Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 120

Before Yan Rong woke up, Canglu stayed temporarily. At this time, he heard the phone ring, Xu Youyuan's video.

"Okay, I'll look for you when I clear the customs." Canglu wiped the sweat from his forehead, "The dark room is quite interesting, but it's really difficult, especially for horror themes. I'm not scared to death by ghosts. Yan Rong was scared to death. Every time a ghost came out, she yelled, and both me and the ghost were shocked."

Xu Youyuan couldn't help laughing: "It's a good thing to scare ghosts. Don't think of them as real ghosts. Just think of them as a bunch of code."

Cang Lu said: "Of course I have no problem, mainly because Yan Rong is timid."

"Did you pass the other topics?"

"It's over, it's the last horror theme."

"The theme of love is also passed?"

"Well, after that, it's pretty easy."

"Huh? Is it easy in 15 years?"

"What 15 years? Just 6 years of ordinary life. What's wrong, you 15 years? Are we different?"

"It's nothing…"

It seems that Canglu and Yan Rong must have a slightly lower IQ, so the difficulty has also become lower, and Xu Youyuan also guessed whose IQ has lowered the difficulty.

Really a little envious.

Sister Lu was busy dating in the dark room, Xu Youyuan didn't bother her, first wrote the core gameplay of the new game project, and discussed directly with Sister Lu afterwards.

Yes, the new game is the love game that Canglu invited her to make at the beginning.

This project was once shelved, because Canglu's dissatisfaction was also due to her lack of confidence.

But now Xu Youyuan wants to restart this project.

Shi Yue brought her the most vivid love experience, and Xu Youyuan, who was immersed in the sweetness of love, felt that she could complete it.

This is a promise to myself, and I want to give it to Shiyue as a gift.


The preliminaries have ended in a wide range. Only a small number of players have purchased the extended time limit. All the data in the extended time limit will not be counted into the final ranking of the qualifiers, and can only win tickets for the competition phase.

After a maximum of 24 hours, all qualifiers will truly end, and the competition phase will officially start in one month.

The entire NCOUNT company is gearing up to wait for the advent of the competition phase. A month before this, the Operations and Advertising Department has formulated a series of publicity strategies.

Today's meeting is to report to Shiyue on the propaganda for the next whole month.

In the first ten minutes of the meeting, Shi Yue was rarely distracted, and his head was filled with Xu Youyi's confession to her in the morning, and the soft and arrogant and lovely appearance in the kitchen. After being noticed twice by the subordinates, he pulled back his thoughts with difficulty and refocused his attention on the meeting.

"...In addition to the cooperation with Yan Rong team and online and offline advertising, there are also cooperative promotion with various teams and clubs. The materials have been basically determined, and they will be sent to Shizong from the collaborative system. You can start making it all..."

"...There are two major stages in the competition phase, and the levels of each stage have also been confirmed in the previous special meeting. The final confirmed PPT has also been sent to Shizong in the collaborative system, please go through Shizong..."

The meeting lasted until noon, and after a short break after the meal, everyone continued to come back.

When other people went to dinner, Shi Yue checked the documents in the conference room alone, and reviewed and passed them one by one.

Shi Yue has been a little tired with her eyes recently, and the basic modules of the X system are about to be sorted out, and the foundation work is about to be completed, which rekindles her fresh fighting spirit. She wants to personally check all the matters in the competition stage, after all, it is a major issue of NCOUNT, she does not want to have a slight omission.

Just graduated from the theme of love and lived with Xu Youyi, and now she has a confession, Shi Yue has countless reasons for insomnia.

My eyes are tired, but my heart is very excited, and I feel that my life has reached another peak.

The excitement kept her from sleeping for several hours every day for a few days, and her eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

It was a little sleepy at the moment, and there were still more than half an hour before the afternoon meeting. Shi Yue planned to go back to the office to sleep for a while, get some blood back, and let his tired eyes take a good rest.

On the way to the office, I wanted to take out my mobile phone from my handbag to set an alarm clock, but I didn't expect to touch a bottle of eye drops.

