Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 980: Xiao Shiyu's worry

Early the next morning, Lin Fan left the fishing village.

The bald head sent a fishing boat and took Lin Fan straight to Dayang Island.

Last night, Xiao Shiyu was extremely worried on Dayang Island.

I didn't sleep much for almost one night.

At this moment, on the shore of Dayang Island, Xiao Shiyu was sitting here alone, staring at the endless sea with his eyes blankly.

Jason quietly appeared behind him and said with a smile: "Xiao, are you still worried about Lin? He is not a young man anymore. He is a mature adult. Don’t worry about what he does. He has enough free space!"

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyu turned around suddenly, with a touch of embarrassment and flushing on his face.

This is a bit ambiguous. What does it mean to give him enough free space? Is this what Lin Fan's girlfriend should do? And myself...

"Jason, I think you might have misunderstood. I don't have that kind of affection for Lin Fan. He also has a girlfriend. I'm just worried that he can't get through the phone and haven't contacted him for another night. I'm afraid that something will happen to him!" Xiao Shiyu said lowly.

"Misunderstanding? Why should I misunderstand? Xiao, I can see that you have feelings for Lin, you like him, why can't you fight for it? What if he has a girlfriend? Are they still unmarried? As long as they are not married, You have the right to fight for your own happiness!" Jason said solemnly.

Maybe the directness of foreigners is mainly reflected in a kind of action, right?

They are not like the Easterners who have to consider the causes and consequences of everything, as well as the three principles and five virtues.

As long as they want to do it themselves and do not cause any harm, they will fight for it at all costs.

Xiao Shiyu can't do it, don't look at her as the eldest lady of the Xiao family, especially now the head of Xiao's enterprise, still living abroad for so long.

However, in Xiao Shiyu's own bones, there is the tradition of a shareholder woman.

Even if she has feelings for Lin Fan that she can't even explain, she would rather bury this feeling in her heart.

Moreover, for Xiao Shiyu, Lu Yingxue is also a good friend of hers.

How can I do something like stealing a good friend boyfriend? Xiao Shiyu couldn't do it.

Hearing Jason's words, she just shook her head with a wry smile silently.

As a result, at this moment, a loud engine sound came over all over the world.

The sound was loud, as if it could spread throughout Dayang Island.

Xiao Shiyu and Jason looked up suspiciously, only to see a fishing boat approaching here quickly.

As the fishing boat got closer, Lin Fan still had a bald head standing impressively.

Upon seeing this, Jason chuckled beside him and said, "Look, I'm right? Lin is a very powerful man. He is an adult. He hasn't returned all night outside, and nothing will happen!"

Xiao Shiyu didn't say much, but nodded with a smile. The moment she saw Lin Fan, the hanging heart, only then let it go.

When the fishing boat approached in a huge roar, Lin Fan and Bald head got off the boat.

Xiao Shiyu and Jason hurried up and said, "Lin, you finally came back. Where did you go this night? All of us, oh, including Xiao, are all worried about you!"

Lin Fan was startled slightly, his eyes fell subconsciously on Xiao Shiyu's body, only to see that the latter's cheeks were red, and he lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at Lin Fan...

Lin Fan smiled awkwardly and said, "Last night, I drank with the bald head and the old iron in the fishery. We drank until a little late, so I slept there all night. Did you worry?"

"Hahaha, I'm not too worried, just don't know where you are going. We are a little anxious, mainly Xiao. She didn't sleep much all night, and was always here waiting for you..." laugh.

Hearing this, Lin Fan glanced at Xiao Shiyu subconsciously.

As a result, at this moment, Xiao Shiyu and Lin Fan looked at each other.

Suddenly, Xiao Shiyu quickly lowered her head deeply and her cheeks became hot.

Lin Fan chuckled and nodded: "It was my fault. The phone ran out of power last night, so I forgot to charge it!"

"Hahaha, I knew it was!" Jason said haha.

Here at the beach, after a brief chat.

The group of people walked into the island.

At this time, the entire island is already under construction. Every time you walk a certain distance inside, you will see a construction team working intensively.

Although this is only the morning, but these workers, in order to be able to hurry up the construction period, as long as they get up early and keep working.

Since it has only just started, the progress of the work has yet to see any results.

But with Jason overseeing here, Lin Fan was also very relieved.

Jason is a workaholic himself. He has a very strict work standard for himself, and also has strict requirements for others.

He is much stronger here than Lin Fan is guarding here.

I believe that if this efficiency continues, Dayang Island will be almost completed in half a year at most.

The rest of the work can be done in a gradual and circular manner.

"Lin, look at this place. I planned this place into the center of the island. I plan to build a central circle here. There is an agency work center and a huge financial center. On the periphery of these, I Also build a residential center with absolute characteristics..." Jason introduced with a smile.

The so-called institutional work center is not to allow institutions to take over after the island is built.

It is the place where Lin Fan is the main person who is responsible for the management of various places on the island.

Jason's plan is very thoughtful. Since the island is to be built into a comprehensive island integrating residence, entertainment and life, there must be relative treaties and management.

It's like managing a small town or a city.

Lin Fan is also quite satisfied with this.

According to his guess, in the future, his focus will definitely be on this small island.

Everything will also be transferred to this place.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a relatively complete management center.

"Lin, look at that side. I made the plan the center of business and trade, where I will build several office buildings. If a company wants to settle on our island, we can pay us rent!" Jason said with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded, expressing great satisfaction.

However, at this time.

A burst of clear dragon chants exploded in the sky.

Everyone looked up one after another, only to see a lizard dragon, whistling and flying overhead.

And on its back, something is still riding...