Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 776: Mystery Gift Pack

"Dad, there is little fish, and little fish can do something for the zoo!"

Just when Lin Fan arranged everyone to appear.

The little fish, who had been sitting on the sofa, was full of expectations, but pouted and spoke quickly.

Hearing this, Lin Fan and Little Fox couldn't help laughing.

"Little fish, what can you do?" Little Fox asked with a smile beside him.

"I, I can do a lot of things, I can also clean, I can also take the animals to play, I can still..." Xiaoyu innocently counted the things she could do.

Seeing Xiaoyu's innocent look, Lin Fan couldn't bear to leave her behind.

What's more, it is already winter vacation. If everyone is busy, and Xiaoyu is idle alone, it will inevitably dispel her enthusiasm and create a strong sense of gap in her heart.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if this gap is too large, it will be harmful to her future growth.

Lin Fan thought for a while and said, "Since our zoo has reopened, it has been very good in all aspects, except for an important department!"

As the words fell, everyone's eyes turned towards Lin Fan.

"In this age of advanced network technology, let alone a large-scale enterprise like our zoo, even the tofu workshop under the mountain has its own QR code and official account. I think our zoo is also time to establish a The official Weibo account is released. Every day, it mainly publishes some zoo news and some small videos of animals!"

"This way, not only can everyone have a more comprehensive understanding of the zoo, but it can also attract more tourists' attention!" Lin Fan said with a light smile.

Hearing Lin Fan's words, everyone nodded involuntarily.

"Yes, our zoo should indeed have an official Weibo account of its own. You may not know it. Just last year, I saw that the Star Zoo next door had its own Weibo account!"

"Yeah, our zoo has been reopened for so long, and there has never been a Weibo account. We should indeed create one!"

"I agree!"

"I also agree and fully support!"

These people in the living room nodded in agreement.

In fact, having a Weibo account belonging to the zoo is equivalent to having a business card for the zoo.

If you want to know more about the zoo, it will be much more convenient to check it directly in your Weibo account.

Lin Fan had always had this idea before, creating a Weibo account and posting daily small videos of various animals in the zoo every day.

When you have any news, you can also post it on Weibo.

It's just that he is busy running around every day, even if he sets up a Weibo account, I am afraid he does not have the time to take care of it.

Now the zoo has become more regular under his rearrangement.

How can a formal zoo not have a public Weibo account?

Seeing that everyone was very satisfied with this proposal, Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "Well, since everyone has no objections, we will formally establish a Weibo account starting today. Well, as for who will manage it, I Think there is nothing more suitable than Lin Qianqian and our Xiaoyu?"

"Brother Fan, nothing wrong, this kind of thing should be left to young people!" Li Qiang said with a smile beside him.

"Well, looking at our zoo, Qianqian and Xiaoyu can manage this. I can't!"

"Leave it to Xiaoyu and Qianqian, I'm relieved!"

For a while, everyone came to express their views and also supported Lin Fan's arrangement.

Although a Weibo account is equivalent to the facade of the zoo.

But relatively speaking, it is not that important. The real management is still in the zoo.

And if you are responsible for the Weibo account and hand it to Lin Qianqian and Xiaoyu, it is indeed the most suitable.

After all, young people prefer to go online, and they understand and understand the animals on the Internet better.

However, this has a different meaning for Xiaoyu and Lin Qianqian.

Putting them in charge of the official Weibo in the zoo is equivalent to becoming a member of the zoo.

Of course, Xiaoyu is still young, she would not think about it so much.

Lin Qianqian is different. Since coming to the zoo and becoming a member of the zoo, she has always wanted to do something.

As a former killer, his personality is inherently withdrawn.

Here in the zoo, although no one has ever treated her as an outsider, she is inevitably a little uncomfortable herself.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that she still feels like eating for nothing.

Now let her manage Weibo, although it is not a particularly important job.

But at any rate, there is something to do.

Suddenly, the faces of the two girls all showed happy smiles.

After all the personnel were arranged, everyone sat in the hall and talked about the future of the zoo and the plans for Dayang Island.

Seeing that the Chinese New Year is about to be celebrated, the development of Dayang Island will be on the agenda when the Chinese New Year is over.

In other words, in the next six months, or one year, Lin Fan's center of gravity may all be used on Dayang Island.

After all, there is Lin Fan's entire plan for the future, and the focus will be all on it, there can be no mistakes.

Talking until more than nine o'clock in the evening, everyone has been busy all day, and now they all look tired.

Ever since, they dispersed separately, returned to their place, and went to rest.

In an instant, Lin Fan was the only one left in the huge living room.

At this time, he took out his mobile phone and logged into the "Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo" game.

Looking at everything that is extremely familiar inside, including each function, it feels like a world away.

Thinking that when the zoo was facing bankruptcy, and Lin Fan didn't know what to do, this magical game appeared inexplicably.

It is this game that allowed Lin Fan to go all the way to today and develop the zoo to its current scale.

It has to be said that this game is very helpful to Lin Fan.

It's just that in the recent time, for almost a month or two, I rarely log in to the game.

I rarely interacted with game assistants.

Nowadays, when opening this game, it is inevitable to feel a little bit more in my heart.

[Welcome players to come back, the little assistant specially prepares a gift for the players, please check! 】

Look at the familiar dialog box and the voice of the game assistant.

Lin Fan smiled softly, and while opening the so-called mysterious gift, he said softly: "Old friend, let's meet again!"