Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 862: Monkeys also have dignity

While talking, a few dark shadows came out from the dark woods.

The monkey king, the red-haired monkey, and the white-haired giant ape looked over attentively, and they were indeed strange monkeys.

No, it cannot be said to be completely unfamiliar.

Among the dozen or so monkeys, there are surprisingly their little sentinel macaques, but they have completely defected to the other side now.


Ho **** ho ho!

Suddenly, all kinds of squeaks and squeaks were heard around, and all the monkeys were awakened.

Either on the ground or on the tree, observing the situation here.

Although the number on the opposite side was huge, the snow monkeys did not have any fear. They still showed a high-level look, looking at every move around them.

"I said, who is in charge of you here? Stand up by yourself!" Snow Monkey urged again.

Hearing this, the creaking and croaking around became more intense.

At the same time, the Monkey King staggered towards this side, also looking at the new snow monkey with a strange expression.

"I am the Monkey King here, are you new here?" The Monkey King pretended to ask deeply.

"You are in charge here? Monkey King?" Snow Monkey did not answer the question head-on, but instead asked.

The Monkey King nodded, and said nothing.

But at this time, there was a strange atmosphere in the monkey forest.

This atmosphere was very depressing, and some of the less courageous monkeys screamed in surprise and ran to other places and went into hiding.

No way, macaques are relatively timid by nature, let them do some mischievous things, they are better than anyone else, if they are allowed to do some big things, or fight, they run faster than anyone else.

Just like now, one is the Monkey King and the other is the Snow Monkey of unknown origin.

The auras emitted by the two are incredibly powerful, so how can those natures be timid?

"Yes, I am the monkey king here!"

"Oh, starting from today, the monkey king here will change. Now I am here. I am the monkey king here. Just be a manager and be responsible for my daily life!"

The Snow Monkey ignored the anger and surprise in the hearts of the Monkey King and the rest of the monkeys, and said to himself.

Although the Monkey King was so afraid of this inexplicable snow monkey.

However, after hearing Snow Monkey's brainless words, he still became angry.

How can the dignity of the Monkey King be provoked casually? What's more, under these circumstances, inexplicably, he was deprived of his status as the Monkey King?

Monkeys also have dignity!

Just when the Monkey King and the red monkeys next to them were about to go violently.

The snow monkey walked aside two steps grinningly, just sitting on a rock with Erlang's legs tilted up, and said grinningly: "Oh, by the way, as your new monkey king, I haven't introduced myself... .. I come from Donglin Province, Hengyang City Zoo, my hometown is in Fusang, where humans call us Snow Monkeys, alas, those who walked through mountains and rivers came to your east, you don’t even have a serious hot spring, so I can only feel wronged Myself, I am here to be a second-rate monkey king, oh, yes, do you have anything here? Please find out for this king, this king has not eaten anything this night, and his stomach is already hungry. No way..."

The Snow Monkey said to himself where he was, and soon took the role of the Monkey King.

When I heard that it was from Fusang, all the monkeys around were surprised.

Especially the white-haired giant ape and the red-haired monkey, a look of anger flashed in their eyes.

The white-haired monkey itself grows in Changbai Prefecture. Although it has been in the mountains all year round, it may be due to its nature. It has always been very hostile to Fusang people, or Fusang animals.

The same goes for the red monkeys.

It does not have a deep conception of Fusang itself, but...when the professor who always experimented with various animals was destroyed by Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin, and learned that the professor was Fusang people.

Since then, it also has a hatred for Fusang.

Now I heard that this snow monkey actually belongs to Fusang in his hometown.

All of them became angry.

Without waiting for the Monkey King’s order, I saw the white-haired giant ape and walked towards the snow monkey.

As he walked, he asked, "Monkey, you said you are from Fusang?"

"Yes, this king was born in Fusang, and his hometown is also Fusang. Why do you ask so many? Hey, you are really tall, well, from today, you will be named the king's personal guard!" Snow Monkey Said proudly.

"Hmph, I have long heard that the little devil is shameless. I saw it today!" The white-haired giant ape walked forward while talking.

After a while, he appeared in front of the snow monkey.

At the same time, the red-haired monkey didn't know when, he had quietly arrived on a tree near the snow monkey.

Looking at the snow monkey condescendingly, he said in a sharp voice: "Little devil, you Fusang don't have a good thing, you all deserve to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, he hadn't waited for the snow monkey to react.

I saw the red-haired monkey sprinting down and pounced directly at the snow monkey.

Speaking of it, the snow monkey's reaction speed is also very fast. It immediately realized that it was wrong. It was sitting there, suddenly twisted its body, and dodged embarrassingly next to it.

The red monkey's attack did not really hit the snow monkey, which made Hongmao angry.

However, just when the snow monkey stood up from the ground, he was about to question him with an angry expression.

There was a sudden burst of ‘huhu’ in my ears.

I saw a huge palm, as if twisting the air, patted the snow monkey sideways.

Seeing this scene, the snow monkey's heart almost didn't jump out of his throat.

If this is really slapped, it will be seriously injured if you don't die...

The Snow Monkey didn't dare to think too much, and after a few jumps, he fled from the spot.

Hiding in a tree, glaring at the white-haired giant ape and the red-haired monkey, and said angrily: "What are you doing? Are you crazy? How dare you attack this king? Do you want to get mixed up?"

"My king? Humph, a little devil from Fusang dare to call himself my king? See if I will not tear you apart today!" The white-haired giant ape roared.

With both fists slammed in front of him, he rushed straight to the snow monkey on the tree.

The red-haired monkey also quietly walked to the side, rushing to another tree in a strange movement, preparing for a pincer attack.

At this moment, the Snow Monkey was completely frightened.

Although it is arrogant, it is also clear in his heart.

If these two guys keep pestering themselves so much, sooner or later they have to let them play to death...