Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 842: It happened for a reason

"The people inside, get out of me, do you think it's okay to hide inside? If you don't give an explanation today, none of us will leave!"

Just when Lin Fan and the others arrived at the zoo of Mr. Zheng's nephew, dozens of people were crowded around the door, yelling.

Since it is located in the suburbs, there are not many people.

The surrounding area is empty, only here is where many people gather.

Some of them, it seems that they should be local residents, there is a lively scene here, and they ran over.

There are also a small group of people who just shouted...In the arms of the first few people, they were still holding the corpses of dogs that had been dead for a long time.

Seeing such a scene, both Lin Fan and Mr. Zheng were a little dumbfounded.

what's going on?

At this moment, I heard a loud rumbling noise, and the heavy iron gate was finally opened from the inside.

Upon seeing this, everyone rushed forward and wanted to rush inside.

However, standing inside the iron gate, there were four or five brawny men, and among these brawny men stood a thin, loyal and honest man.

On the surface, this man must be over forty years old.

However, when Grandpa Zheng saw him, he frowned and said quickly, "That's my nephew!"

"Oh?" Lin Fan was taken aback, frowned slightly and looked over.

The thin man walking in the front seemed to have a smile on his face, and said, "Everyone, please be quiet, please listen to me?"

"Say, what else do you want to say? Just tell us, how do you solve this matter today?"

"That is, if you don't give us an explanation today, what a **** farm, you will not let you run it!"

"Huh, what else are you talking about zoo, pooh!"

"Let's talk about it, how are you going to solve it..."

One by one stood there aggressively, all yelling irresponsibly.

There seemed to be a trace of depression on the face of the thin man, but he still had a faint smile and said, "Everyone, the problem must be solved. Then, how about you send a few representatives, let's go inside and talk? Come down calmly, so you can solve the problem, otherwise you are blocking the door and making a lot of noise here, it is always not a solution..."

There is nothing wrong with this, even if there is a big problem, it must be solved.

The best way to solve the problem is for both parties to sit down peacefully and discuss solutions.

Just like they are now, they are blocking the door and shouting and screaming, even if they want to solve the problem, there is no way to solve it.

"Hmph, go in? What's the matter, or kill someone?"

"If you go in, don't you just do what you want? Are you stupid?"

"Yes, if there is a problem, just solve it here, that... everyone is quiet and quiet, listen to what kind of solution he can come up with us!"

Several people shouted and booed.

Hearing these words, let alone the thin man, even Lin Fan frowned slightly, and said lowly: "It's really a poor man!"

"No, I have to get over. If this goes on, my nephew will have to suffer a big loss!" The old man was already really frustrated.

When the voice fell, he strode over there directly.

Lin Fan and Feng Keke glanced at each other, and quickly followed them, walking towards the courtyard gate.

It was not long, when they came to the front.

I heard those people shouting: "The problem now is that several of our dogs have been killed. Do you know what these dogs mean to us? They are just like family members. , Your family was killed, will you get angry?"

Hearing these words, the thin man's expression changed, and the hesitating man didn't say a word for a long time.

At this moment, Lin Fan and Mr. Zheng had already arrived outside.

Separate several people and walk directly over.


When the thin man saw Father Zheng, he was shocked.

Seeing this, it seems that Father Zheng didn't greet his nephew before he came.

"What's the situation?" Mr. Zheng asked lowly with a calm face.

In any case, **** is still spicy.

In this situation, he was more calm and steady than his nephew.

After all, an old man in his sixties or seventies, he has seen and heard far more than his nephew, and he has to be more calm when facing such problems.

It is not the time to be surprised and reminiscence, his nephew, hurriedly told the story in a low voice to the 15th and 10th.

And Lin Fan could hear clearly beside him.

It turns out that the course of the matter is also very simple, and there are not so many complicated processes.

Mr. Zheng's nephew, named Zheng Hongtao, is 37 years old this year.

And here is the zoo he opened... It looks like it is no different from a farm.

During the recent period, as it was the Chinese New Year, only a few keepers were left in Zheng Hongtao's zoo, and the rest went home for the New Year.

Moreover, in recent times, due to the zoo's income and the debt collection from the bank, Zheng Hongtao has become more and more difficult.

After seeing the old man during the Chinese New Year, I hurried back here to prepare for the next work.

However, just last night.

At more than ten o'clock in the night, suddenly there were five or six native dogs, and they didn't know where they came from, so they ran into the zoo.

That's not the case, those few dogs were running around randomly.

Finally... they ran to a cage and got into it.

"Uncle, there are two tigers in there. When we found out, all the dogs were killed. No, they took people here to block the door since the morning..." Zheng Hongtao said.

Hearing the whole process, Mr. Zheng's face sank.

Lin Fan beside him also gave a cold smile.

How many native dogs ran into the zoo for no reason, and were still bitten to death by tigers?

Such a thing is really going to be spread, and it is really a bit unbelievable.

But in the whole thing, there were some weirdness and puzzles everywhere.

"Oh, it deserves to be killed. Who makes them look at their dog and let them run out in the middle of the night?" The old man Zheng seemed to be very angry and cursed lowly.

Although the voice was not very loud, it was still heard by the dog owners opposite.

Just when they were about to come forward to theorize, they listened to Lin Fan softly saying: "Why don't you call the police to resolve this matter?"