Mianmian Snack Restaurant

~: No. 245-246

Before meeting James, who was Nipo? He had already sent a message to his family in the Eternal Capital, and wanted to gather them to put pressure on Tronaz, teach Yun Mianmian a good lesson, and let her know what to do. What not to do, knowing what to offend yourself? The end.

In fact, when the affair of Nepal spread to the eternal capital, the nobles all felt that Yun Mianmian, the city lord, was doing things? She actually dared to drive a nobleman out of Tronaz so arrogantly, who gave her this courage?

Yes? No? Yes? Think you have a magical restaurant and can do whatever you want?

Speaking of which, the nobles of the Eternal Capital are all watching, or is it? There are more than 60 elf guards suddenly appearing in the restaurant, and there is that mysterious and unpredictable restaurant road, no If so, the nobles have already acted.

Now they press the no schedule, and it's just because they are afraid of these, they can't find a suitable method for a while.

Then there's the thought-provoking blacklist of restaurants.

However, as soon as Nepal believed him, and most of the so-called blacklists of the restaurants were recorded with the names of nobles, those nobles had long been in love with Yun Mianmian. Man, as long as he adds fuel to the fire and adds fuel to the fire, he can definitely unite with these nobles and teach Yun Mianmian a lesson.

It's just that just after his plan started, James came.

Nebo instantly felt that working with James seemed to be able to teach Yun Mianmian a lesson faster.

After all, James is the one who gave Nippo through the bottom line. He has changed from a magician apprentice to a seventh-level undead magician in just a few months. He is already beyond the reach of many people.

It's just that the two of them hadn't even discussed how to start. When James was inquiring about Yun Mianmian's situation, he unexpectedly met Yun Mianmian outside Keryi City.

Coincidence, isn't it??

The moment James saw Yun Mianmian, the anger in his heart came up immediately, and when he saw her, she remembered her miserable present.

I couldn't hold back the hatred in my heart at all.

It's just that when his eyes touched the elf on the side, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

What's the situation with this elf, he can't see the magic level of this elf.

On the other hand, the nobleman on the side, he saw it, but he was a fourth or fifth level magician, so what?

As for Yun Mianmian, even if he became a seventh-level undead magician, he still couldn't see or guess Yun Mianmian's strength.

Thinking back to the rumors about the cloudless oriental fairy art that went viral in the restaurant, James thought that maybe the other party practiced the oriental fairy art, so he couldn't figure it out.

Maybe the opponent's strength is not as strong as his, it's just that the things they cultivate are different, so it is difficult for people to see through.

And now the only thing he should be afraid of is the elf.

However, James believes that he has practiced undead magic for so long, and he also has a lot of magic items found on the two dead undead magicians. Solve one Elf, that's more than enough to do.

So he wasn't afraid at all.

Since James became a seventh-level magician, he was full of self-confidence. He also provoked a lot of magicians in the wild forest and successfully killed them. At this time, he naturally felt that the elves would be better than the current ones. ? He is even better.

So Yun Mianmian couldn't even get anything out of James' mouth, see? The other party slapped her arrogantly, and then started to do it, as if she could squeeze her like an ant in minutes? Squeeze her to death.

Cloud Mianmian: ? ? ?

Is he afraid of seeing the existence of Arthur Kerr?

So big, so tall, so handsome? An Asker, doesn't he notice?

When James used the undead magic, Arthur Klein gently pushed Yun Mianmian to the side, his palm turned over, and the beautiful bow that Yun Mianmian was very familiar with appeared in Arthur Klein again. in the hands.

At night, this powerful bow looks even more beautiful, as if a radiance glides over the bow, Arthur put the arrow on the bow indifferently, and the gleaming light reflects Arthur Kerr's cold face became more and more chilling.

With a bang, the arrow burst out like a broken bamboo, carrying endless magic power of the light system, breaking through the black fog-like undead magic attack.

Arrows passed through quickly, and the black fog shattered.

James' eyes widened in shock, watching this scene in disbelief. He didn't react until the arrow hit him like a thunderbolt. He hurriedly ducked to the side, but the arrow didn't disappear. hurt him.

But just when he was in shock and doubted his life, the arrow that was shot actually returned a carbine.

James didn't expect this at all, and was directly pierced by the arrow in the shoulder.

Just listen to the sound of ah, James let out a painful howl.

With a thump, he knelt down on his knees, clutching his shoulders, his face pale.

After he became an undead magician, his face was pale. This arrow pierced his pipa bone, and his whole body seemed to be pulled out of water. His face was thinner than paper. Three points on white.

Light magic is the nemesis of the necromancer, especially Arthur's magic level is much higher than that of James.

After the light element force invaded James' body, the two element forces reacted with rejection, and the wound started to tear more and more.

