Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 920: Dodo bird to escape

It took an afternoon before Lin Fan taught this song to several girls.

It is not only Sun Qiong who really wants to learn this song. While teaching her, even Jin Miaomiao, Zhang He and Lu Yingxue are also learning.

But among them, only Lu Yingxue has a musical touch.

After all, when Lin Fan first met her, she occasionally did a live broadcast in her spare time.

As for the others, including Jin Miaomiao, the level of singing is really not that high.

After dinner in the evening, Lin Fan and Lu Yingxue sat in the living room chatting.

It was not until ten o'clock that they returned to their respective rooms one after another, ready to rest.

However, in the zoo, when it became quiet again.

No one thought that in a corner of the zoo, a chubby, cute and cute animal was brewing a plan to escape.

The dodo bird looks a little cute and cute.

In fact, it has a lot of eyes. Since it came to this strange place during the day, there are so many strange people and animals around, which makes the Dodo feel very uneasy.

Until the sky dimmed a little, the surroundings became quiet, and it thought that its chance to escape had finally arrived.

This is an instinct of the Dodo and a desire to survive.

For these extinct creatures, many people do not know their true character.

In fact, the courage of the Dodo is big or small, and it is not small.

And most importantly, the Dodo is relatively repulsive to new environments and is extremely prepared for unfamiliar environments.

It's just like it is now. Although the people and animals around it did not pose any threat to it, due to the nature of the Dodo, it still feels that this place is full of danger and very unsafe.

Ever since, this chubby guy waited until there was no movement around him before he did anything.

Because the dodo bird can't fly, and Lin Fan has especially warned it.

The little fox did not keep it in a cage like other animals, but simply put it in the aquarium.

Most of the fish in the aquarium are all kinds of fish, and there are not too many reptiles on land.

At most, there are some crocodiles from the deep sea, as well as the extremely rare Chinese alligators...

This place where the Dodo is located is a temporary space.

At that time, the little fox installed her here, and didn't lock it, just let it stay here for a few days first, and when the time came, Lin Fan would naturally make corresponding arrangements.

The result is exactly the same.

The Dodo found a chance to escape and used its slightly fat body to directly knock the door open.

Poke out a small head and glanced around.

It's dark and can't see everything, but this poses no problem for the Dodo.

The eyesight of the dodo bird is a bit poor during the day.

But once it was night, the eyes of the dodo bird seemed to become two small light bulbs, shining in the dark.

This is a bit similar to an owl.

It walked straight out of the aquarium, and after confirming that there was no danger around it, it saw its slightly awkward body shaking, swaying in a certain direction, and quickly walking past.

However, the Dodo is not a product that exists in this era.

For everything here, it feels extremely strange.

Therefore, it took almost an hour to find the door to the aquarium.

In general, Lin Fan is not so strict about the management of the zoo.

These animals are also very obedient. Even if they are not locked with a lock, they will not easily come out without permission.

What's more, in the aquarium, most of them are some deep-sea fish that Lin Fan salvaged from the deep sea.

They will not run out of the aquarium and find themselves the trouble of death.

Therefore, the door of the aquarium has not been closed for a long time, which also creates a suitable opportunity for the Dodo.

The dodo bird leaving the aquarium looks so strange everywhere when looking at this huge zoo.

Everything around it is not familiar to this new bird who has just arrived.

It couldn't tell where to go.

There is still a very good idea not to transition the Dodo. For it now, no matter where it goes, it is much better than staying in this place.

It wants to return to the small island of Mauritius it is familiar with, to the woods it is familiar with, and find its fellows of the same kind.

As everyone knows, if it weren't for Lin Fan to hatch it.

Nowadays, there are only some incomplete dodo bones left in the world, which are still on display in the museum, and the only complete set of bones was also photographed at a high price of more than 4 million. ....

The Dodo walked forward aimlessly. For it, as long as it found a place with water, it would be able to escape from this strange place.

Ever since, it just didn't go far.

Looking forward through the moonlight, I saw a shimmering lake just not far in front.

In the reflection of moonlight, the lake water flickered like gems.

Upon seeing this, the Dodo became excited.

There was a strange scream of ‘toot’ in his mouth, flapping his wings, and running awkwardly towards the Crescent Lake.

At the same time, in a pavilion not too far from the Crescent Lake.

The big yellow cat Yuanbao and the three mountain dogs are resting here boringly.

As a night owl, this kind of life is really boring, and there is nothing to do every day.

If there were thieves every day, how good would it be?

In this way, there will be someone at night who can play with oneself and kill time.

This is a question that Yuan Bao has been thinking about.

Since the night before, it would run to the zoo to make trouble with Brother Kun, and after he was uniformed, his small heart has become a little swollen.

It is exactly the same. In the past two days, it has been looking forward to it, and there will be thieves coming to the zoo to make trouble.

But in fact, where are so many thieves playing it.

Just when it was feeling very bored, the general who had been lying next to him suddenly raised his ears and looked towards the Crescent Lake.

As a result, under the moonlight, a chubby thing, like a ball, was rushing towards the Crescent Lake.

Upon seeing this, the general hurriedly let out a low growl: "Yuanbao, look over there, what is it?"

Yuan Bao lazily opened his eyes and looked back to the place the general said.

As a result, it jumped up abruptly and let out a meow of excitement...