Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 131

When Xu Youyuan jumped into the slide channel, the live broadcast happened to give her a shot.

The commentary introduces to everyone, this is the individual player Nothing. The total output of the three major themes of the qualifier ranks third in the whole server. He is a strong contender for the championship. According to official information, this player is very mysterious, no real information was revealed, and no previous professional game results. However, looking at her method of killing ghosts in the horror theme, she should not be a newcomer, it is likely to be a great god. small.

Xu Youyuan quickly slid down the slide channel, and the camera shifted to the A10 area, where there were two professional players fighting fiercely in the next scene in order to compete.

"Oh my God, Sister Bird is too courageous!"

Sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching the live broadcast of the dark box competition from the TV side, Shiye was very scared when he saw the amazing scene of the deep sea waterfall. Imagine if you stand on such a high platform, let alone slip, just go If you take a step forward and take a closer look, you have to do a lot of mental construction, and Xu Youyuan actually took a water gun and said.

The live broadcast also cut into a section of Xu Youyuan's first-person perspective, scared that the strawberry in Shiye's hand almost fell to the ground.

Today is the weekend, and it is also the big day for the dark box competition stage. Shi Ye and Afu got up early in the morning and opened the TV APP to wait for the live broadcast to start.

Both Xu Yishu and Shi’s parents both got up early, and both were a little unfamiliar with the TV APP. They didn’t know how to get them. Shiye and Afu’s two videos helped with the debugging, and they finally got it all done before the game started.

"My little heart is still pounding!" Shiye squeezed the strawberry, "and what about Xiaoyue? Why didn't she have a shot of her? I don't know what scene she fell into. So nervous...Last night I didn't sleep well, I was nervous for Sister Bird and Xiaoyue."

Afu, who was sitting on the side, glanced at the stainless steel basin with mountains-like strawberries in Ye's arms, as well as the tea and snacks on the coffee table and the piles of snacks on the carpet. He shook his head and said:

"I do not believe."

Shi Ye put a strawberry into Afu's mouth: "If you have a mouth, eat it. There are so many troughs that make you vomit."

Xu Yishu in Villa No.6 in Nanjiang really couldn't sit still. The live broadcast showed that he was about to have a heart attack. He stood up and walked twice, trying to relax his emotions a little.

Before the tension in the full chest was half relieved, the female commentator said:

"Nothing's luck is not so good. She is located in the center of the area. Players on both sides can easily attack her."

The mood of another male commentator was also mobilized, and his voice increased several degrees: "Yes! And above and on the left and right sides of her are all players from the UJ team! UJ seems to have discovered this too, seems to lock Nothing! UJ Although the team has no players in the top 50 in the qualifiers, their overall strength is still very strong, especially in the adventure theme! This time Nothing was accidentally flanked, which is a very severe test for her Up!"

Although Xu Youyuan in the game couldn't have the perspective of God, but the atmosphere of urgency could be clearly sensed.

After all, the **** ball that had already been sprayed was opened to warn her that a dangerous event was about to happen.

Shitball and Xu Youyuan slid down together, and she looked around to confirm the situation.

On the left is an orange cat with the nickname "1001". This player should have chosen not the item but the appearance buff.

The player on the right "This nickname cannot be displayed" did not adopt the normal posture of sitting on the passage when sliding down, but was running on the passage. Behind her was a huge knife. The size of the knife was several times larger than hers. It could almost hit the player next door without waving it. It was a real 40-meter big knife.

The player "wuro2000" above has been looking down. The two red faces on the paper-white face are particularly eye-catching, the cherry mouth has no expression, and the entire facial features are crooked. This is a dead face, a dead face that Xu Youyi is very familiar with. She saw it when she was in Dutou Village. This player wuro2000 should wear the appearance of a female ghost Xiaoxiu.

These three people stared at themselves, wouldn't it be that they were just caught in the same team among the players.

The levels to go through when each channel descends are different. Seeing that Xu Youyuan is about to be under the blade of the chopper ghost, the levels of the other three players are still elsewhere.

Such a design is not a hint at all that players can fall into the hole, it simply pushes the stone directly into the player's arms, making people smash it down immediately.

Seeing that Xu Youyuan was about to arrive, the kitchen knife ghost made a sharp laughter with excitement all over his face.

These three people will definitely do it when Xu Youyu passes the chopper ghost level.

Xu Youyuan squeezed the water gun filled with super glue, then opened the takeaway toolbox and bought some items.

The take-out tool box was quickly delivered to the door, and a large take-out box fell on the passage under Xu Youyu's feet, and Xu Youyu took it apart while sliding down.

