Mianmian Snack Restaurant

~: 127th-128th

Did Yun Mianmian, Arthur, and the Elf King? After talking for a long time, Count Alexander couldn't bear it anymore? He walked over and intervened.

After all, Yun Mianmian is? His sister, now? At this time, how can he look like a wild man with his family to meet his sister, how can he not be a brother? Support his sister?

So, what they were discussing originally was about restaurants, about the magic of the direct road, and after Count Alexander joined, the style of painting changed, and it became the standard for elves to choose a mate, the standard for human beings, and the standard for human beings. Marriage customs and elf marriage customs.

Yun Mianmian was bewildered, didn't he know who his brother was? Why was he able to smile all over his face? He talked to the elf king about this kind of irrelevant topic.

Yun Mianmian was at a loss, but Arthur was listening, and he was a little restless.

His emerald green eyes glanced at Count Alexander a few times, and every now and then he glanced at the cloud that was sitting on the side with a confused face. Mianmian, the smile on his lips couldn't help but tick it upwards.

Fortunately, the food was fast, and Yun Mianmian finally had the opportunity to interrupt the conversation between the Elf King and his brother.

She let Percy bring the food to the table, and then called to the Elf King to enjoy it slowly.

Finally, he pulled Count Alexander back to his original position, and said helplessly, "Brother, what did you tell the elf king?"

She is also convinced that the two people are so different in age that they can actually talk about whether they can succeed in cross-species love.

It is even discussed that if the two parties are from different species, which party will the marriage custom come from?

Yun Mianmian had a black question mark face at the time. Her brother was an earl and aristocrat. Could it be that Cheng still wants to learn? Do other humans become matchmakers?

Count Alexander glanced at the two elves who were eating, and said, "Sister, I am here to support you."

Yun Mianmian touched his waist, "Brother, my waist is pretty good, no? I can move freely with your support."

Count Alexander:  …

Did he? Angrily, he reached out and poked his sister's forehead, "Where did the topic go?"

After poking, he took a look at the huge emerald necklace on her neck, then looked at the ruby ​​bracelet on Yun Mianmian's hand, and said, "This is what your family left to you. Is it? It's a strange combination, red and green?!"

When he saw Yun Mianmian for the first time, he had actually paid attention to the chains on her hands, neck and feet, but these priceless jewels did not attract him even more. attention?.

And now that he and his sister have already talked, and the sister also recognizes him as a brother, so Count Yali Shan naturally has the intention to focus on Yun Mianmian's other matters.

He rubbed his chin, looked around, and said somewhat incredulously, "The restaurant's dress is derived from oriental aesthetics, but Mianmian, why do oriental jewelry look ordinary?"


Count Alexander thought for a while, "It feels like the handwork is a bit rough."

Percy listened and interjected, "That was made by Arthur Kerr himself."

Count Alexander: ! ! !

He was shocked, but heard something incredible.

"Really? That elf actually makes jewelry that women like?!"

He didn't look back in disbelief at the elf who was holding chopsticks and eating dinner gracefully. How could he not? Like someone who could do such a thing.

You know, in the western continent, which advocates force, there is no man who would make jewelry for a woman.

Even if it is a nobleman, it is all about spending a lot of money to go to major stores to buy jewelry for the woman you like, rather than making it yourself.

Buying is not the same as making it by yourself.

Count Alexander himself probably wouldn't have done it himself, but he had to admit that Arthur Klein's action had made him feel a little bit more about his senses.

After all, there are really not many men who are willing to make jewelry by themselves.

Especially? This large piece of beautiful emerald is worth more than the box of jewelry he gave to his sister.

However, Count Alexander still felt that his sister was worth it.

He coughed a few times and said, "I see, then I can barely accept the flaws of these chains."

Yun Mianmian was crying and laughing? No, he sat there and talked to Count Alexander.

On the other hand, the students of the Harsh School of Magic were eating slowly, and while they were eating, they couldn't help looking at the two elves.

They have met Atheker, but they haven't seen the older elf next to him.

Especially when Yun Mianmian said outside that Arthur was the elf prince of the elf clan.

Then this male elf, whom he called his father, was properly the king of the elf clan.


How fortunate they were, not only to be able to meet not only the elf prince, but also the elf king.

This is a big man!

And the elves really are famous for their beauty.

The elf prince is already good-looking enough, never imagined that the elf king is even better.

Although there are already some lines on the face of the elf king, he has the mature and stable charm of an adult man, but it is particularly exciting.

