Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 774: Small Internet Research

Things in the underground laboratory in the old city did not spring up like mushrooms.

This incident seems to have never happened in Feng City.

Three consecutive days passed without relevant reports or news. People in the city were immersed in a joyous atmosphere.

After all, the Spring Festival is about to be celebrated, and every household is preparing for the New Year and everything related to the New Year.

Lin Fan knew that the main reason for this situation was that Wang Jianmin and related departments had completely blocked the news.

After all, this is not a trivial matter. A biologist from Fuso has been hiding in this city for more than ten years, and has also researched so many things.

If this matter is really going to be spread, it is inevitable that some people will believe it and leave it alone, causing public panic.

What's more, it's the New Year's Eve now, what can this happen?

During these three days, Wang Jianmin personally visited the zoo several times.

First, I would like to thank Lin Fan for his help. After solving such a big trouble, he added another insurance for his promotion to deputy director.

Even though the position of the deputy director has been rumored to be defaulted, but Wang Jianmin's great credit is also visible from the upper leadership.

If you're not sure, you can just give the guy who has been appointed to go straight down.

Of course, there are some factors related to Lin Fan that can happen.

You know, Lin Fan's identity is very famous in Feng City, and it is also very famous in other places.

Who didn't know that the backer behind Lin Fan had the shadow of the Ye family?

The relationship between Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin is pretty good. If you really want to squeeze Wang Jianmin down as originally scheduled, in exchange for a default deputy director.

Invisibly, it was tantamount to offending Lin Fan and the Ye family in Kyoto.

For some people, this is not worth the gain... Moreover, the credit and achievements that Wang Jianmin has made in the past six months are obvious to all.

In the provincial government, there are not a few people who support Wang Jianmin.

Therefore, it is really not easy to say who the position of the deputy director will ultimately fall.

Secondly, when Wang Jianmin came, he also conveyed news to Lin Fan.

The value and importance of the experimental report that he gave to Wang Jianmin in the laboratory was verified by experts, and it was even more important than the biological professor who captured the hibiscus alive.

Through this experimental report, it is impossible to say that on this basis, the organization can once again improve a lot in some aspects, especially for medicine, which has an indelible contribution...

For this, Lin Fan just smiled slightly.

This has nothing to do with him, there is only so much that can help.

What he would get, it had nothing to do with Lin Fan.

Ever since, in these two days, Lin Fan also lived a relatively comfortable life.

Just like everyone else, in the immersive festive atmosphere... the Spring Festival is approaching, and the entire Feng City is shrouded in joy.

This morning, Lin Fan just woke up, washed briefly, and walked out of the room.

As a result, I heard the voice of Xiaoyu and Little Fox talking downstairs.

"Sister Fox, look there, there are new messages here!" Xiaoyu said excitedly.

"Yeah, I saw it. We are going to open a crocodile pool for the zoo and add some precious species of crocodiles?"

"Crocodile? Little Fox sister, what kind of animal is that?" Xiaoyu asked strangely.

She didn't come to the zoo for a long time. To be precise, she came to this world for a short time.

I don’t understand many things and many animals.

As far as the animals she knows, they are probably only confined to this zoo.

She knows some tigers, pandas, wolves, and the like, but she is relatively unfamiliar with alligators.

Although in the aquarium, there is a Chinese alligator.

Because of little contact, I don't know what that Chinese alligator is.

"Crocodile, how do you say it, yes, there is a crocodile in our zoo, in the aquarium, you should have seen it too!" The little fox said with a smile.

"Where? Where? Little Fox sister, why haven't I seen it?" Xiaoyu said with a look of excitement.

"Have you not seen it? It's the Chinese alligator, more than two meters long, and it seems to be wearing a layer of armor!" said the little fox.

"Ah? Chinese alligator? Is it that ugly thing?" Xiaoyu said with a frown.

"Hmm, yes, it's the ugly thing!"

"Then, that's not it, that Chinese alligator is so ugly, no one will like it..."

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, the little fox and Lin Qianqian beside them all smiled softly.

Xiaoyu frowned and continued to look at the laptop in front of her.

"Can you add a few polar bears and penguins to the zoo? The animals in the zoo are a bit monotonous!"

"There are giraffes, can you give me two elephants?"

"Are there dinosaurs? Can you get two dinosaurs?"

Seeing the last comment, Xiaoyu didn't say anything, and she didn't know what kind of animal the so-called dinosaur was.

But Lin Qianqian and Little Fox frowned.

"Give me the dinosaur? I'll show it to you in a cage, and be a dinosaur for tourists to watch!" Lin Qianqian said.

Hearing this, the little fox "poofed" and laughed directly.

At this moment, Lin Fan walked down the stairs.

"Why are you laughing? So happy to say it? Share it and let me follow it!"

Hearing this, several girls turned around one after another.

Xiaoyu stood up with a happy face, and ran straight to Lin Fan.

"We are doing an online survey, you see, here are all the messages left by netizens!" Xiaoyu said happily.

Lin Fan glanced down, and sure enough, there were quite a few comments on it.

At a glance, basically all of them are suggesting whether the zoo should add some new animals, or what animals to add...

"Who did this?"

Lin Fan didn't believe it, Xiaoyu would think of doing online investigations!

"It's me, I think recently, our zoo is a bit monotonous, and there are only a few animals going back and forth. I thought, it's better to do a small online survey on the Internet to see what the public likes!" Lin Qianqian As if a kid who did something wrong, said with his head down.

However, Lin Fan laughed directly.

"Well, this method is very good. Why didn't I think of it before. Let's do it. You are going to give a summary to see which animals you like more. Then give me a piece of information. Well, our zoo, indeed It's time to add some new blood!" Lin Fan said with a light smile.

Moreover, not only did the words not mean to blame Lin Qianqian, but on the contrary, they also greatly appreciated her idea!