Shiyue had heard of this brand of eye drops, but she had never bought the eye drops that she had never needed before. How could it appear in her handbag?

Shi Yue thought for a while, couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, holding the eye drops tightly as if she was holding a baby, and gave Xu Youyuan a voice:

"Xu Youyuan, why do you think you are so considerate? Is there a better girlfriend than you?"

Xu Youyuan was facing Jiang Jingman's brainstorming plan, and suddenly received Shiyue's WeChat, a little confused, why did she suddenly praise her when she was at work? After thinking for a while, I remembered, and replied:

"When you touch the eye drops, drop them and take care to protect your eyesight. I started to suffer from asthenopia last year. This is the reason why I didn't take good care of it before. Don't follow my footsteps. This eye drops works well, but you You have to find a large amount of free time to use. It is very powerful. Two drops of water can be sprayed out of the eyes. It is very cool. If you can't open it for a while, just take a rest."

"Okay!" Shi Yuele gave a kiss to the phone, "I miss you."

Xu Youyuan: "It's numb."

After sending it out, Xu Youyuan felt like she was too cold. After all, young people are passionate about love. Shi Yue is still a little girl no matter how mature she is. It cannot be because Xu Youyuan has experienced everything she should experience when she is older. , Deprive young people of the joy of love that they should enjoy.

And Shi Yue is his first love, right?

When Xu Youyuan was thinking about adding something to make Shi Yue happy in reply, Shi Yue replied with the word "oh" back.

The word "Oh" is very strange. There is a kind of helplessness and protest of being pushed back to the original place after playing a bitch. Xu Youyu can even simulate in his mind the expression and tone of Shi Yue when he said the word "Oh".

Xu Youyuan smiled happily when she saw this simple "oh". After being happy, she felt like she was a little idiot, and her Lenovo ability was an order of magnitude higher.

Afraid to say too numbly that it feels like saccharin, Xu Youyuan opened the webpage and searched it around, trying to find some warm love words that young people like now, but I didn't think it was very good after seeing it, either too greasy or too hypocritical.

Xu Youyuan is really worried.

Shi Yue returned to the office, closed the door, and lay on the sofa to drop eye drops.

As soon as I dripped it into my eyes, I felt that my eyes were instantly washed with a lot of mint. It was cool and refreshing, my eyes couldn't be opened, and my tiredness disappeared.

Just then the phone vibrated.

Shi Yue: "!"

It must be Xu Youyuan's WeChat! But my eyes are so cold that I can't open them!

Shi Yue squinted his eyes with difficulty and opened a gap, but Xu Youyuan still sent a text, vaguely seeing two lines of words but couldn't see clearly! anxious!

After all the cool energy retreated, Shi Yue could finally see clearly.

"Eye drops should be instilled every hour, not too frequently. Do you have a meal at night? Do you want to drink? Shall I pick you up?"

Shi Yue's entire mental head "rubbed" and got up, and immediately replied: "Okay, okay!"

After half talking, he stopped, after thinking about it, he didn't send out the cancellation.

Xu Youyuan works at home, she must have been busy all day, is it too tired to have her come out to pick him up at night? Looks a little naive. Xu Youyuan didn't say anything, but in her heart she might feel that she was a child who needed to be picked up by her elders, and Yue wanted more opportunities to show maturity when she was together just now.

Shi Yue thought for a while and said, “Of course it’s fine, but I’m not sure when it will end. But I’m sure I won’t be able to eat much at the dinner, and I’ll be hungry at night. I’ll tell you when it’s over, let’s be together. Go and have some supper, okay?"

"Okay. Then I'll wait for your news."

Shi Yue sent an emoji package over, and the little panda jumped up and blew a kiss to her.

Xu Youyuan watched and listened to the conversation between the two of them still before they could finish. Only then did they rearrange their thoughts and devote themselves to work again.

When making love games, Canglu asked Xu Youyuan a question.

"When do you think love is strongest and most felt?"

At that time, Xu Youyuan's answer was "when the two love each other". If you ask her now, she will still give this answer.

Isn't it the most feeling when the two love each other?

Xu Youyuan feels that her answer is okay, but she still feels that it is not quite right when designing the core gameplay of the love game.