At least some of the girls among the students were already elated, and the little deer rammed.

This restaurant trip is really worth it!

After dinner, the Knights stood up, took a few steps outside to digest and digest, and then went in to rest according to the previously assigned room.

And Anglo and others didn't stay long after the knights left, they said good night to Yun Mianmian, and went upstairs to sleep.

There is no activity in the evening, so everyone rests early.

Count Alexander had been tired for several days, but with these two elves still there, it was impossible for him to go back to his room to rest.

Percy packed up the dishes, sat at the front desk, rubbed the Senna's head, pricked up his ears, and listened to the conversation between Yun Mianmian and Arthur Kerr.

"Arthur, the restaurant's rooms are full. If you stay overnight, why don't you go to the house on the big tree outside first?"

"I'll get you a pillow and a quilt here."

Atheker nodded and said, "It's okay? It doesn't matter, my father and I just wanted to experience what it would be like to sleep in the house on that tree?"

Yun Mianmian nodded with a smile, spent money to buy two quilts, and pretended to take them out from the storage room.

The quilt looks big and long, but it is actually very light and soft.

This Arthur Kerr is? Deep experience.

He took the quilt, looked deeply, and said good night to Yun Mianmian.

Yun Mianmian smiled and waved to the two of them, watched them leave, and stretched.

After seeing the two of them leave the restaurant, Count Alexander said quickly, "Mianmian, how are you talking to them?"

Yun Mianmian said with an air of air, "Brother, I was originally going to have an interview in that direction, but as soon as you came over, you talked about so many messy things that I even forgot about it later."

Count Alexander knew that he was wrong, touched his nose a little embarrassedly and said, "I didn't expect that the elf king was so approachable and actually talked to me about this."

In fact, when he discussed those with the elf king, it was with a sense of temptation, but I didn't expect that the elf king replied to him in such a gentle tone, it seemed that he was not offended at all.

Moreover, the other party was erudite and talented, and Count Alexander went deep with him without knowing it.

That's something he didn't think of himself.

"Isn't it? It doesn't matter, they'll be there tomorrow anyway."

"And instead of me taking the initiative to propose, why not let the elf king first take a closer look at our restaurant, know our advantages, and know our strength? In this way, he has a number in his heart, and he doesn't need us to talk about it. what."

Yun Mianmian is very confident. Her restaurant is already sought after by thousands of people. At this time, adding a road from the restaurant to Tronaz, showing her strength that is different from ordinary people, will definitely make the elves. The king was taken aback and decided to befriend her.

Facts have proved that what Yun Mianmian thought was not wrong.

Originally, when the elf king saw the false elf mother tree, he already had an idea in his heart.

After knowing the heavy news of the direct road, his mind was already biased towards Yun Mianmian.

And Yun Mianmian, this oriental girl? is cute, simple-minded, and very pleased with the elf king, so I don't have any bad intentions with this, but the strength? The superior oriental girl? Friendship is not good for the elves. ?There is any damage.

On the contrary, actually? They took advantage.

With Yun Mianmian's strength and her human noble brother, even if there are no elves, there are other human guards.

So? That night, the Elf King and Arthur Keel chatted for a long time.

About Yun Mianmian, about this restaurant, about the direct road that will come out tomorrow.

Arthur Kerr also understood from his father's words, and his father should have agreed.

In this regard, Arthur Kerr is also very happy.

One is that he is worried about not using it again after that, and the other is that he is happy for the friendship between the elves and the restaurant.

After making sure that there would be no more guests at night, Yun Mianmian said good night to Percy and Count Alexander, and then went back to his room.

"System, hurry up! My reward is ready to appear."

[Host, please don’t worry, the road from the restaurant through the wild forest to Tronaz is about to be constructed. 】

[When the host wakes up, he will find that, starting from the gate of the restaurant, a two-person path will spread out. 】

Yun Mianmian rolled around on the bed excitedly, "That's really great, I really can't wait to see it?"

"By the way, Arthur and the Elf King live in a big tree, so wouldn't they? Yes? Will they see??"

[Host rest assured, no, the system will choose to start action when they are asleep, and will not wake anyone up. 】

[Has the host forgotten? When the restaurant was upgraded, the host didn't feel anything at all. 】

Yun Mianmian happily gave the system a big like, "Okay, good night, system, looking forward to tomorrow."

[Good night, host. 】

In the early morning, the sun shines on the earth, and the warm light falls on the ground through the lush branches and leaves, mottled.

