Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 794: Son debt and father repayment

"Xiaotian, this, this is..."

Seeing Lin Fan walk in, several people in the box, including Luo Tian, ​​were all bewildered.

This is not surprising, although Wanjie Zoo is now in Fengshi, and even in China, it is a famous existence.

However, Lin Fan's reputation was far inferior to that of the zoo.

It was only in a small circle that Lin Fan's name was kept circulating.

As for the wealthy second-generation generations who are in good family conditions, their focus is neither Lin Fan nor a zoo.

Most of the time, it is not mixed in various night scenes and bars, or in private clubs.

They are nothing more than famous cars, famous watches, supermodels...

Like Lin Fan, how would they know?

"Who are you?" Luo Tian frowned, stood up and said suspiciously.

Lin Fan smiled lightly, and under the surprised eyes of several people, he pulled it over and sat directly on the chair.

"Dude, what did you mean by that? This sword is not for sale?" One of the men asked with a smile.

They had heard what Luo Tian said just now, and they didn't even know the person in front of them.

That being the case, he still dared to say such a thing, it seemed a bit brazen.

"That's right, buddy, you are a bit unkind, right? What do you mean?" Another man walked over and said with an unkind expression.

Lin Fan smiled and shook his head. He ignored the two people in front of him. Instead, his eyes flashed and fell directly on Luo Tian, ​​saying: "Luo Tian? Well, where did you get this sword? "

Hearing this, Luo Tian's expression changed.

"You, what do you mean? Where did I get it, what is your business?" Luo Tian said.

"Hehe, if it's something else, of course it doesn't matter to me, but..." At this point, Lin Fan's face condensed, and his eyes looked at Luo Tian like ice. "This sword, just It has something to do with me..."

When the voice fell, the atmosphere in the whole box suddenly became weird.

The temperature also dropped to below zero at this moment.

The rest of the people were still at a loss, and they didn't understand what the dialogue between Lin Fan and Luo Tian meant.

But Luo Tian himself had a ghost in his heart, and now facing Lin Fan's questioning, his heart suddenly became a little nervous.

The most important thing is...from when Lin Fan first came in, he felt that the man in front of him seemed a bit familiar.

And when Lin Fan went straight to the question of the origin of the sword, he felt ‘thump’ in his heart, as if he had seen him at the door of Wanxiang Auction House in the morning.

That's right, standing next to Feng Keke, he finally remembered now.

In other words, the man in front of him was simply directed at him...or was he directed at this Garemie sword?

Luo Tian's heart became extremely complicated. You must know that he did these things, but hid everyone, including his father Luo Hongzhong, secretly finding someone to steal the sword.

The main reason is that he has been pursuing Feng Keke for failure. In addition, Wanxiang Auction House is becoming more and more famous in the world and its business is getting better and better.

There are even people who assert that if such development continues, it will take less than five years for Wanxiang Auction House’s momentum to directly surpass Qitian Auction House, and the worst is going to be on par.

In this way, he would become extremely difficult when he wanted to pursue Feng Keke.

Of course, ordinary people are unpredictable about the thoughts of these wealthy sons...In his opinion, he can only have a chance to get Feng Keke by letting Wanxiang fall from power and leaving Feng Keke with nothing.

Ever since, he took advantage of the sensational auction that Wan Xiang was about to hold two days later, looking for someone to invite a skilled stealer to steal the Garemie Sword.

He was thinking that as long as Wan Xiang couldn't bring out the real Garemie sword on the day of the auction, then Wan Xiang would not be able to gain a foothold in the world.

By that time, Feng Keke would belong to him.

Now seeing the uninvited Lin Fan and Luo Tian, ​​who was already guilty, his heart was almost sinking to the bottom.

However, he also knows the pros and cons. If this is the time, he really admits that this sword was stolen by himself, let alone a rich man in his own neighborhood.

Even if his father Luo Hongzhong came out, there was no way to protect him.

And because of this incident, it would be a burden to Qitian Auction House...By that time, he would be completely finished.

Ever since, he felt his heart sullenly and said coldly: "My buddy, I don't know what you mean, but this sword is privately owned. Even if you are really interested, I can't give up my love, please!"

With that said, Luo Tian was ready to see off the guests.

And the few friends around him sneered when they heard this.

"Have you heard? Our Lord Luo Tian didn't plan to sell it, buddy, should you go too?"

"Yeah, don't think you have money, what if you have money?"

Several people clamored, and they were about to walk up directly and forcibly throw Lin Fan out.

However, Lin Fan smiled coldly and said, "Well, I've never seen such a shameless person before, so that's it!"

When the words fell, Lin Fan clapped his hands.

The next second, when Luo Tian and his few friends did not react to what Lin Fan was going to do.

He listened to the door, and was kicked open from the outside.


After a loud noise, only a middle-aged man walked in angrily.

"Dad? You, why are you here?"

Seeing the middle-aged man, Luo Tian's eyes almost didn't fall out.

Yes, today this person is the boss of Qitian Auction House, that is, Luo Hongzhong, Luo Tian's father.

After Luo Hongzhong came in, he didn't go to see anyone and walked over to Luo Tian directly.

His face was gloomy and terrible, as if he was about to bleed.

"Dad, I, I..." Luo Tian was about to speak.

Just listen to Luo Hongzhong yelling: "Evil son, how can I give birth to you!"


He slapped him fiercely and slapped Luo Tian's face directly.

He staggered and almost didn't fall.

In an instant, everyone in the room was stunned.

In front of so many people, Luo Hongzhong slapped his beloved son Luo Tian angrily. If this spreads out, it will definitely make the headlines.

In the next second, Luo Hongzhong turned around and walked towards Lin Fan.

Just when everyone is puzzled.

I saw that Luo Hongzhong actually gave a ninety degree gift: "Mr. Lin Fan, I will apologize to you for the dog..."