Xu Youyi bent down, Orange Cat 1001's sight was blocked by the pipe wall, and couldn't see what Xu Youyi had bought.

It exchanged glances with wuro2000, who was wearing a female ghost show above, and motioned for her to look. When wuro2000 was about to look at it, I saw a black umbrella "boom" open, wrapping Xu Youyuan inside, completely obscuring wuro2000's vision.

Can't guess what medicine Xu Youyuan is selling in the gourd, orange cat and wuro2000 dare not act rashly, but carrying a big knife "the nickname cannot be displayed" does not have such a good patience!

She is the most annoyed person who shows off the mystery. She is about to reach the chopper ghost level. When will she not kill now?

The nickname cannot be displayed. Take the big knife out of the back and cut it against the surface of the black umbrella.

"Wait a minute!" The orange cat wanted to stop it from being too late, so the big knife cut down on the surface of the black umbrella, the black umbrella shrank down, and the big knife slashed firmly on both ends of the semicircular channel wall, and Xu Youyuan Lying in the U-shaped channel did not receive any harm.

"Sure enough, as I imagined, in order to ensure the order of the competition and the excitement of the early stage, the channel wall is very strong and cannot be easily destroyed." Xu Youyu's eyes came out from the edge of the umbrella, and there was something in his hand. "However, It is not just brute force to destroy something."

Xu Youyuan took out a MAX version of the anti-wolf motor and pointed it at the blade of the big knife.

When the owner of the broadsword saw the blue current flashing from the anti-wolf motor, his entire face froze.

"Come on!" The orange cat yelled, and his entire body exploded, but the knife was too heavy, and it was cut down quickly, but it was much slower to recycle it.

Xu Youyuan sent her forearm forward, and the moment the anti-wolf motor touched the blade, a powerful current was transmitted along the blade to the bare handle, and it instantly penetrated the owner of the broadsword. The blood bar of "This nickname cannot be displayed" immediately left only blood skin.

Xu Youyuan stood up and fired superglue like a water jet at her. The superglue pounced up quickly, and the nickname, which was still in a daunting state, could not be displayed on the channel.

Other players are dropping rapidly, and the nickname cannot be shown to be stuck in place. Because the health bar dropped drastically and the physical strength was also in a hurry, she broke free for a long time and couldn't get out of the huge pile of superglue.

Wuro2000 is just the partner and girlfriend whose nickname is not visible. Seeing his lover being bullied, he became angry and floated down directly from above.

Xu Youyuan flew over with a washbasin backhand, and wuro2000 saw that she actually embarrassed herself, did she look down on people? Wuro2000 tried hard to block the washbasin, the next step is to use the buff attached to Xiaoxiu's appearance, attack with sharp nails as a weapon, and then take a violent breath to **** up Nothing’s yang energy—that is, blood. Article.

Unexpectedly, this one could not put the washbasin away, but it stuck to the hands instead of getting rid of the washbasin with this squeeze.

wuro2000: "???"

A thick layer of super glue is applied to the bottom of the basin!

wuro2000 angered Xu Youyuan: "You!"

Xu Youyuan waited on another washbasin and stuck it on her other hand. Both hands of wuro2000 are glued to the basin.

wuro2000: "Damn!" Pursing her lips and inhaling yang directly from the air, Xu Youyuan remembered the scene of Xiaoxiu's forced kiss when she saw her expression, and she brought another washbasin with her backhand and buttoned her tightly.

Wuro2000 in the washbasin: "Woohoo! (I rely on it!)." ”Wuro2000.com: “Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Orange Cat 1001 finally couldn't stand it anymore: "Why am I on the same team with your unlucky things?!"

It leaped into the air with a loud sound. Xu Youyuan found that the top of her head was covered by a huge black shadow. When she looked up, the orange cat suddenly became bigger in mid-air, and her plump body almost covered most of the sky. Xu Youyuan pierced down unceremoniously.

Xu Youyu estimated the size of the orange cat, and visually observed that the small channel should not be able to carry it. As long as he lay flat in the U-shaped groove of the channel, he should be able to avoid the big orange like a big knife.


Xu Youyuan's thoughts turned quickly.

This orange cat has been watching the battle, and Xu Youyi may not have unexpected things. In that case, why use this method to attack?


Cats are all "liquid".

The orange cat smashed its **** down fiercely, and the entire passage where Xu Youyuan was hummed. The players who were declining above this channel were almost shaken out.

"What happened below! Is there an earthquake!?"

