Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 766: Master of Magic

"This, what are these? Also, are they also animals after being transformed?"

When a roar came, I saw six or seven behemoths in the corridor on the other end, roaring in bursts, while rushing towards Lin Fan and the others.

Seeing these strange monsters, even the little fox was taken aback.

Lin Fan frowned and said lowly: "If you guessed correctly, these may be black bears and little foxes that have been transformed afterwards, be careful, these guys are not easy to deal with!"

"Black bear?"

The little fox withdrew two steps back slightly, and took a closer look, isn't it a black bear?

That head, that body shape, I'm afraid no other animal besides bears can reach this level.

It's almost like a moving hill. When running over, it seemed that the earth was trembling.

Fortunately, this basement was relatively strong and safe when it was built.

Otherwise, Lin Fan was worried that the entire basement would collapse due to the running of these big guys.

"Bow bark bark!"

"Meow, Master, shall we run?"

At this moment, the big yellow cat Yuanbao and several mountain dogs next to each other expressed their respective attitudes.

Mountain Dogs themselves are good at fighting, and their nature is guardian, even if they face opponents stronger than them, they will not have any fear.

In addition, the Timberwolves are also the overlords of the forest, with endless wildness in their bones.

In the forest, what kind of opponents have they not met?

A few mutant bears are not a big threat to them.

Only the big yellow cat Yuanbao, after seeing these mutant bears, immediately behaved again.

Fortunately, Lin Fan was still praising it just now. Recently, he has made great progress and his courage has become much bigger.

Now it seems that is the case.

When you really see danger, the same will change...

Lin Fan frowned and said lowly: "Little fox, take them away, and I will solve these mutant bears!"

"Brother Xiaofan, let me come, I..."

"You can do whatever you want, take them back quickly!"

Before the little fox finished speaking, Lin Fan came over with a roar, making the little fox startled slightly.

The next second, when she came back to her senses, she didn't dare to argue with Lin Fan, and took a few guard dogs and Timberwolves away.

As for the big yellow cat ingot? Just when Lin Fan said the words to let them retreat, it ran away by itself and found a small corner to hide.

The mutant bear moves very fast, its seemingly clumsy body, but it moves quickly.

Within a few strides, he was already less than three meters away from Lin Fan.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled coldly and said: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and **** has no way but you are free to cast yourselves. Let me help you out, so that you don't live like this. Looks like..."

When the voice fell, Lin Fan shook his hands.

Gently drink in the mouth: "Illness!"

At the moment when this word was just blurted out, it suddenly became radiant around Lin Fan.

It seemed that there were countless colorful rays appearing beside him out of thin air.

In the next second, these lights turned into countless swords.

Just as Lin Fan single-handed, the sharp swords that these rays of light turned into directly attacked the black bears that were moving at full speed.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless lightsabers shot into the bodies of seven or eight black bears in an instant.

There was a strange scream, and I saw those huge black bears standing in place abruptly, their whole bodies trembling.

After a while, when all the lightsabers disappeared before my eyes.

These black bears seemed to be frozen, standing there still, and didn't rush towards Lin Fan.

Seeing the scene that just happened, especially around Lin Fan, there were so many lightsabers flashing, and several guard dogs and Timberwolves were all dumbfounded.

As a wolf or a dog, have you ever seen such a magical scene?

Let alone them, I'm afraid it is a human being, and there is no such scene in reality, right?

I am afraid that everything that happened just now can only be seen in the movie.

As a result, at this time.

I saw a mutant bear at the front, with straight eyes looking straight ahead.

Without any signs, the body noticed a slight change, leaning forward slightly.

Then, I listened to a muffled sound of ‘poof’.

The black bear fell directly to the ground, and at that moment, its body shattered into countless pieces.

In a short time, it disappeared without a trace, turned into a cloud of air, and disappeared.

This seemed to be a signal. The next few mutant bears also threw to the ground, just like the mutant bear that just fell to the ground, immediately turned into countless pieces, and then disappeared. In the air, it's gone...

This weird scene made the big yellow cat ingot and the mountain dog look dumbfounded.

"Yuanbao, just... what happened? Why are all those guys gone?" The marshal turned his head and looked at the Yuanbao hiding in the corner with a dumb face.

"Meow, lord, master knows magic!" Yuan Bao said in horror.

"Magic? What is that?" the general asked strangely.

"I've heard before that magic is a very powerful thing that only humans can learn, and as long as you learn this thing called magic, you can become very powerful. The owner is a human being who knows magic!" Yuan Bao said softly. Said.

"Isn't it? Magic is so powerful?"

"Unexpectedly, our master can still magic?"

"Yuanbao, why can't we learn it? If we can also learn that kind of magic, won't we become invincible in the future?"

"Invincible? With the master, you can never become invincible!"

"Yes, yes, let's be honest in the future, don't make the master angry!"

"Hmm, I don't want to become those bears, disappear in the air!"

"My dog's life shouldn't be so short..."

"Shut up, the master turned around."

Just when a few of them were whispering behind.

Lin Fan turned his head, his face was neither sad nor happy, without any extra expressions.

He just smiled and said, "Yuan Bao, General, what are you doing there? Let's go, let's go in!"



"Follow the master and have meat to eat!"

"I prefer soup!"

While shouting, these strange flowers ran towards Lin Fan and the little fox.

At this moment, they don't seem to be nervous or afraid.

They seem to be much easier than when they just came down.

Perhaps it was the ‘magic’ stunt that Lin Fan showed just now, which made their hearts feel quite stable.