Metropolitan System

Chapter 1767: Five surnames

The first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters

After growing up, Mr. Liu was extremely outstanding. He inherited the position of Zongkun’s Promise, and he never dared to forget revenge.

Unfortunately, the unparalleled dynasty is too powerful, he has no way.

So I tried my best to find out that Yan Junshan’s heart was speculative. Although it was old, it was ambitious. This made Mr. Liu see hope, so he decided to rely on Yan Junshan.

In fact, the Qiankun Promise was not destroyed at all, but it was turned from dark to late.

As the reserve force of Yan Junshan exists, it is necessary to prepare for the unexpected.

Yang Liu sprinkled, this Mr. Liu said a bunch, and then Jiang Baicai stood there with a hint of unrecognizable smile: "Tell so much, but how can I believe you?"

"I don't believe in the emperor's trust and unbelief. I never thought about gaining the trust of the emperor. I just noticed the emperor's thoughts. In this matter, I can work hard for you."

"As long as I can take revenge, I am willing to do anything." Mr. Liu’s performance is light and pale, but his eyes are extremely hot.

Xiang Jiangbai showed that he helped Jiang Bai, not to rely on Jiang Bai's trust and reuse. He didn't think much about anything. He was willing to do anything as long as he could have something bad for the unparalleled dynasty.

"I am very curious, why do you choose Yan Junshan? You must know that even if he told you that there are different things in the table, and he is speculative, it can be said that it is only a peak of heaven, how can such a level overturn the unparalleled dynasty? ”

"The unparalleled emperor is sitting in the town. Yan Junshan can't have hope in his life. He doesn't have such a big skill, otherwise he won't be forced to this point. The world is always a fist."

"Any intrigue is not in the forefront of absolute power. This is the point. You are such a smart person, I don't want to remind me."

When Mr. Liu had just reported to his family, he said what his parents’ names were. They should not be able to do so. If Jiang Bai needs to go to Qunfang Square, he can find out what was going on.

Jiang Bai is not skeptical. He is curious as to why Mr. Liu chose Yan Junshan. Is there anything that the guy has to do, is he not aware of it?

"The unparalleled emperor is unparalleled in power, and even has the momentum to conquer the world. Maybe one day will be able to completely unify the situation, but unfortunately. He is too old, even the great emperor, can not have an eternal life."

"The strength of the unparalleled dynasty is based on the possession of the unparalleled emperor. Once the unparalleled emperor dies, the powerful unparalleled dynasty is no longer terrifying. Yan Junshan is naturally useful. He is not as simple as it is, when the timeless dynasty It must fall apart."

"I know that it is almost impossible to kill the big man, but if I can destroy the unparalleled dynasty, I will be revenge."

Mr. Liu said undecidedly that Jiang Bai was speechless and frankly said that the life of the unparalleled emperor is not long. Many people know that this is not a secret. Jiang Bai also knows.

But in the end, when a great emperor dies, it’s hard to say that life is not long and there is no life. It’s not a problem for another thousand or eight hundred years. Maybe who will die first.

This Mr. Liu estimated that this is also helpless, only to choose such a retreat, trying to fulfill his wishes, but Jiang Bai seems that such an idea is not going to succeed.

Because maybe the great emperor can kill him and the two of them first.

"The chance is not big~" Jiang Bai lamented.

"Even if there is only one billionth of a chance, I have to try." Mr. Liu is extremely determined.

"How is Yan Junshan not simple?" When the front turned, Jiang Bai suddenly asked about Yan Junshan's situation. He was very curious. Is there any unknown aspect of this Yange old, not so simple on the surface?

Unfortunately, Mr. Liu was silent, looked at Jiang Bai, and gave a firm look, saying that he would never say this to Jiang Bai at this time.

The two men are opposite each other, and Mr. Liu Yuliu said: "The emperor has the time to care about Yan Junshan. It is better to think about how to deal with the five surnames and the seventeen factions."

"The northern part of the country, the territory of hundreds of millions of miles, they are the real enemy of the emperor, but it is not worth mentioning that Yan Junshan, who is far away from the emperor."

Looking at Mr. Liu, Jiang Bai was undecided, and he nodded a little. "Tell me, who are the five surnames and the seventeen factions? What is great?"

"There is such a mystery that you are talking about. I want to master the North and still need them to nod?"

Jiang Bai dismissed this, and in his eyes, strength is everything. What is the five surnames and the seventeen factions? Do they have a quasi-emperor?

Can they compete with themselves? Jiang Bai does not believe.

"Of course, they don't need to nod. The strength of the emperor is there. The whole unparalleled dynasty of the quasi-emperor class is just a few. In the vast central world, all the quasi-emperors add up to no more than twenty. They used to be in the forbidden valley. There is a lot of death, and the rest is even less."

"The five surnames and three 17th factions are strong, but they cannot have a quasi-emperor."

"In fact, the five surnames and the seventeen factions are talking about the five largest surnames, three homeowners, and seventeen sects in the vast world of northern Xinjiang."

"These people are deeply rooted in the northern Xinjiang, and they are terrible. They are colluding with many people in the imperial capital. They are the real thing in the northern Xinjiang, not to mention the emperor, even the emperor has a headache for them."

"The unparalleled dynasties are unmatched, and they naturally can't compete. If the emperor wants to be safe and do his own position, there is no problem. They dare not challenge the emperor."

"But if the emperor wants to operate the northern Xinjiang in the short term, then he must solve them first."

"However, this is not easy."

The unparalleled emperor has a headache? I didn’t expect this group of snakes to be quite difficult. Jiang Bai knew that it’s not that the great emperor couldn’t do anything with them, but because these people have been stirred up with many states and counties in northern Xinjiang, and they have shaken their northern Xinjiang and will die. A lot of people.

The unparalleled emperor wants stability, wants prosperity, and wants prosperity and prosperity. Naturally, it cannot be shaken.

Can Jiang Bai have this concern? Obviously not.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Liu began to tell Jiang Bai about the five factions and the seventeen factions. The seventeen sects do not need to say much. They have always been powerful forces. They have been the enemy of the tyrannical dynasty since ancient times.

The three said that they are three large families. Some of them are officials in the DPRK. They are operating in the local area and form a huge family. The forces are terrifying.

The hardest thing to do is not them, but the five surnames, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang Chen, the five clan, the most difficult thing for them is not because of their power, but because they have a large population, many people in the northern Xinjiang are Within these few surnames.