Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 814: Uncle, you are partial

A loud bang rang through most of Fengshi.

Even Lin Fan, who was in the zoo, was shocked by the loud noise just now.

Not just on the phone, I heard the voice just now.

Just as the loud noise came, Lin Fan also heard it with his own ears.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Fan quickly walked out of the restaurant.

At this moment, both the tourists in the zoo, the little fox and Linda, including some animals, came out from every corner.

At the same time, he stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.

"What happened just now? Did you hear?" a middle-aged man asked with a frown.

"I heard it, can you still hear such a loud voice?"

"It won't be an earthquake? It was too scary just now!"

"It's not like an earthquake. Although my feet shook just now, the tremor was not strong, and it disappeared soon!"

"That's mine shaking. Can't tell which mountain is mining?"

"I haven't heard of where there are mineral sources in Fengshi. This is unrealistic!"

All the tourists were basically whispering about the real source of the loud noise just now.

But in fact, I'm afraid that only a few people like Lin Fan and Little Fox knew what was going on with the loud noise just now.

"Brother Xiaofan..." Little Fox walked over, his face looked a bit solemn.

Lin Fan didn't speak, just nodded silently.

At this moment, the phone rang again, and Lin Fan took it out to take a look, but it was Liu Qi who was about to return to the teacher's door shortly after separation.

Seeing this call, Lin Fan confirmed one more thing in his heart. The loud noise just now was probably caused by the monster Liu Qi and the others were looking for...

"Hello?" Lin Fan connected the phone, his tone didn't sound too turbulent.

In the next second, Liu Qi’s voice came on the phone: "Hey, Lin, Senior Lin...We found the escaped monster, it is in Fengshi, and according to our observation, If nothing happens, it may be to overcome the catastrophe!"

Lin Fan nodded silently, it seemed that Liu Qi really had some trouble.

"Senior Lin, the bead in my hand is very important to that monster beast. If it wants to successfully overcome the catastrophe, it will definitely grab this bead, so..."

Liu Qi didn't say what he said completely, but the meaning was already obvious.

Roughly speaking, if you want Lin Fan to come over and help out, with the strength of these people, it really may not be the opponent of that monster.

Lin Fan smiled lightly, he was originally interested in this monster beast.

Now that its traces have been found, it is even more difficult to miss it easily.

"Where are you now?" Lin Fan asked.

"Senior Lin, we are now in the Chengnan District of Fengshi, and that monster seems to be nearby!" Liu Qi didn't dare to neglect, and quickly replied.

"Well, I'll come later!" When the voice fell, Lin Fan hung up.

Outsiders didn’t hear what they said just now, only the little fox and Linda around Lin Fan, who heard clearly and knew who the call came from.

Just installed the phone, the little fox quickly asked, "Brother Xiaofan, are you going to subdue that monster?"

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "Well, I want to take something from it!"

"Oh, then I will go with you!"

"Boss, I will go with you too, maybe I can help!"

"I'll go too, if anyone gets hurt, I can still..."

Just when the little fox had just finished speaking, Linda and Lin Shu also hurriedly stated that they wanted to follow along.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan shook his head: "Do you think this is a group trip? The zoo still needs helpers. Linda and Lin Shu will stay and take charge of the management. The little fox and I will go over, that's enough!"


Linda and Lin Shu also frowned upon hearing Lin Fan's arrangement.

But they had been with Lin Fan for so long, and they already knew his character.

It's not like saying that one is the same, but since the things have been decided, they will not easily change.

Moreover, what Lin Fan said is not without reason, the zoo is currently in business.

If everyone leaves, who will manage the zoo? Is it possible to clear all the tourists now?

There is another reason. What they are going to look for this time is an extraordinary monster.

That was still a guy who had cultivated for thousands of years, with Linda and Lin Shu's abilities, once they really had a head-on conflict with the monster.

I'm afraid that they haven't helped much yet, but they are holding back Lin Fan and Little Fox.

If you want to understand this, Linda and Lin Shu are no longer insisting.

At this moment, Xiaoyu and Lin Qianqian ran over from a short distance.

The Chinese New Year is about to come, and all schools are closed. During the holidays, Lin Qianqian and Xiaoyu are mainly responsible for managing the zoo’s official Weibo.

I have to say that through the management of the two of them, the popularity of the zoo has been greatly improved.

In particular, the attention of fans has increased to 110,000 people's attention in less than a week.

As they take some interesting small videos related to animals every day, they will post them.

It can attract more people's attention even more.

I believe that in a period of time, especially during the peak tourist season.

The popularity of the zoo will also double in a geometric way.

"Dad, where are you going? Xiaoyu will also follow!" Xiaoyu came to the front, blinking his big eyes and asked.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "Daddy is going to do a very important thing, not somewhere to play, Xiaoyu is good, just stay in the zoo, okay?"

Hearing this, Xiaoyu blinked. After thinking for a moment, he nodded obediently: "Okay, then, Dad has to say something. When I have time, I will take Xiaoyu and sister Qianqian out to play. !"

"Haha, no problem!" Lin Fan agreed with a smile.

At this time, Lin Qianqian, who had been by her side, came over mysteriously: "Uncle, don't you want to go to the place where the loud noise just came?"

"What?" Lin Fan was startled.

Fortunately, Lin Qianqian's voice was relatively small, and Xiaoyu did not hear her.

"Hehe, uncle, do you think you can hide from Xiaoyu and also from me?" Lin Qianqian said with a smile.

"Don't talk so much, let me tell you, Xiaoyu will be responsible for you. If something goes wrong, I will settle the account with you when I come back!" Lin Fan pretended to be angry.

"You...Uncle, you are eccentric..." Lin Qianqian pouted and said with an unhappy expression.

"Sister Qianqian, what's the matter with you? Why is daddy partial? Don't be angry, there is little fish, little fish is the fairest, little fish can avenge you and play with you..."

Seeing Xiaoyu's innocent look, whether it was Lin Qianqian or Lin Fan, they all couldn't help but laughed out loud...