Mianmian Snack Restaurant

~: Chapter 24 Chapters 29-30

Because the elves are currently ordering meals by themselves, the kitchen will quickly finish all the things he ordered.

Yun Mianmian even took the initiative to bring the dinner plate in front of the elf, and a pair of black eyes looked at him expectantly.

"Try it! It's all delicious, and I've added an extra serving of fruit soup for you. You'll love it."

After all, elves like to drink dew and eat flowers, fruits and vegetables, and fruit soup will definitely suit his appetite.

At this time, the other people had already finished eating the snail noodles one after another, and as soon as they looked up, they were surprised to discover the existence of the noble elves.

The crowd originally planned to discuss the taste of this snail powder, but when they saw the elf, for some reason, even the sound of snorting when they were eating became quieter.

It's because they rarely see elves in the human city.

Elves are noble and indifferent creatures, mysterious and unpredictable.

They live deep in the wild forest and never step out of the wild forest easily.

They're not exactly hostile to humans, but they're definitely not very friendly either.

But sometimes, if human beings are threatened by monsters in the wild forest, passing elves will also help.

It's just that they rarely stop to talk to humans.

I didn't expect to meet such a spirit in a restaurant.

And the elf is really as elegant and perfect as the epic sings, which makes people sigh.

The elf's long silver hair swayed slightly with his movements, as if the cold moonlight was shining on it, and it seemed to flow with floating light, which was amazingly beautiful.

His face was very white, but not that kind of pale, but that kind of almost transparent, flawless white.

Also because of this whiteness, the elf's black eyelashes and emerald green eyes complement each other, making it look extremely impactful.

Those thin and slightly pink lips are more like delicate flowers on the branches, nowhere is delicate, nowhere is imperfect.

And the aura of indifference around him made everyone dare not let out a sigh of relief.

Look at the elf's elegant eating behavior, and then look at himself and his companions eating noodles with oily mouths, sweating profusely, and the appearance of no image. Everyone couldn't help silently wiping their foreheads. The Khan of Shang, although they are all men, they don't care about beauty or not, but compared with other people's elves, they always feel as if they have fallen into the inferior class.

And just when the air was faintly quiet, Jonas, the second idiot, saw the elf even more brightly, licked his mouth, and greeted the elf with a bowl of snail noodles.

"really tasty!!"

"You know after one bite, it's impossible to find this food all over the continent."

Everyone looked at Jonas with subtle expressions. Who knew that the elves drank the first drop of dew in the morning and ate the fruits carefully cultivated by their elves.

Human food simply cannot enter the mouths of elves.

Not to mention that the smell of snail powder is extremely uncomfortable, spicy and irritating, and it is absolutely impossible for elves to try it.

Of course Jonas knew, but his pocket had been emptied, and he wanted to eat another bowl of snail noodles, but was suffering from no silver coins, but if he succeeded in fooling the elves, let him place an order A bowl of snail noodles, and then the elves found themselves? The taste of snail noodles is really unacceptable, so they will abandon it.

So isn't it cheap for him? !

This idea is still him? Yesterday, I got it from James who ordered snail noodles but didn't eat them.

Jonas was smug, he? What a smart guy.

Arthur Kel turned a deaf ear, and only gracefully put the crab roe bun in the bowl into his mouth.

The crab roe meat bun has just come out of the oven, it is very hot, and it exudes a little heat.

He took a light bite, and the soup instantly permeated from it, and the dough even smelled of the soup.

A little hot, but the delicious taste was enough to make him tolerate the temperature.

He opened his mouth again cautiously and took a small bite, including the crab roe.

It was something he had never eaten before. It was very chewy and had a rustling texture. In short, it was an indescribable feeling for Arthur.

A crab roe meat bun can be eaten in just two bites.

Arthur was a little dissatisfied. After eating the other two crab roe meat buns on the plate one after another, he drank the fruit soup.

Elves have always eaten fruit directly, and have never made fruit into soup.

However, the fruit made into the fruit soup did not lose its delicious taste. On the contrary, the soup, which looked like white water, was full of the umami of the fruit.

He took a look at the fruit in the fruit soup, there were at least three or four kinds.

And this soup combines the flavors of these several kinds of fruits together.

Not surprisingly, it tastes better.

As soon as I took a sip, my mouth was full of the fragrance of fruit, and the smell of the fireworks from the human world that I had just eaten the crab roe meat bun was instantly eliminated.

There was an imperceptible fluctuation in Arthur's crystal clear eyes like jade, then as long as he eats the food in the restaurant in the future, and then orders a bowl of fruit soup, he will It can remove the smell of food left in the mouth.

In this way, he will not be discovered by other elves that he has eaten human food.

There will be no question of tone.

