Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 10

The first memorable movie in Xu Youyuan's entire life was a spy movie.

The protagonist inside drives a helicopter all over the sky to fight villains, and then pulls a rope from the sky to fly outside an office building. Gravity is almost non-existent to him. It can save people while flying over the wall to fight monsters. Holding the screaming white-collar workers in the office building and throwing them out, his companions drove the plane outside to pick them up one by one.

Whenever someone was flew out, the screams lifted Xu Youyuan's heart.

Of course she knows that everyone will be fine, but the scenes that are too realistic are engrossing and make people extremely nervous.

Xu Youyuan always thinks that everyone likes her and likes these thrills. What's more, the friendship options are marked "Bold". As a result, people are scared away at the beginning of the show, even without losing points and dating. Reputation, offline on the spot, almost ran away without looking back...

Fortunately, I ran away, but then there were even more terrifying difficulties. I played the whole process and decided that the other party would complain and report.

At the beginning, Xu Youyuan still felt that her date was too aggressive. There are so many people all over the world, there must be someone who is really bold and like-minded, and she only experienced the beginning of the scene of Speed ​​and Passion 12, which is very realistic. Nervous, looking forward to the following plot, and eager to experience it.

So she started dating a second person.

This time this is a hot girl, wearing a black tights and twelve-centimeter high heels, punched a lot of holes from her ear bones to her lips, and licked her ears when she opened the door of Xu Youyuan's car.

Xu Youyuan kept her distance a little uncomfortably, and the other party smiled and said, "Shy?"

It can be heard that it is a translated electronic sound. The user himself should be a foreigner.

Xu Youyuan began to be excited again, and it would be better if she was a girl from the fighting nation of Russia, so that she could be unscrupulous.

Before the start, Xu Youyuan reminded her very carefully that there would be a drag racing and a series of road-fighting escapes in a while, and asked her if she could adapt, and don't force it.

In order to prove her strength, the girl directly asked Xu Youyuan to get up and she would drive.

Xu Youyuan did not grind, so she retreated to the co-pilot, intending to appreciate the girl's drift.

Soon, the first glacier chase and bombing began.

When the hot girl stepped on the accelerator and the car was speeding on the vast glacier, even if the driver was a little tight, Xu Youyuan felt relaxed and happy. He even lifted the top cover of the car and grasped it skillfully from the bottom of the car. A long cannon fired at the helicopter in the sky.

The loud noise of the helicopter burst shook the hot girl's ears almost deaf, and she struck her neck with sparks of sparks on her back, aching fiercely.

The hot girl is curious: "How do you know there are weapons in the car?!"

Xu Youyuan sat back in the passenger seat, her hair blown like waves, and said excitedly: "I know this movie!"

"What movie is this?"

Dare to love the dating scene, this girl came without knowing anything.

"Fast and Furious 12!"

"12?!" shouted the hot girl in the gale, "I only watched 20! Isn't 12 a movie of the last century!"

Xu Youyuan: "?"

Is there any basic courtesy? Although 12 is relatively early, it is a movie she watched when she was adolescent, but it is not the last century, right? And she hasn't seen the latter few of the movie, but she prefers the plot of the Antarctic Chase in 12.

Although I don't know the true age of the hot girl, this time you come and I have a clear signal that she is dating a child.

Before he had time to investigate, the child panicked in a series of bombings. He turned away from the road and was about to hit the iceberg. She actually stepped on the accelerator, and the speeding sports car hissed tires under her terrible operation. Sounds, quickly turned all over, and fell uncontrollably.

Xu Youyuan, who was hanging upside down in the air, was truly unlovable, but at this moment, the tearful hot girl gave up the operation completely, hooping Xu Youyuan's neck tightly and yelling "Mom save me".

Afterwards, Xu Youyuan was very curious to ask the hot girl's age, and the hot girl told her fairly indifferently that she was 14 years old this year.

