Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 773: Telling ghost stories at night

Although the old city is also in Fengshi, it is not close to the zoo.

Let the big yellow cat ingot and the mountain dog walk back to the zoo alone.

This punishment is already serious.

Lin Fan also wanted to take this opportunity to teach them a lesson.

Just before, in the basement of the ghost building, a few of them ran into the place where the medicine was stored and made a mess there. Fortunately, nothing too much happened.

Otherwise, they don't even know how to's a little lesson for them.

At more than eleven o'clock at night, no one was visible on the empty road in the old city.

Not to mention the silhouettes of people, even taxis rarely come here.

This is not surprising. Today's old city has long lost its former prosperity. Compared with the new city, it looks extremely backward.

In addition to many young people, all have moved here.

Every night, the old town becomes very quiet and every household turns off the lights to sleep early.

On the road, pedestrians are rarely seen.

At this moment, a ray of luminous moonlight was emitted in the sky where a crescent moon was hanging.

The dimly yellow street lamp weakly drove the surrounding darkness.

On the empty road, the big yellow cat Yuanbao, three guard dogs and three Timberwolves were strolling on it.

On the ground, several long reflections were also drawn.

"Wang Wang Wang, Yuan Bao, I blame you, if it weren't for you to scare us, we wouldn't let the master punish us and walk home!" the general complained.

"Blam me? General, what you said is wrong, just a joke, if you don't chase me, you won't become like this, speaking of it, everyone is wrong!" Yuan Bao retorted.

"What? Yuanbao, what's wrong with us? I and Big Tou have hammers, but they didn't chase you. Only the general and the marshal are chasing you. Don't rely on us!" Hei Mei stared, a little bit Not happy anymore.

"Well, it's my fault, it's all my fault, okay!" The marshal said impatiently.

"Ahem, what a big deal. As for what you are fighting over here? Why did the master let us walk home? He wants to give us a punishment and a lesson so that we will not do such things in the future. Is it interesting to fight? With that strength, it is better to speed up and go back to rest soon!" The always taciturn big head unexpectedly said something meaningful.

This made the rest of the mountain dogs and ingots all startled and looked a little surprised.

"Yes, yes, it's weird here, I don't like it very much, let's go back soon!" The hammer also quickly agreed.

Ever since, no one is blaming anyone.

At the same time, he quickened his pace and walked quickly toward the zoo.

To be honest, the old city at night is indeed a bit scary.

Originally, this is the old city that has been left over for hundreds of years. Various buildings also have a strong sense of history.

In addition, the population of the old city is now decreasing. Don't even talk about seeing people at night, not even an animal, but the dim street light shines.

Invisibly, it adds some horrible atmosphere to the old city.

Yuan Bao, who was born as a stray cat, immediately turned into a mysterious look and said: "Brothers, do you know that there are many horrible legends in the old city. When I was wandering, I never knew Coming to this place, not only me, but other cat and dog brothers, will not come to this place..."

The originally dull atmosphere, after a few words from Yuanbao, completely lifted everyone's curiosity.

"Yuanbao, what are the rumors in the old town?"

"Yeah, why don't you dare to come here? There are lions and tigers here?"

"Isn't there a ghost? When I was in my hometown, I had heard of ghosts. They look like humans, but they are much uglier than humans. They can't be seen during the day, but can only be seen at night, right?"

The Mountain Dogs and Timberwolves were all very curious and asked.

Especially the mountain dogs, they also lived for a period of time when they were in their hometown in Changbai Prefecture.

In the village, people often talk about Apiao.

There are all kinds of sayings, what are scary, funny, and romantic... These stories are put together, and they are about to write another "Liao Zhai".

Of course, they don't know this, they just heard that occasionally.

Yuan Bao is different, because I have been wandering outside for a long time, and I have heard much more things than those pet cats and dogs who stay at home all year round, and I have more knowledge.

Therefore, it does not know how many times it has heard of various rumors in the old city.

These rumors can now be used to kill some time for everyone, but also to let them return to the zoo without knowing it.

I have to say that Yuan Bao is a very clever cat.

"I heard that, a long time ago, there was no me at that time, let alone you... There have been many, many horrible things here, so much that you can’t imagine... this I heard an old dog tell me about it, and he also heard it from his previous owner..."

Ever since, the big yellow cat ingot, with a depressed voice, told the mountain dog and the Timberwolves a very scary story.

Yuan Bao seems to be a cat who is good at telling stories by nature, and while it is telling it, it also performs various exaggerated movements.

From time to time, I jumped from one end to the other, and then jumped back from the other end.

Just like this, the guardian dog and the Timberwolf, who have always been fearless and fearless, were so scared that their hairs were about to stand up.

Before they knew it, they didn't even realize that they had walked out of the old city, and they were fully focused on listening to the story of Yuanbao.

"That day, the black cat disappeared from the house. Its owner was lying on the cold ground with bright red blood flowing around him. The whole room was full of **** smell...a ray of moonlight shone, Just outside this house, there was a vaguely old lady, carrying a woven bag in her hand, walking slowly towards the house, while talking lowly...Collect the garbage! "

The voice fell, and the surrounding area was quiet.

Yuan Bao turned his head and saw the general and the marshal and Hei Mei walking with strange expressions.

Seeing that, it seems that the story I just told them scared them all.

"How about it, is this okay? In fact, I still have a lot of stories like this, all of them happened in the old city. Would you like me to tell you one?" Yuan Bao said triumphantly.

"Don't, don't talk about it, I, I'm a little scared!" The marshal shook his head.

The big head and the hammer also echoed nearby.

However, at this time.

Yuan Bao turned around abruptly and screamed: "Fuck, wouldn't it be such a coincidence? Look at the old lady with a woven bag over there!"

The mountain dog and the Timberwolves turned their heads together, and under the moonlight, there was a rickety old lady who was slowly walking towards them.

"Run, she wants to collect garbage!"

I don't know who it is. At this moment, I yelled, and before the sound fell, I saw that the big yellow cat ingot was the main one, and a light was flying towards the front.