Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 792: Wasp Information

The Scout Wasp, spinning around Lin Fan's head twice, finally landed directly on Lin Fan's shoulder.

Seeing this scene, Yang Xin and Feng Keke next to them were all a little surprised.

It's winter now, how can hornet appear in winter?

The most important thing is that even though Yang Xin is called a "pure man" by the outside, he is still a woman in his bones.

After seeing the hornet falling on Lin Fan's shoulder, he yelled in fright and quickly fled to the side.

The same was true for Feng Keke, he just opened the door and ran out.

Lin Fan ignored this, and through mental fluctuations, the Scout Hornet conveyed to Lin Fan all the clues he had just obtained.

After a while, Lin Fan smiled and nodded, put the wasp on his finger, and with a light flick, the wasp flew out directly along the window.

Until this time, Feng Keke and Yang Xin finally settled down.

"No, there are hornets in the winter?" Yang Xin walked over and said with a look of surprise.

"Mr. Lin, this, isn't this the wasp in your zoo? You raised it yourself?" Feng Keke said in surprise.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "I really made you right. This is indeed the hornet kept in my zoo, but after my training, these hornets have now become scouts!"

"Really? It can also be used for scouts at the Hornet training ground? If it can be used in our criminal police team or the army, wouldn't it be better than military dogs?" Yang Xin frowned, half-trusted Said.

Lin Fan did not continue to explain, but his face condensed, and he said seriously: "Okay, Captain Yang, just got the news, I already know where the sword of Garemy is and where it is!"


Just when Lin Fan's voice just fell, Yang Xin hadn't recovered yet.

I saw that Han Yu, who had been drinking too much, and Father Zheng, and Feng Keke, all slammed the table and stood up.

Especially Father Zheng and Han Yu, both eyes and faces were flushed.

Standing there was still shaking slightly.

The reason why they are like this is mainly because they have become very sensitive to the words "Garemy's Sword"... and it is not even an exaggeration to say that this is already deep in their hearts. .

Looking at the exaggerated appearances of several people, Lin Fan smiled lightly.

"Xiao Fan, are you sure? Just, are you just getting the news from the scout hornet just now?" Yang Xin frowned and asked.

"Yes, it's the news that the wasp just conveyed to me. Of course, you can choose not to believe it, but I don't have time to explain to you now!" Lin Fan said.

When the voice fell, he got up and left.

Although Feng Keke didn't speak, he picked up his bag and wanted to chase it out together.

"By the way, Miss Feng, you should help find someone and send the old man and Han Yu back. Both of them didn't drink less. Throw them here for fear of some danger!" Lin Fan replied Speaking too far.

Hearing this, Feng Keke was startled.

Looking back at Father Zheng and Han Yu, who were lying on the table again, biting their lips.

Although deep in her heart, she still hopes to follow Lin Fan to find the missing Garemie sword in person... But as Lin Fan said, she left the father and Han Yu alone. Here, if something happens, she still has to take absolute responsibility.

"Then, that's fine, but Mr. Lin, please be careful!" Feng Keke said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, there's me, Xiao Fan, wait a minute, I'll call the criminal police team, let's go together!" Yang Xin said from behind.

"There is no time, Captain Yang, you must organize the manpower first. I have to go there immediately. If I am late, I am afraid I will not be able to find anyone... Oh, and I will give you the location later. Send it to the phone!" Lin Fan dropped these words, but people had already opened the door and walked out.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Yang Xin frowned and quickly took out the phone.

Although she is still half-believing now, Lin Fan has never made any mistakes.

Maybe, that hornet really brought unexpected news.

If you can retrieve the lost Garemy Sword in such a short period of time and catch the thief, you will definitely make another great achievement.

Maybe it will break the record of serious and important cases and solve the fastest cases.

Yang Xin didn't dare to be careless, and quickly called out.

"Hey, this is Yang Xin. Now that there is a situation, I will call the Master immediately and gather at the Delong Street corner, waiting for the next order!"

When the voice fell, Yang Xin hung up the phone and walked directly outside the private room.

At this moment, Lin Fan came out of the restaurant and drove in one direction directly.

And that direction is the Xianghe Park where Luo Tian and the mysterious man had contact before.

Delong Street is not too far from Xianghe Park. If there are no accidents on the road and there are no traffic jams, it will be almost ten minutes away.

But now it is not the morning peak period, and the chance of traffic jams will be greatly reduced.

Ever since, Lin Fan went smoothly.

Just ten minutes later, he stopped steadily in the parking lot outside Xianghe Park.

However, just when he walked into the park.

A hornet did not know where it came from, flapping its wings and flew out.

After spinning around Lin Fan a few times, and through the spiritual connection, all the information was conveyed to the past.

After getting the new information, Lin Fan frowned.

"Oh? They actually left? Where did they go?"

The Hornet sent out a mental connection again, and waves of fluctuations, like electric waves, accurately passed into Lin Fan's mind.

"Well, it's the best, let's go, you lead the way!" Lin Fan nodded.

The wasp got the order, suddenly turned around, and flew toward the parking lot.

Just in the spirit of the Hornet, Lin Fan learned that Luo Tian had just left here with a box containing Garemi's sword.

He and Lin Fan are equivalent to the front and back feet.

Therefore, the difference between the two parties is not too far, about three to five minutes.

Another hornet had already followed Luo Tian to leave, but this hornet was staying here, waiting for Lin Fan.

When Lin Fan got in the car, the wasp led the way.

The speed is not very fast, after all, the speed of the wasp is limited.

Ever since, a hornet and a car rushed in the direction Luo Tian left, chasing them without hurried...