Thinking of this, Arthur is more and more satisfied with this fruit soup.

Jonas, who had waited for a long time but didn't get a response, sighed in disappointment and said to Clark, "This elf is really hard to fool."

Clark rolled his eyes at him, and then looked at Yun Mianmian who was circling around the elves, like a lively and active little white rabbit constantly trying to be cute and trying to attract the attention of the owner.

He said, "Have you noticed that the boss seems to take this elf very seriously?"

Although he has not been at the restaurant for a long time, he can also find that the boss is lazy when he is doing business.

Only when they are ordering, their eyes are bright, and the rest of the time, they are doing what they like and never ask.

Just like this wave of students, if there are so many customers in a general restaurant, and the boss doesn't say that they will serve them seriously, then they are also caring, but Yun Mianmian is different.

Go to sleep when you are sleepy, and sleep until you wake up naturally, regardless of whether the guests are hungry or full.

Even the dishes and quilts are their own responsibility.

Of course, someone with a mysterious identity like the boss is naturally different from other ordinary restaurant bosses.

But before meeting the elf, Clark felt that Yun Mianmian had absolutely no reason to have the capital to do so.

But after meeting the elf, Clark's heart was a little unbalanced.

They are also all guests, so why can Yun Mianmian give him his position at the front desk?

Of course, the visitors are customers, and now that the restaurant has run out of space, it does not seem unreasonable to give up its front desk position to the customers.

But, he was also a guest, why didn't he get Yun Mianmian to surround him all the time, introducing him to the treatment of each dish from time to time?

Joyce listened to Clark's words, and asked with a puzzled face, "Is there? Isn't the boss's attitude towards elves the same as he treats us?"

"In the beginning, the boss was very enthusiastic when he saw us coming, and he introduced the food to us very carefully. After we got to know the restaurant, the boss didn't need to explain it to us, and naturally he didn't need to go around us. ."

"This is the first time the elf has come to the restaurant. The boss does his job well, and it doesn't seem strange that the elf introduces these things."


Clark frowned, always feeling that Yun Mianmian's attitude towards elves was different from that towards them.

He looked at Yun Mianmian with a soft smile on his face, the light in his eyes, and when he recalled the first time he saw Yun Mianmian, the other party smiled at him and looked at him, he always felt as if Some are different.

"Oh, what are you thinking? You are usually seen as carefree and don't pay attention to details. Why is the smile on your face different at this time? The light in your eyes is different. You can share this kind of illusory thing. Clear?!"

Joyce sneered, thinking that Clark had a problem with his snail powdered eyes.

Thinking of snail noodles, Joyce patted him on the shoulder and leaned closer, "One bowl of snail noodles is definitely not enough, do you want another? ? It's better to let me take care of the rest for you."

"This pain, as your good brother, I am willing to define it."

Clark: …


The words were round and round, making Joyce sigh again and again, "Brother for many years, but it's not worth a bowl of snail noodles, I can see through you."

Clark: …

"Many years, brother, it's the first time I've seen you. It turns out that you are such a shameless person to eat."

Renee and the others were so amused by the two of them that they almost spit out the food in their mouths, "I said do you two want to be early in the morning? Just so funny?"

"By the way! Are we going to go back to hand in the quest after breakfast, or continue to catch some monsters in the wild forest?"

Yuri said, "Go back to hand in the quest first, and then see if there are any quests that you can pick up. This time, we will go back and pick up some more quests. Anyway, there is a restaurant, so we are not worried about what will happen. What a problem."

Bella and the others nodded, thinking that what the captain said made sense.

After eating and drinking, Yuri and the others planned to say goodbye to Yun Mianmian.

Yun Mianmian was a little reluctant to give up, after all, the purse ran away with long legs, and she was still a long way from 500 gold coins.

But as long as he thought that after Yuri and the others left, they would go back to the city to recommend his restaurant to those they knew well, and Yun Mianmian was full of hope.

"Oh, by the way, Baishuang fought with a monster a few days ago. The monster died, but I saw that the body was well preserved. I don't know if I want to sell it to you?"

Yuri nodded happily, "Of course."

It's a small effort, and they're willing to help.

Yun Mianmian immediately walked outside the yard and released the monster from the backpack.

Yuri said, "This is the first level 4 monster. According to the market, it can be sold for ten gold coins."

Yun Mianmian nodded, "Then? I'll sell you eight gold coins, and the remaining two gold coins will be regarded as your hard work."

Yuri quickly refused, "We are all friends, how can we still receive money for helping?"

Yun Mianmian smiled and said, "Well then, I'll treat you to a bowl of noodles when you come next time."

"Okay, okay, then? See you next time, boss."