"14?!" Xu Youyuan thought she had heard it wrong. "You can't register for the dark box when you are 14 years old, right!"

"What's the matter, Auntie, you are really native." The translation system translates very locally. "There are also 11-year-olds and 12-year-olds who don’t have full hair all over the floor. What's wrong with the 14-year-old? The child is her mother, and I’m going to make an appointment to be long-winded."

Xu Youyuan was so shocked that he didn't know what to say when faced with the new era's scumbag.

Nothing more than three things, Xu Youyuan is definitely not a person who gives up easily.

But the facts happened to give her the hardest blow.

In the next date, a more tragic situation occurred. The sister who was dating her vomited directly in the carriage. Xu Youyuan was unable to open the roof of the car when she was driving. But at this time, the bombing continued, and the car from time to time. The ground vibrated up and down and then swayed left and right. The terrible liquid was thrown in the car very evenly, covering the glass windows...

After the date, she received a negative comment of 459 words from her date.

The dark box app reminded her that she should change her way of making friends and contact emotional customer service if necessary.

Xu Youyuan looked at the words "contact customer service" weakly and took off the access device.

Back to reality, she collapsed on the sofa, her eyes straight.

Has love missed her anymore? There are nearly 8 billion people in the world, and this does not include the 200 million on the moon and 100 million on Mars, and none of them can connect to her brain waves.

No, this is not the case, there must be another way.

Xu Youyuan knew that she had not gone wrong, but the current "vehicle speed" was a bit too fast.

Or slow down first to see who gets in, and then increase the speed little by little? How about giving others a process of adaptation?

Xu Youyuan drank a glass of wine, lifted herself up, and entered the dark room again.

For the scene of this date, she no longer chose an action movie that was too exciting, but a romance movie, a 1995 literary romance movie, "Love Before Dawn".

Originally, she wanted to choose a movie in the "love" scene to date directly, but after a long time in the scene library, there was no one she was familiar with. It is indeed a famous dating app. Many movies are full of color when watching the cover. Xu Youyuan, the old aunt, doesn't want to date in bed.

Fortunately, the dark room is considerate enough to import movies and automatically generate dating scenes. Xu Youyuan led "love before dawn" in.

The progress bar of the system moves forward slowly, and the scene is being generated.

Xu Youyuan chose this old movie for a reason. This time, before the date, she will remind her date what movie the date is. The 1995 film can largely filter out the youngsters who used to enter the dark room.

She was hugged and called "Mom" whenever she was in danger. She didn't want to experience this kind of thing again.

After sending out the dating plan, three people responded to her.

The first person responded almost within three seconds after she announced the plan. The name was "Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers". The avatar looked a bit familiar, with a temperament that she didn't want to touch. And the response was too quick, it was like waiting on the ground, too frivolous, Xu Youyuan pushed her aside and didn't consider it.

Among the remaining two, Xu Youyuan chose not to create an avatar, and used a sunset picture as her head. His nickname was "Sunset Boulevard". He was quite an ancient temperament.

Since art is to the end, she doesn't just like adventure. I met unexpectedly on a train, fell in love at first sight, and then walked and lay and talked about life all day long. She also likes this movie that young people like very much.

This appointment will surely succeed.

After confirming that the appointment time is 7:30 pm on the second day, the system pops up a prompt:

"Dear dating initiator Nothing, are you willing to let something interesting happen during the date? This may enhance your relationship with your date, help you understand each other better, and at the same time harvest surprises."

Interesting event? It sounded like a good suggestion, and Xu Youyuan clicked "yes".

[System prompt: You are about to enter the love-themed dating scene

Initiator: Nothing

Import movie: love before dawn

Difficulty: 1.6]

This is a love story of an American young man and a French girl who met on a train and then fell in love. The two met at first sight and got off the train and visited Vienna together. They spent a whole day getting to know each other, exchanging their views on life and the world. Views, and see you in half a year.

