatible with this ghost building.

What secret laboratory does this look like? It's simply an experimental base.

A long corridor looked like the kind that I saw in the movie. The incandescent light illuminated the surrounding area.

On both sides, there are many single rooms separated by glass.

In these glass single rooms, there are many animals, but all of them have various changes.

Either the hand or the foot is broken, or the head is completely gone.

It is not soaked in the potion, but like a specimen, placed inside for people to see.

From this scene alone, you can see how many **** experiments this so-called becoming a laboratory has done.

And those successful transplantation and transformation of animals are based on how many animal carcasses were completed...

Seeing this scene, the little fox looked angry.

As a result, at this time.

A strange cry came from the other side of the corridor.

When I looked up, I saw a few behemoths, rushing towards Lin Fan and the others...