The blood flowed continuously, wetting James' hand covering the wound.

He fell down on the ground in panic, and couldn't believe that, as a seventh-level magician, he was actually pierced through the pipa bone by this elf, and even now he can't even move his arms.

This seems to be a joke.

"No? Possibly, you don't? Possibly so powerful."

Although the elf talent is higher than the human, but he is now a necromancer!

James' lips were pale, and his shoulders were still bleeding continuously, but he couldn't move. As long as he moved a little, there would be heart-rending pain from his shoulders, and more importantly? Is it? The light element force is raging in his body, fighting with the dark element force, and it hurts all over his body.

Yun Mianmian looked at the other party's white, ghost-like face and fell to the ground behind him, his limbs swaying, screaming in pain and screaming in despair, frantically blowing a rainbow to Arthur Kerr fart.

"Askell, you are too powerful, aren't you, even if you kill the beast with one arrow, even the undead magician can be defeated with one arrow."

Arthur's eyes didn't turn around, and he used elemental force to condense an arrow out of thin air, and then aimed at James' other shoulder. The next second, Yun Mianmian saw the arrow with a magnificent atmosphere. With a strange light, it pierced the air and shot straight into James' shoulder.

And the powerful impact force took James back several steps and nailed him directly to the tree.

Cloud Mianmian: ! ! !

Holy crap, this can only be seen in the special effects of TV series? The picture actually appeared! ! !

Arthur's brilliance is simply indescribable.

Count Alexander looked at the struggling James and swallowed in fear.

He usually provokes Arthur so unscrupulously and stumbles him. Apart from cold-faced and secretly making small moves, Arthur has no intention of shooting him through with an arrow, really? Thanks to Arthur Kerr for his kindness.


James is in pain? The whole person is about to curl up?

Blood spurted out from the wound like a beetle.

His face was a little whiter than paper at this moment, and the cold sweat on his forehead was even more rustling.

The violent blue veins became more obvious because of his pale complexion.

It hurts so much, really? It hurts so much.

Why does it hurt so much?

James stared at the arrow that pierced his shoulder, and he could even feel the arrow pierce his collarbone.

As long as he touched it lightly, it seemed that countless sharp blades were scraping his flesh on the wound, making him want to die.

Yun Mianmian clicked his tongue a few times, "Askell, won't this guy die by then?"

Didn't she think about it? It's easy to catch a undead magician with great difficulty, and the result is that she burps before she reaches the Eternal Capital.

Atheker shook his head, "Don't worry, no, I'm measured."

"That's good. Actually, I'm also curious about James? How did he become a Necromancer?"

Arthur Kerr said: "If you are curious, then ask."

Saying that, with a wave of Arthur's hand, the arrow that pierced James' collarbone disappeared into the air, and James fell from the tree because of it? ? Body twitching.

Atheker stepped forward, took out a primary healing potion from the magic bag, and poured it into his mouth, which not only ensured that he would not bleed to death, but also ensured that he would not die because of The wound heals and becomes a demon.

These are what he put on his body before. Since his strength has improved and there are restaurants, Arthur has rarely used them himself. I didn't expect them to come in handy now.

Seeing that James' wound is slowly not bleeding anymore, and his face doesn't seem to be as scary as before, Yun Mianmian asked curiously, "James, how did you become an undead magician?"

James looked at Yun Mianmian with bloodshot eyes, and the ghost fire in his eyes had almost gone out.

"Why should I tell you?"

James thinks it's very funny, what is Yun Mianmian? Why do you think so? Torturing him, what would he say?

It's just that the sneer at the corner of his mouth hasn't evoked, but he sees Askell lightly touching his wound, and the next second, the wound seems to have been torn by something. Blood gushed out like a tidal wave, and he immediately yelled in pain.

"Ahhhh! You're crazy!"

There were tears in the corners of James' eyes. "What are you doing?"

Arthur raised his eyes and said slowly: "If Mianmian asks you, you must answer honestly, do you know? Otherwise, I can use the healing potion to heal your wounds, and I can also heal your wounds. Re? Tear, understand?"

James doesn't know if it's angry? Drops, it looks like there is a lot of gas coming in and not going out.

Seeing this, Yun Mianmian deliberately looked at Arthur in front of James and asked, "Arthur, is there any kind of magic in this world that can make people tell the truth? Even if it is? Did you want to deceive or deceive us?"

Arthur Kerr has never heard of such a "magic", but he has heard of such a "potion", but that doesn't prevent him from discovering something from the look of Yun Mianmian winking at himself. .

So he nodded and said, "Yes, but only high-level magicians know magic."

Yun Mianmian immediately answered, "Oh, yes? No? Yes? It's the same as our Oriental Immortal Art? It can invade people's brains and re-examine what happened to the other party before, just not? After this, the other party will only become a fool. In the eastern world, this method is called soul search."