After receiving 10 gold coins, Yun Mianmian, who watched everyone leave, hummed a little song and returned to the restaurant.

The restaurant was still quiet. Those students were eating the food in their bowls while secretly looking at the graceful spirits. They didn't dare to let out a sigh of relief, and they didn't dare to discuss arbitrarily.

The smell of snail noodles in the restaurant is still domineering and lingering.

But after staying inside for a long time, Askell seemed to be used to it, and the sharp sword eyebrows did not wrinkle together anymore.

Yun Mianmian watched, but didn't give up? Continue to sell snail noodles.

"You've tried all the food in the restaurant. You even tried the new Sichuan Dandan noodles, but you didn't try the snail noodles. Don't you think it's a pity?"

"The snail noodles are really delicious. You can see that all the customers ordered them today, and no one said it was not delicious."

After finishing speaking, Yun Mianmian also looked at those students and motioned them to cooperate with him.

"Snail noodles are really delicious, right?"

The students looked at each other, shocked by the fact that the restaurant owner dared to sell snail noodles to the elves.

In fact, they were shocked when they saw the elves eating Sichuan Dandan noodles.

A noble and elegant spirit who only eats dewdrops and flowers, how can he actually eat noodles.

Of course, the elves eat gracefully and don't make such sounds like they do.

Just like this, it still makes people unable to stop? Surprised.

The red layer of chili oil dyed the elf's lips more and more colorful, and the snow-white skin was lined with the red layer, making it even more sultry.

Coupled with the sense of abstinence that strangers should not be near and untouchable, it is simply heart-wrenching.

They thought that the spicy Sichuan Dandan noodles were the limit, but Yun Mianmian, the owner of the restaurant, was more daring, and even planned to let the elves try snail noodles.

To tell the truth, as far as the taste of snail powder is concerned, they do not believe that the elves will try it.

After all, even they shy away from snail noodles before this, if it wasn't for the accidental taste, they found that the taste was indeed fascinating.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to order such a food that tasted like the **** hole had been fried on the table.

But when asked with a smile by the restaurant owner, everyone honestly said that the snail noodles were very good.

But their sincerity is obviously not as good as Jonas' mouth.

Yun Mianmian was a little discouraged, if she could, she really wanted to pick up a bowl of snail noodles, opened the elf's mouth, and the overlord forcefully poured it into his mouth.

Just like when she was treating Bai Shuang, she didn't believe that the noodles had entered her throat, and the elf would not swallow it.

But looking at the elf's aura and the intricately patterned, magical bow and arrows on his body, Yun Mianmian knew that he was definitely not going to die.

Yun Mianmian, who failed again, sighed and turned to talk about other things.

"Arthur, do you have any other companions nearby? You can invite them to the restaurant to eat."

Yun Mianmian couldn't believe it, not one of the hundreds of elves would like snail noodles.

[Please note, host, even if other elves eat snail powder, it cannot be counted as the completion of the hidden quest. 】

Yun Mianmian fryer, "Why?"

They are all elves, how can they be treated differently?

The perfect plan she just thought of, how could it be destroyed by the system.

[Because Arthur is the Elf Prince. 】

Cloud Mianmian: ! !

Her surprised eyes were on Arthur Kerr's face? It lingered for a while, so it was, no wonder Arthur Kerr looked so good-looking.

It's no wonder that the other party is so oily.

"Hey, what can I do?"

"System, why do you have to let the elves eat snail noodles? Do you want to eat other things?"

Yun Mianmian really couldn't figure it out, why would someone's elves feed **** into their mouths with such a noble and elegant existence?

Can you respect other people's eating habits?

[Sorry, host, no, this is a hidden mission that has been assigned and cannot be changed. 】

Cloud Mianmian: …

The system really does what it can't do.

And Atheker heard Yun Mianmian's question, and rarely opened his mouth, his voice was cold, "Most of them live in the Elf Kingdom, and they rarely go out."

"That's it."

Yun Mianmian can't say it? Disappointed, after all, the system has already said that changing the elf to eat snail powder will not be able to complete the hidden task, so even if other elfs come, it is useless.

On the other hand, Arthur looked at Yun Mianmian, and didn't understand why. Her eyes were bright like stars just now. At this moment, she seemed to be a sluggish little puppy with drooping ears, and her mood seemed to be much lower.

Is it because there are no others nearby? Do elves exist?

This realization rarely made Atheker feel a little uncomfortable.

He? The dignified elf prince can't compare? Other? Elf?

How can this human being be so greedy?

Yun Mianmian doesn't know what the elf prince is thinking? She is just depressing herself? The way to take shortcuts has failed again.

Xu was because there were spirits, the other students said goodbye to Yun Mianmian after eating breakfast, chanting incantations silently, and using the cleaning technique to clean the dishes.