The beasts of birds chirped on the branches and woke Arthur and the Elf King, who were sleeping in the house on the tree.

When the Elf King woke up, for a moment, he didn't know where he was.

This was the first time he was awakened by a bird monster, not because of his vigilance.

Even in the elves, he is always vigilant and wakes up at the same time every day.

But today he fell asleep to the extent that he was woken up by a bird monster.

This is too unbelievable.

Especially? When he woke up, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

A feeling of fullness and satisfaction when you are full of sleep, and the cells all over your body? Stretching lazily.

This feeling made the Elf King very comfortable, and even felt that he would be full of energy on this day.

It was like they were sleeping under the tree of the elf mother tree.

But the mother tree is not accessible to all elves.

Even the elf king, who is in a hurry, will not easily go to the mother tree's side.

And now this big tree similar to the elf mother tree can actually provide such a comfortable sleep quality, the elf king can't help thinking that he is?

As he sighed, he stood up, and when he walked out of the house, he happened to collide with Asker who came out opposite.

Arthur Kerr still wore the wreath on his head, with a cold face and a vigorous posture.

When he saw his father, he nodded slightly and said excitedly, "Father, do you feel that? Living here? It's like sleeping under the mother tree."

The elf king had already packed up his excitement at this time, and he also nodded after hearing what Arthur said.

"Yes, I feel it too."

"This big tree should be inextricably related to our elf mother tree, otherwise it won't be so like our mother tree."

However, what does it really matter? It's really elusive.

After all, what is the mother tree of elves? Why is it called the mother tree, but because it can breed elves.

But obviously, this tree doesn't work.

This big tree can only provide some breaths and feelings similar to the mother tree, but it cannot breed elves.

No? Even the elf king? I'm very glad that it can't breed elves. Otherwise, their people will be left out, and what's more, how can they talk to Yun Mianmian and move this tree back to their clan? inside?.

And now this big tree can't breed elves, but it can provide elves with a very comfortable state, so it is only beneficial for elves to come here often to stay.

"Perhaps we can go to the Hui people at that time and look for the past records to see if such a big tree has appeared in the past."

The Elf King thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Also? Yes."

The two of them cast magic together, and when they got to the bottom of the big tree, they were just about to approach the restaurant, but Arthur found it right.

"Father, look!"

Arthur Kerr's voice was raised a lot.

The elf king turned to look, and was stunned on the spot.

A two-person-wide path stretched out from the door of the restaurant. The path looked ordinary, just like those in the wild forest.

It is not ordinary that red lanterns are hung high in the sky on the left and right sides of this path.

The lantern didn't have any support, just hung in mid-air.

There is a lantern every few meters.

And every lantern is written in the common language of the West, the common language of the road - a small restaurant.

And each lantern is painted with the food in the restaurant.

The two lanterns in the front are drawn with the crayfish and hot pot they ate last night.

I don't know who drew this picture, it's lifelike, as if it's real.

The details of the crayfish and the hot pot are vividly depicted, as if you can really smell their aroma.

Thinking of "here", the Elf King moved his nose unconsciously, and then seemed to really smell the aroma of that food.

He took a few steps forward and came to the lantern of the crayfish, the smell of garlic lobster became more and more intense.

He looked up and saw that there was nothing in the lantern? Yes, it was empty, but the smell of garlic crayfish kept spreading on the tip of his nose.

And after he smelled it for a few seconds, it turned into Thirteen Scents again.

Elf King: ! ! !

He turned around and wanted to ask Arthur to come over and smell the smell, right? No? Yes? He had some kind of delusion, but he saw Arthur came across from him and stood under the hot pot lantern. .

Immediately afterwards, just like before, his tall nose moved, and then he looked at him in surprise, "Father, this lantern actually smells of hot pot, I can smell it, it should be Yuanyang hot pot. The smell of butter."

But it didn't take long for the voice to fall, but Arthur suddenly felt that it was not right, "It seems to be the smell of a clear soup pot."

"Wait, there seems to be another spicy hot pot smell."

Arthur stood under the hot pot lantern for a long time, his nose kept moving, and the shocked look on his face never changed.

Yes? Is there something wrong with his nose?

Or? Is he craving hot pot?

The Elf King walked to his side and smelled the smell of butter hot pot.

And Fang? The taste of garlic crayfish disappeared instantly.

how did you do that?