Arthur Keel did not expect that there is such a magic technique in the Eastern Continent, and the name is also very appropriate.

James listened to Arthur Kerr and Yun Mianmian's frequent question and answer. Originally, he was in a cold sweat, but now his teeth are shaking with fright. What do you mean? What is Yun Mianmian? What kind of oriental magic is he going to use on himself? - Soul search?

After searching the soul, will you become a fool?

No?—he doesn't think so!

James immediately shouted, "I said, I said, I said everything, no? Soul search!"

His lips were pale, and the ghost fire in his eyes flickered and dimmed.

The dark elemental force in his body is still fighting with the light elemental force left in Atheker's body, it hurts? His forehead is twitching.

What is the strength of this elf? How strong is it to be able to press him to the ground and beat him, but is it? James is not? I dare not ask.

Yun Mianmian smiled and looked at James, who knows the current affairs who is Junjie, "Okay, if you think about it, then let's be honest, if I find out that you lied to me in any way, then I will Let you have another taste of what it feels like to be shot by an arrow on a tree."

"And this time, it wasn't a shot in the shoulder, it was—"

Yun Mianmian stretched out her tender and tender fingers, feinted in front of James, and finally her fingers stayed in front of his forehead, showing him harmless to livestock, with a pure and innocent smile, "I heard about people? The head is very hard, don't know if Arthur's arrow can pierce it, really? Yes? I'm so curious! Don't know James, can you fulfill my wish today?"

The cold sweat on James' forehead rustled down, looking at Yun Mianmian's sweet and lovely appearance with curved eyebrows, but it was as if he had seen a ghost, and the whole person was shaking with fright.

"No? No? No, I'll be honest? I will."

Tears are flowing, or is it that you have an injury on your body and can't get up? Yun Mianmian watched, James wanted to give her his head and grab the ground to prove his sincerity.

With his cowardly appearance now, how could he have appeared in front of her just now? No, but he is arrogant, and he is a bereaved dog, not worth mentioning.

"Okay, come on, let's listen!"

After Yun Mianmian finished speaking, he called Arthur Kerr to move over with his brother, and listened to James while eating, as if the other party had made a special trip to send people over to tell her a story.

James:  …

His heart was full of grief and anger, but what could he do?

Who called him? Is he stronger than others? He can only be crushed to the ground.

With a pale face, James began his story weakly, "After being kicked out of the restaurant that day by you, I originally thought that I would go back to the Eternal Capital, but I was caught in the wild forest. A undead magician caught me, and the other party wanted to practice me as a puppet slave. Fortunately, yes, at this time, the other party's enemy came over, and the two fought together, and both were lost."

"It's also possible that I was not successfully trained as a puppet slave because of the negligence of the undead magician before. Instead, I was sober, so I wanted to kill."

"However, I didn't expect that even if the two undead magicians were dying, they would still be able to join forces to resist my attack. At the back, I didn't even know what undead magic they used? I only know the one on me. The elemental force of the light system was swallowed up by the black fog, and then, the elemental force of the dark system entered my body."

"I was inexplicably transformed into a undead magician!"

Speaking of this, James looked at Yun Mianmian's eyes, both sad and angry, Yun Mianmian hummed, looked back, and narrowed his eyes threateningly, "What? Do you think so? I'll make you change. Become a necromancer?"

If James dared to be angry or not, he naturally shook his head.

Arthur looked at Yun Mianmian's threatening? Small appearance? How do you think she looks cute? Can't help it? He stretched out his hand and pinched her tender little face, thinking, or is it? Someone is there, I really want a kiss.

Yun Mianmian gave him a charming look, then reached out and waved off his arm, "Don't destroy my stalwart image in front of others."

Arthur couldn't help laughing, and withdrew his hand, "Okay!"

Count Alexander only felt a toothache, but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, he was still tragically speaking about his tragic experience in front of him!

James:! ! !


Yun Mianmian and this elf are actually a pair!


No? Yes? Say just? Possibly? No? Are you saying that the elves are extra-exclusive?

What's the situation?

Yun Mianmian bared her little teeth and looked fiercely at James, who was looking at him and Arthur Kerr in astonishment, "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen handsome men and beauties? Don't you? Hurry up and continue talking!"

James withdrew his gaze angrily and continued with choked sobs, "I was also in pain after becoming a necromancer, but soon, I found a book of undead magic on them, and it only took three months. , I can become a seventh-level undead magician, for revenge, so I practiced. I didn't expect it to be true? It was successful!"

Speaking of this, James is still quite proud, "At the Harsh School of Magic, the teachers said that I am not talented, but look, after becoming a necromancer, I did not pass three I became a seventh-level magician in a month, and it's not at all? I'm not talented enough?!"

