Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 875: Collusion inside and outside?

Fengshi Primary School, in the principal's office.

A man in his 60s was sitting behind his desk, looking out the window.

A large cloud of fire burned, reflecting the golden sky.

However, on the middle-aged man's face, there is no expression of appreciation, but more worry and fear.

There was a kidnapping case at the school gate, and he received a call the first time.

However, the main reason for the delay in letting him show up was that he was really scared.

You know, if you really want to pursue its roots, his responsibility is not small.

Not to mention anything else, just letting students leave school early, there are many doubts that are relevant to the case.

Even if he wants to get rid of this matter, it may not be so easy.

Seeing that he was about to retire, but such a thing happened, I am afraid that he, the principal, has no way to continue to serve.

As a result, at this time.

He only heard the door being pushed open directly from the outside, and the principal suddenly turned his head and saw a young man walking in with a gloomy face.

" are..." The principal was taken aback, and suddenly stood up from his chair.

The person who came in was Lin Fan with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

After seeing the principal, he showed a sneer and said: "Principal Liang? Such a thing happened in school, and you still sit here leisurely? I really don't know if you should say that you are big-hearted or that you are planning... .. Maybe all of this was already in your expectations?"

Hearing this, the old principal's expression condensed, and his body stiffly sat back on the chair again.

A thin bead of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and his face turned extremely pale.

"You, you, who are you? Why are you framing me? Yes, I am the principal of this school, but some students have been kidnapped, I don't want to see, I..." Liang The principal was completely frightened.

Don't even look at him still trying to defend himself, but the voice of his speech sounded obviously without any confidence.

Lin Fan smiled coldly and said: "Don't tell me, this matter has nothing to do with you. Oh, let me introduce myself. My name is Lin Fan, the director of Fengshi Wanjie Zoo, and Lin Xiaoyu's father. !"

"Huh? Yuan, it turned out to be Mr. Lin..."

After hearing that Lin Fan reported his family, the headmaster's face became even more pale.

In Feng City, perhaps among the ordinary people, Lin Fan's true identity is not clear.

In some circles, especially those who have reached the level of Principal Liang, the name'Lin Fan' is not unfamiliar at all.

No matter where you are walking or attending any occasion or meeting, someone will always mention it.

It can be said that in Feng City, and even in the entire Jiangbei Province, Lin Fan's name has long been known, especially in some upper circles, it is often mentioned.

Suddenly, Principal Liang's face was as ugly as it was.

Lin Fan is not someone who can easily provoke him if he is not a principal of a primary school in another district.

"Let's talk about it, I'm also curious, why President Liang suddenly decided to let the students leave school early? Could it be that you and the kidnappers have already communicated with each other? Or is it..." Lin Fan Asked in a cold tone.

Hearing this, Principal Liang’s face changed again, and he quickly explained: "Lin, Mr. Lin, please believe me, I, I don’t know about this, and the school's early dismissal of school is also a temporary decision. It was from the school board who called me personally..."

"The school board?" Lin Fan frowned.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you, as you know, I am just the principal of a school, and above me there are the school board, the Education Bureau and other related departments. In fact, many decisions in the school are directly made by the Education Bureau. Of course, the board of directors also has this right, and I...I am only responsible for implementing the executive decision..." Principal Liang said.

In fact, he did not say anything wrong. In many schools, there are boards of directors.

Schools need to be built, and all kinds of equipment and teaching equipment need to be introduced, all of which require huge funds.

The board of directors is the source of this sum of funds.

The board of directors is not one person, but is composed of many people.

As long as the school needs money, they will give financial support.

However, there are still many things in the school, and the decisions are made after collective deliberations by the board of directors.

Everything was normal, just in the afternoon.

Principal Liang received a call from one of the directors.

The content of the call is also very simple, that is, let the students end a class in advance and let them go home early.

The specific reason was not directly stated by the director.

I just told Principal Liang that this is the result of the collective discussions among the directors.

In this regard, Principal Liang did not take it seriously.

In fact, it is nothing to allow students to end school one class in advance.

In this way, he and the teachers can get home from get off work earlier.

Who ever thought that just after school was over for a while, something like this happened when a student was kidnapped directly at the gate of the school.

After receiving these news, Principal Liang was also completely confused.

At the same time, he also realized that there seemed to be too many oddities in this kidnapping case.

The biggest doubt is that the students leave school inexplicably early, which seems to provide the kidnappers with a good time to commit the crime.

After listening to this, Lin Fan's face was also extremely cold.

This kind of thing would happen, and what was the reason, who was it that would hit Xiaoyu with his idea?

Could it be the former enemy? Or maybe...

Just as he was thinking, the phone in Lin Fan's pocket rang, and when he took it out, the caller ID had the words'Wang Jianmin' written on it.

Lin Fan frowned and said, "Principal Liang, I hope you didn’t hide anything from me in what you just said. Otherwise, even if you are the head of a school, I will have a way to make you regret your work. Such a decision!"

"No, no, Mr. Lin, I did not shirk responsibility for myself. A student was kidnapped at the gate of my school. I cannot shirk this responsibility. I am willing to take any responsibility. At the same time, I am willing to guarantee my reputation. None of what I just said was a lie!" Principal Liang said seriously.

"It's best!"

Lin Fan nodded, did not continue to say anything, turned and walked outside the office.

Lin Fan just walked out of the principal's office and then connected the phone.

Wang Jianmin's voice came from inside: "Hey, Xiao Fan, I have come to the school gate, what's the situation, where are you?"