Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 793: Baby in the box

"Sister Xin, is this reliable? Only a hornet can determine the suspect?"

When Yang Xin assembled the team, divided into four cars, and rushed to the address given by Lin Fan.

In the car, a detective who usually has a good relationship with Yang Xin said in confusion.

This is normal. Let a wasp be a scout, which is far beyond human understanding.

Now, relying on the clues provided by a scout hornet, he is so excited to catch the suspect in the theft case?

No matter from which angle you think about it, it's a bit unreliable.

For them, they believe in science, evidence and theory more.

Believing in a hornet for no reason...this is their leader, if someone else lets them pass a hornet to hunt down the suspect.

It is estimated that they had already knocked this person down and sent him to the nearest psychiatric treatment center.

Nima, this is simply a neurosis.

Yang Xin's face was very serious, there was no smile on it, and he said softly: "Wasp may not be reliable, but I believe what he said!"

"He? Sister Xin, who is he?"

"Don't talk so much, what the boss asks you to do, do what you do is right, believing it or not, open the door and kick you out of the car?"

"Hey, this is what you can do. You can kick a try..."

For a while, several people were in the car, but they joked with each other.

And Yang Xin was sitting in the position of the co-pilot, looking out the window of the car, a little in a daze, no one knew what she was thinking at this moment.

At the same time, a luxurious restaurant named Emgrand in Feng City.

In a certain box, several young men and women are sitting there, eating and drinking.

From time to time, there are a few noises, and it seems very happy.

One of them was Luo Tian, ​​who had just returned from Xianghe Park. On his left hand, there was a rectangular wooden box with a pocket on the outside, which looked like an instrument.

"I said Xiaotian, what do you put in it? Take it out and let the brothers open their eyes!" A man said curiously when he was half drinking.

In fact, their curiosity began when Luo Tian first brought this box into the door.

Luo Tian usually doesn't care about everything.

Not to mention a wooden box, even a watch worth hundreds of thousands of pieces, as long as one of his friends is in the match, he will take it down and give it to the other party.

But today is very strange. Luo Tian is not only very precious to this box, no matter who wants to open it, he will be reprimanded by Luo Tian, ​​or simply change the subject.

In this way, the people around are more interested in this wooden box.

No, a few glasses of wine make my courage up again.

"That's right, open your eyes to our brothers, don't be so stingy!" A man next to him also said with a booze.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, drink your wine, see what to see, and tell you, this box contains the happiness of Lao Tzu. If you take a look at it, my happiness is gone. Who can afford it? ?" Luo Tian said a little displeased.

"Yo, still happy, hahaha!" Hearing this, everyone in the room laughed.

"The happiness of your Lord Luo is right in front of you? As long as you like it, you can choose these beautiful girls, which one is not happy?"

"That's right, Luo Tian, ​​you are a bit abnormal today, don't you have any treasure in it?"

"Really? What baby, then I really have to see it with my own eyes!"

While speaking, several men stood up one after another, rushing towards Luo Tian and the mysterious wooden box.

They didn't think too much, just out of curiosity.

Sometimes people are like this.

The more you don't let him do anything, the more he wants to do it, for no other reason, but that bit of **** curiosity is faintly haunting him.

A few people walked staggeringly, this is because the three of them went to hug Luotian and control him by just drinking some wine, and the wine was so courageous.

The other two people are responsible for opening the wooden box.

There were a few girls who witnessed all this with a smile and did not participate.

"Stop it, do you hear it? Don't open that wooden box!" Luo Tian shouted while struggling hard.

"Hey, share good things together, don't be so stingy!"

"Yeah, we don't want it either, just want to see what's inside!"

Several people said with a smile there.

"Fuck, are you all looking for death? Who, do you dare to open the box for me to see?" Luo Tian was angry.

However, they did not realize it at all.

I thought Luo Tian was joking with them, and didn't take it seriously.

In normal times, Luo Tian and his friends, friends and foxes, often eat and drink together, and pick up girls together.

These few people have good family conditions and backgrounds, but Luo Tian's family conditions are the best.

Therefore, in normal times, they also respect Luo Tian.

In the old days, squabbles like this one happened frequently, so no one took Luo Tian's anger seriously.


The box is not locked, and the lid is opened with a light press.

However, when the two people who opened the box saw the contents of the box, they were all a bit stunned.

A short sword is more than half a meter long.

But the sword was shining brightly, as if it could illuminate the shadow of a person.

The hilt of the sword is inlaid with various gems, large and small, and they are extremely dazzling.

In the very center, there is also an azure blue opal inlaid with sparkles.

Although they don't know much about these gems and ancient swords.

However, you can tell at a glance that this sword is definitely of a lot of origin and value.

Especially the opal is simply the best among them.

Crystal clear, round and soft.

It is as if it was formed naturally without any artificial polishing.

Especially the girls next to them, when they saw the gem on the sword and the opal, they whispered inconceivably.

"I'm going, Luo Tian, ​​this sword is not bad, where did you get it?"

"The blame has to be shown to us. This is simply a valuable treasure. Luo Tian wouldn't you secretly take it out of your dad's auction house, right?"

"No? Luo Tian, ​​if you do this to let your dad know, then it's worth it? Why don't you just sell it to me?"

Each of these friends, friends, friends, as if seeing some peerless treasure, couldn't put it down.

There are even people who want to bid directly and buy it.

As a result, at this time.

As soon as the door opened, a young man walked in with a faint smile on his face and said, "Excuse me, this sword is not for sale!"