Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 824: Unsolvable troubles

When Lin Fan and the little fox returned to the zoo, it was already afternoon.

Everything in the zoo is normal, and what I found in the morning does not seem to affect the mood of the tourists.

In the fox paradise, there are still many people, with incense candles and tributes, bowing to the big-eared foxes.

Although now near the fox paradise, a sign has been set up, and the breeds, habits and characteristics of the big-eared fox have been introduced in detail.

But there are still some people who treat these big-eared foxes who like to imitate humans as fox fairies.

In their words, they actually want to ask for peace of mind.

Seeing that the New Year is about to come, I hope that through this method, I can bless myself and my family, and in the coming year, I will be safe...

There are also some people, although they already know that these big-eared foxes are not the legendary fox fairy.

But out of a certain hint in my heart, even though I am no longer going to bow down and engage in some feudal superstitions, he still brings a red rope to a tree next to the fox paradise.

In just a few days, the red rope on that tree was almost full.

Looking at it from a distance, it is like a red mulberry tree fluttering in the wind...

Lin Fan was not surprised at this.

All the things that can be done in the zoo have been done, and besides the fox paradise, an introduction card detailing the big-eared fox has been set up.

If they insist on doing this, Lin Fan has no other way to stop it.

I can't arrange a few people here all the time, and explain to them the characteristics of the big-eared fox at any time, right?

Therefore, as long as they didn't do too much, Lin Fan didn't bother to stop anything.

Back at Qingyi Manor, Lin Fan brought the weasel who had cultivated for a thousand years.

When this guy saw an unfamiliar environment in front of him, he was still learning the way of human beings, showing a state of surprise.

"Ahem, where is this place?" said the weasel.

Lin Fan glanced at it and said with a smile: "This is the zoo, and it will be where you live in the future!"

"Me? Where does the fairy live?" The weasel was a little stunned.

Its life, it can be said that there is no knowledge.

From the time it had just cultivated to a certain level, it was regarded as a monster beast, caught and trapped.

This imprisonment is nearly a thousand years.

During this period, it basically never came out. If it weren't for this time, if someone made trouble from it, it would still have no chance to see the sun again.

Imagine that a weasel who has been practicing for thousands of years and has never seen anything is completely unfamiliar to today's technology-based society...

Not to mention what kind of zoo, I am afraid that even Lin Fan's clothes make it feel strange and uncomfortable.

Its thoughts still stayed a thousand years ago...

Lin Fan didn't bother to explain too much to it, not to mention the energy to popularize modern knowledge with it.

Lin Fan also has his own use for bringing it back.

Sitting in the living room, Lin Fan took out the phone and quickly logged into the Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo game.

Open the Wanjie trading market, find the mysterious person who has been in contact with him before, and send a message directly...

Since Lin Fan's zoo was back on track, his energy has been spent on the zoo, Dayang Island, and Citi Ranch. On the contrary, the game of Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo and everything in it has been downplayed.

It has been several months now, and there is no contact with that mysterious person.

I don't know what's going on there, or if I can get in touch again.

Not long after the news was sent, Lin Fan sat on the sofa and waited patiently while turning on the newly developed function in the game, the biological fusion system, to check.

When he looked at it for a while, his eyes fell directly on the weasel beside him.

At this moment, this guy was looking at the surrounding situation curiously. When he noticed that Lin Fan was looking over, he couldn't help but squat.

As if there was a particularly bad idea, it became more and more intense in its heart.

"I don't know what you will become if you are merged!" Lin Fan said softly.

Hearing this, the weasel was a little dumbfounded.

Fusion? what does that mean? Although I don't quite understand, the weasel has lived for thousands of years after all, and he has become more and more afraid of the man in front of him.

I always feel that this so-called fusion is not a good thing for it...

At the same time, in another unknown world.

An old man in a robe, who looked sixty or seventy years old, was sitting in a chair worrying.

This person is the mysterious person who has always been in contact with Lin Fan.

For Lin Fan, it was only a few months before the two of them lost contact.

But for the mysterious person, more than ten years have passed.

In the past ten years, too many things have happened.

Especially at the moment, there is something that makes him frown, thinking about a solution.

At this critical moment, just listening to the sky above the room, a cold voice suddenly came.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, can fellow Taoist be well?"


Hearing this, the old man was startled at first, then he stood up quickly and looked towards the void.

"Speaker, but senior?" The old man said in surprise.

"Well, it is. Fellow Daoist still remembers me?" The other party quickly spoke again.

"Senior is powerful, how dare the juniors forget, it's just that there has been no news from seniors for a long time, the juniors thought..." In the old man's tone, there was a hint of sadness.

How could Lin Fan fail to see such a situation? Hurriedly sent out another message to ask.

"Friends of Taoism, what troubles do you have?"

"This... don't hide it from the senior, the junior has indeed had something recently, and it has not been resolved!" said the mysterious man.

"Oh? Let's just listen. If there is anything, I can help, and I will definitely help!" Lin Fan typed on the other end.

In the mysterious man's heart, the senior who has always maintained this kind of contact with him is an expert outside the world.

I am afraid that in his world, there is no one that can surpass the other.

But the masters are all mysterious, and are easily unwilling to show themselves.

Therefore, he thought that after such a long period of time, this ‘superior’’s refusal to show up must be related to his personal temperament.

Maybe after reaching this level, I don't bother to come out and ask the right and wrong of the world.

It's just his own luck to be willing to help him.

Ever since, the mysterious man told him what happened to him, the things that had bothered him, to one to five to ten, without any concealment...