Atheker looked at his squeak and said, "Show me that book."

James didn't want to, but he didn't dare not give it.

After taking out the undead book from the magic bag, he reluctantly handed it over to Arthur Kerr.

Yun Mianmian immediately leaned over to look curiously. At this moment, Count Alexander forgot the fear of being dominated by Arthur, and he also probed his head.

Arthur frowned slightly, and quickly flipped through the pages. When Yun Mianmian could only see the gray in front of him, the other party had already read it.

Cloud Mianmian: ? ? ?

Ten lines at a glance? Don't be quick with him!

Even James was a little stunned, but he quickly came back to his senses and felt that Arthur was just flipping through it casually. As a necromancer, he spent a lot of time seeing through these dark magicians. ?Magic?, and the elf, as a light magician, how is this possible? I understand it?

It must be pretentious, if you don't understand it, pretend you understand it!

"Arthur, do you understand?"

Yun Mianmian stared at it, "Is it just? Magic? Spell?"

Arthur shook his head: "No? Yes? If I read the last page correctly, this book of "Magic" can make the undead magician become a high-level magician in a short time. , but? Once you break through the seventh level, you will face the skyrocketing elemental power of the dark system, the meridians will be cut off, and you will become a waste."

Cloud Mianmian: ? ? ?

Why suddenly seems to have switched to the martial arts channel?

James:! ! !

He shouted: "No? Possibly!" He even attacked incoherently: "You are a light magician, how can you understand the undead magic? Daquan? You are lying to me! I am already level seven. Magician, why am I alright??"

Arthur looked at James lightly, not only why, James seemed to see the word disgust in that look.

"What's so hard about it? No? Is it? You can read it casually?"

Cloud Mianmian:  …

She touched her nose, sorry for holding back the team, she didn't understand a word!

Count Alexander looks up to the sky, what? The wind was so strong that he didn't hear it!

James:  …

So angry!

No, Yun Mianmian is really curious, "Askell, do you really understand? Isn't it possible that you can practice this?"

Arthur Kerr said: "I understand, I understand, but the elemental power of the light type is different from that of the dark type. It takes certain conditions to become a undead magician."

Yun Mianmian looked at James and sighed clearly, "Just like what this guy said just now, the elemental power of the light element in himself has been replaced with the dark element."

"Yes, that's right!"

Yun Mianmian rubbed his chin, looked at James thoughtfully, and made James look worried.

"I see, I said why James was so lucky to find this book, no? It must be? That dead? Necromancer left it on purpose? Think about it, Necromancer. The most important thing is to be cunning and careful. Because of James, the two of them will die, so it must be revenge before they die."

"First, let James become a undead magician, which made him suffer, and then let him discover this book of the undead, so that he can become a seventh-level magician in just three months. For James, Must be a big surprise."

"Finally, when he became a seventh-level magician, he didn't take long to be proud, and one day something went wrong and he became a cripple. This kind of person who fell from heaven to hell, returned to heaven and then fell into the abyss? A blow can definitely make a person collapse."

Yun Mianmian couldn't help but praised the methods of the two undead magicians, "This is too 666! Especially after becoming a seventh-level undead magician, with James' character, he definitely won't know. Keep yourselves in order, he will definitely make countless enemies by then, think about it, he has become a cripple, and there are so many enemies, and his next life will be very beautiful."

James:! ! !

He's going to be petrified, don't you know why, listening to Yun Mianmian say this, he seems to have seen his own future, as if it's over!

"No, no, it's possible, I don't think it might be like this?! No, no, it will?!"

James was in a trance, refusing to believe.

Yun Mianmian smiled and said, "Trust it or not? It's up to you, anyway, it will be miserable then? No? It's us."

James:  …

"And don't worry, we will take you back to the Eternal Capital after that. Even if you are really useless, no one else will trouble you. After all, you were given to His Majesty the King by me."

James:! ! !

Can you, mom, be a person? !

He is so miserable, do you want to add fuel to the fire?

And—why should he be given to His Majesty the King?

James was really panicked, "No, no, no, please, no! I will die before the king's majesty."

He panicked: "As long as you promise to let me go, I'll tell you who else wants to hurt you."

Yun Mianmian bent her head and looked at him without blinking, as if thinking about it, just when James thought there was a drama, she suddenly smiled: "Why do you need to say this, yes? No? Yes? Nepal ?"

James blurted out: "How do you know?"

Yun Mianmian let out a snort, "Isn't this a scam?"

James:! ! !


Please be yourself!

The author has something to say: James: QAQ has a saying that I don't know if it should be said or not. I really don't want to be this villain's little cannon fodder! Grief JPG