They have to rush back to the academy and report to the teacher what happened this time.

Anglo reluctantly said, "We will be back soon."

Yun Mianmian is even more reluctant than him. After they leave, I don't know when Ma Yue will be able to come again.

"On the road? Be careful!"

Yun Mianmian gave a few words, and was about to go back to the restaurant, but was suddenly stopped by Anglo, Anglo was a little embarrassed, and after a few hesitations, he said, "Boss, it would be better for us to go back to the Eternal City. It's a few days' journey, and it takes more than half a day to walk through the wild forest, and it's easy to encounter danger."

"Boss, I wonder if you can take out the food in the restaurant?"

Yun Mianmian heard the words, his eyes lit up like a light bulb.

Yes, takeaway, why didn't she think of this?

Yun Mianmian was so excited, she hurriedly opened the system mall, and she really found a packed lunch box. Each lunch box cost five copper coins.

But it doesn't matter, the cost of the lunch box can be recovered by asking them.

So Yun Mianmian nodded immediately and indicated that she could pack and take out.

"However, in hot weather like this, mistakes can be saved until the next day at most, otherwise? It's easy to break."

Anglo couldn't be more happy when he knew that he could pack. Facing Yun Mianmian's reminder, Anglo waved his hand, "It's not a problem, boss, although we haven't graduated from the Magic Academy, we're just magic apprentices, but? We are still serious about the spells and magic of basic food preservation."

In the past, it was impossible for them to use their precious elemental power in these areas, but now it is different.

The food in the restaurant can provide them with elemental power, and even if such a small amount is wasted, it can be replenished in minutes.

Yun Mianmian sighed a few times before remembering, yes, this is a magical world, what else is impossible.

This is more practical than a refrigerator.

"Then what do you need? Each package costs five copper coins."

Students with deep pockets? That there is no problem.

Anglo calculated the distance from the wild forest to the Eternal Capital, as well as what they would eat for three meals, and prepared to place an order.

It turned out that the other juniors and juniors wanted more things than him, and they were even more aggressive.

Basically the same food is purchased in dozens of servings.

If they hadn't kept some money for lodging, I'm afraid they would have to empty their pockets.

Anglo was stunned, "Is this too exaggerated? Can you really finish it?"

Emma said, "Senior Anglo, why can't we finish it? After returning to the academy, we won't be able to eat the food from the restaurant. Naturally, how much is there? How much do we buy?"

Anyway, they have magic bags, they can put these food in the bag, and it will not affect the speed of their return to the Eternal Capital, so of course they can buy as much as they can.

Anglo was reminded by his schoolgirl, and frantically joined the purchase.

Yun Mianmian was writing quickly, frantically writing the list, and his hands were sore.

But? Her happy mouth was about to grin to the back of her head.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

With take-out, what is she afraid of? People can't find this place.

Anglo should remind her earlier, in this case, when the five members of the Thorns Mercenary Group leave, they can take a big wave, and she can even let them take a little as a promotion, so that others can try it for free one time.

But it's not too late.

Yun Mianmian frantically wrote the dishes while communicating with the system, "The magical world should be easier to deliver food than the world I brought before."

In the next second, the system sounded, [Congratulations to the host for opening the hidden task and lighting up the takeaway function. 】

Cloud Mianmian: ! !

Ahhhh, that's really great!

She really loves these students to death.

However, she is still busy now and has no time to check the takeaway function carefully.

At this time, Arthur had moved to the dining table next to him. Looking at Yun Mianmian surrounded by students, his eyes dimmed.

The light in her eyes now is brighter and brighter than when she saw him.

Just like his private treasure, it shines brightly.

This wave of takeaways successfully made Yun Mianmian's sales exceed 500 gold coins today.

If it wasn't for the lack of gold coins brought by these students, maybe Yun Mianmian could have made more money.

Yun Mianmian felt that she was about to die, and she was dying of joy.

This is too beautiful.

She was still struggling with herself at first? She couldn't be promoted to the second level, but she didn't expect happiness to come so unexpectedly.


Yun Mianmian laughed wildly with akimbo, not only was he able to be promoted to Level 2, but he also successfully opened the takeaway function.

No worries later.

"It's just the system. I have successfully upgraded to the second level. Does this make it unnecessary for the elves to eat snail noodles?"

The system replied, [Once this hidden mission is triggered, it must be completed. However, the rewards after completion can be exchanged for other ones. 】

Yun Mianmian raised his brows, "This is possible."

She was in a beautiful mood and felt that she had found a good way to make a fortune, so she was not so obsessed with letting Arthur Kerr eat snail noodles.

Just think if you can succeed, if you can't, then take it slow.

The mood changed instantly.

After all she swelled! !