There are three movies in this movie, and this is the first one full of youthful hormones and romance.

Few people will be resistant to the four words "love at first sight", especially during a solo trip when they meet unexpectedly. Xu Youyuan also yearned for such an adventure when he was young, but it never happened in reality.

At 7:30, sunset clouds covered the entire city, Xu Youyi entered the world of the dark room and attended the appointment on time.

She has a hunch that she will embark on a wonderful trip to Vienna with the "Sunset Boulevard".

"My sister is Sunset Boulevard?" Shi Ye couldn't help but interject.

Xu Youyuan: "Guess."

Entering the dating scene, Xu Youyuan opened her eyes on the train.

She quickly found a date because he was sitting where the actor should be. It was a very quiet girl, with big red wavy curly hair pouring from the classic white brimmed hat on her shoulders. The fiery red lips were quietly rising, and she also recognized Xu Youyuan.

Everything is very soothing and wonderful, and some sweet taste climbs into Xu Youyi's heart.

The scenery outside the train is beautiful, and amid the quarrel of a couple in the carriage, this love movie is about to unfold slowly.

She is very thankful that this will finally choose the right movie.

Sunset Boulevard is a very temperamental and thoughtful lady, as can be seen from her dress, her taste is extraordinary.

Xu Youyuan was still sitting on the spot, waiting for the plot to unfold, but Sunset Boulevard stood up and walked towards her.

When she looked up, a pair of azure blue eyes dangled in the sun, and her thick and slender eyelashes opened and closed as she squinted slightly, and Xu Youyuan even heard the sound of his heart beating.

Just when they were only one step away, they suddenly "clammed" and the body of the train shook violently, causing the Sunset Boulevard to stagger and almost fell aside.

Both Xu Youyuan and she were very inexplicable. When they looked out the car window, they saw a Tyrannosaurus rex staring at them and roared.

"Huh?" Shiye raised his eyebrows, thinking that he had misheard, "What is it? Tyrannosaurus? Is it what I think?"

"Yes." I can see that Xu Youyuan is also very helpless. "It's the kind you think. It turns out that the interesting events in the dating system that this cheating dating system said are randomly generated based on my own hobbies. It scanned me. After extracting hobbies, I randomly generated this big surprise. Okay, I admit, I like the Jurassic series very much. I watch the giant screen version the first time every movie is released. Later, when the holographic version comes out I even booked the venue and invited you to see it, remember?"

Shi Ye opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

To be able to make Tyrannosaurus rex in a literary romance movie, it is estimated that Xu Youyu should be the first person to pioneer.

When listening all the way, Shiye had no other thoughts, and just wanted to bestow the three words "Zhu Gusheng" to his old friends.

The Tyrannosaurus rex that entered through a broken window took it out on the Sunset Boulevard. It is estimated that the young literary and artistic youth had not yet figured out why the Tyrannosaurus was on a date, but he was swallowed by the dinosaur.

Later, Xu Youyuan received another negative comment, and Sunset Boulevard complained that Nothing was deliberately tricky, which was hard to prevent. Playing a game almost scared him and caused serious damage to his spirit, and even considered suing him for compensation.

Xu Youyuan was very embarrassed, and took the initiative to buy a bunch of expensive appearances for someone to send in the app, and Sunset Boulevard reluctantly stopped pursuing it.

Even so, Xu Youyuan's credit points cannot be saved. Her credit score dropped from a perfect score of 5.0 to 4.2, which is below the average score of 4.6, and changed from red to unpleasant green.

When she submitted an appointment request again, very few people responded to her, mostly spam.

No way, the current Xu Youyuan's credit is too low, so the single date can't start smoothly, so she can only participate in group blind date activities, make a good date, and brush her credit back.

Shi Ye said, "Well, now I just want to know when Shi Yue will come out."

Xu Youyuan: "You asked me to tell you all the details. Okay, in fact, your baby sister has already appeared on the stage. Can you guess who she is?"