The elf king was a little confused. The two lanterns were obviously so close, but from this lantern to that lantern, the original smell would disappear, leaving only the smell of the lantern in front of him.

Is this what it is? Legendary -- no?

The two elves looked at each other in dismay, and walked forward again in disbelief.

The front two lanterns are one on the left and one on the right. They are iced watermelon juice and iced mango juice.

The two walked to the left and right in a very tacit understanding, smelling the scent of watermelon juice and mango juice respectively.

But when they walked to each other's place, they could only smell the lanterns overhead, not the opposite or the two lanterns in front or behind.

Arthur Kerr did several experiments without faith, and finally found that although the difference between the front and rear lanterns was within a few meters, the smells emitted did not blend together.

Lobster flavor is? Lobster flavor, watermelon juice flavor is? Watermelon juice flavor.

Even if the distance between the left and right lanterns is shorter, the taste will not be skewed.

Only when he was walking in the middle of the road, in the center, would the smell of the lanterns on the left and right enter his nose together.

But the flavors don't stick together either.

It is as if the nostril on the side receives the breath on the left, and the nostril on the right receives the breath on the right.

This is too amazing.

Arthur and the Elf King looked at each other, unable to speak for a while.

What is this magic operation?? !

They cast their magic and move forward quickly.

At this moment, they saw a fifth-level demon beast passing by in front of them.

The fifth-level monsters seemed to have not seen them, and at this moment, the other party was no more than 1m away from them.

Level 5 monsters are not at all? Maybe they won't be able to see them.

Atheker frowned and stepped out of the path. The next second, he saw the fifth-level beast turn around vigilantly, and those big copper bell-like eyes stared at him.

After sensing the terrifying aura of the other party, it knew the current affairs as Junjie—run away.

When the Elf King saw this scene, he said in surprise, "This magical path can actually blind the five senses of the beasts, making them unaware of the existence of other people."

Atheker walked back to the elf king, thought for a while, and said, "This is probably what Mianmian said before, and it won't affect the life of the beast."

The Elf King nodded in surprise, "But how did she do it?"

However, this path is full of unfamiliar high-level magic, which may be the power of Yun Mianmian's own oriental magic.

The two continued to walk forward, and it didn't take long before a six-level monster appeared in their sight.

Askell looked at this sixth-level monster, didn't know what to think, and suddenly shot.

However, his magical attack fell on the beast, but there was no response at all.

The beast didn't even feel any threat, and stayed in this place for no more than a second, then slowly continued to move forward.

Atheker looked at his hand, and after a few seconds of stunned, he quickly walked out of the path and used magic again.

Immediately afterwards, the magic hit the sixth-level beast, and the sixth-level beast let out a wailing sound. After seeing Arthur Kerr, there was no counterattack, and he ran away in a hurry.

Didn't Arthur catch up, he looked at the monster's serious injury, and couldn't hide his surprise, "Father, is my guess right?"

"On this road, we and Warcraft seem to be at two different interfaces."

"The monsters can't see us, but we can see the monsters, but even so, we can't attack the monsters."

"This is the so-called real will not affect the survival of Warcraft."

If it's just that the monsters can't see their existence, and they can attack monsters at will on this path, then it is very likely that some people will use this road to kill monsters with bad intentions.

But now, the monsters and they are in two different space interfaces, if you want to kill the monsters, you can go out through this path.

This road only provides them with the convenience of going to the restaurant, but it does not provide them with the convenience of killing monsters.

After the elf king was shocked, he suddenly laughed and said, "This restaurant owner is a little funny."

"Even I didn't expect to use this method to protect monsters."

"Yun Mianmian, she has a pure and kind heart."

If it was someone else, I'm afraid that I would have to use this method to make money. Who would pay attention to the life and death of Warcraft.

When Arthur heard his father's evaluation of her, a slight smile appeared in the corner of his eyes.

"Father, it's time to go back to the restaurant."

"it is good!"

On the restaurant side, Yun Mianmian kept thinking about this matter because of the road, so he woke up earlier than usual.

After waking up, he ran straight out without even taking a shower.

The sleepy-eyed Senna also ran out after seeing Yun Mianmian's fiery look.

Percy was sleeping in the hall of the restaurant, and when he heard the movement, he thought that something major had happened, and immediately woke up and followed.

When they got outside the restaurant, they were all shocked by the path at the door that was covered with red lanterns and swayed in the breeze.

Cloud Mianmian: ! ! ! Hahahahaha appeared?!