It is indeed easy to make people happy, but I don't know why I always feel that something is missing.

Not to mention the player, even Xu Youyuan herself felt that she lacked fatal appeal.

There must be something she didn't want to understand.

She didn't want to ask Canglu directly. She knows that if all the questions in this world are not solved by herself, the points raised by others will always belong to the wisdom of others.

Being held in the hand to play chess, even if he wins, he cannot feel the mystery of the numerous changes in the chess game.

Xu Youyuan's thoughts were stuck, and she planned to pull down a table of all love movies according to their ratings, watch them one by one, and find some inspiration in them.

Moreover, it is possible to import movie clips during the competition stage, and she will be more confident if she can meet them.

After doing so, she realized that her viewing volume was really too small. She had seen less than 1/3 of the top 50 movies.

After customizing the movie watching plan and work plan for the next week, the lights of the high-rise buildings on the riverside soon turned on, and Xu Youyuan realized that it was already night.

Looking at the time, it was almost 7 o'clock when the days became longer in April and the sky was getting dark.

Xu Youyuan immediately saved all the files and went to clean up herself. When Shiyue contacted her, she would be able to go out immediately.

Xu Youyuan pulled the makeup mirror in front of her, and every pore was clearly seen, but her skin condition was really good recently, and she was very compliant after applying makeup. I curled my hair a little and turned it into big waves. The eyeshadow and lip color are fresh, and I look young but stable.

Turning out the long skirt that she hadn't worn for a long time, as well as high heels and handbags, she stood in front of the mirror and found a problem.

This seems to be the first time He Shiyue wore Ji Shi in a restaurant...

She can see people only with this outfit. When she was poor, she didn't have money to buy clothes. Later, she made a little money and handed it over to Shi Yue. She didn't keep it at all, and she didn't buy a new one.

Okay, the old is the old. Xu Youyuan, who graduated from 15 years of poor love and long-distance race, has no more profligacy, and feels distressed that he has spent more money on himself. Just dress up carefully, don't be extravagant.

When checking all the details in front of the mirror, Shiyue’s WeChat came with a location.

"Baby, my side is almost over, you can come out. According to this positioning, we will see you later."

The two set off from both ends of the city, with a heart eager to see each other, through the lights along the way, and approached where there is a sweetheart.

This clear sense of happiness made Shi Yue even more impatient. In order to end the meal early, she ordered six bottles of wine as soon as she came up and kept toasting each other. If the other party didn't drink well, he quickly became confused. When Shi Yue's conditions were negotiated, Chris would sign the contract, and Chris secretly gave Shi Yue a thumbs up.

Shi Yue drank a lot by herself.

When she saw Xu Youyuan in the hazy parking lot, she couldn't help grinning.

The whole figure is floating in the clouds, light and fluttering, supported by the gentle spring breeze, and sent into the arms of the person you like.

"Be careful..." Xu Youyuan came over seeing her upside down and hugged her hurriedly, "Why drink so much? Shi Yue? Are you okay? Now, let's go home directly?"

Shi Yue shook his head: "I'm hungry."

"You can fill your stomach when you go home. I'll make food for you."

Shi Yue quickly regained consciousness when he heard this, and was able to stand firm: "I know what's good in this restaurant. The boxes are already booked. Let's go."

Xu Youyuan: "...What attitude, can I still poison you?"

Shi Yue happily fished Xu Youyuan and kissed her in the dim night.

The wine is a bit strong, but Xu Youyuan doesn't feel smoky, but rather sweet.

Mixing with the fragrance of Shi Yue's body, it becomes a unique scent, which makes Xu Youyu a little fascinated...

Feeling a flash of light on the phone screen, Shi Yue opened his eyes vigilantly, and immediately put Xu Youyi's head in his arms.

"What's the matter?" Xu Youyuan asked nervously.

Shi Yue patrolled around, and there were a lot of vehicles coming in and out of the parking lot, and I didn't know which corner of the light was hidden in the hidden light just now.

Shi Yue scanned the entire parking lot with an icy expression, but couldn't find it.