Just like Xu Youyuan thought, the orange cat's meat directly slammed into the U-shaped groove. If she hadn't escaped, she would have been crushed to death by flying just now.

Regardless of the size of the orange cat is big and fat, as a cat, it is still very agile and agile.

This stump failed to reach Xu Youyuan, and the orange cat immediately turned over, and accompanied by a scalp tingling scream, the sharp cat's claws that were indistinguishable from the iron hook scratched at Xu Youyuan.

At this time, Xu Youyu had reached the right under the kitchen knife ghost blade, and the laughter of the kitchen knife ghost was pressed down from the top of his head, and Xu Youyuan's head buzzed.

Flicking back and forth, in the sound of her tinnitus, Xu Youyuan made a desperate move and grabbed the edge of the pipe and jumped out. The orange cat rushing over could not catch her, and at the same time the kitchen knife ghost's kitchen knife had already cut its claws against her. .

The orange cat was shocked and immediately adjusted his posture and retracted his paw.

The kitchen knife ghost completely took out the speed of chopping dumplings and was cutting people. The time from the kitchen knife falling to cutting off the orange cat's left claw nail was less than 0.1 second.

Orange Cat looked at the nails that were severed all over, sweating all over.

If it hides later, either its arm or its head will be cut off.

Fortunately for the rest of his life, she became angry when she saw Xu Youyuan crawling back from the edge of the pipe behind her.

Even if there is only one claw, she can be scratched!

"Meow!" The orange cat arched his back, his whole body exploded like needles, and his violent swaying tail became three times thicker.

At this time, the orange cat, let alone a person, can rush on to fight it with a dinosaur!

Xu Youyuan noticed that the orange cat was staring at the water gun in his hand, and understood that the special bullet in the water gun had been exposed.

The orange cat smiled and said, "You can try to shoot me with super glue again, and see if my paw is faster or your routine is faster!"

Xu Youyuan lowered the water gun and seemed to have given up resistance.

"You are still playing with mystery?"

Wuro2000, who was lying on the upper channel, said: "Woo, woooo, woooo... (Don't solve her quickly! The players behind are going to get down!

The orange cat attacked Xu Youyi, intending to end her quickly.

Xu Youyuan did not raise the hand holding the water gun, but did not hide.

She lifted another thing slowly.

The moment the orange cat saw that thing, she was shocked!


"Meow!" The orange cat screamed softly, the super offensive disappeared, and was attracted by the funny cat stick in Xu Youyi's hand.

On the left and right of the upper and lower sides, where Xu Youyuan threw the cat-catching stick, the orange cat was taken there, jumping, and even the pinholes turned into round black cosmetic lenses.

wuro2000: "Woo woo woo... (Am I special...

"Come here." Xu Youyuan threw the funny cat stick out of the pipe, and the orange cat was about to jump out. Wuro2000 flew down and faced the orange cat's face with the two washbasins in his hand, as viciously as a cymbal. Buckle up:

"Ooo, ooo hum hum! (You give me sober!

The orange cat wakes up a lot in such a moment, and the soul that was hooked away by the funny cat is also set to come back.

"Thank you..." The orange cat rubbed his face and was also in a cold sweat. "This woman is so vicious! She used such a sordid trick! Have your brain been shot by a gun? Such a big brain hole?"

The wuro2000 face in the basin was very bad, and he looked at the orange cat disgustingly.

The orange cat said: "This time I will definitely not be tricked again! I won't blink with another ten funny cat sticks! Also, don't expect canned cats to open the way for you! Impossible! I will let you know what It's called a will like steel!"

Xu Youyuan smiled and said, "Oh? Really?"

Looking at her expression, wuro2000 had two words in his heart-"finished".

She must already have an idea!

A small takeaway paper box was thrown at Xu Youyu's feet. Xu Youyuan reached in, grabbed a handful, and held it in his hand.

wuro2000: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

The orange cat's nose moved, and it smelled.

Could it be...

wuro2000 held down the restless paws of the orange cat and the tail that was already wagging crazily. When he wanted to persuade him, he looked at his face, tears and nose were already running down his face.

The word "finished" in wuro2000's heart is enlarged by five font sizes, and then highlighted and bolded.

The orange cat didn't remember how he lost control of the character, and he had no consciousness in front of him, and even what Xu Youyuan did to make it unconscious.

When the orange cat could control the character again, he found himself licking the floor frantically.

He didn't lick enough and rubbed his face and body over and over again, and his eyes turned white.

"I rely on—who will kick this fat orange away! The whole passage is blocked by it!"

Coming down from the top of the passage, the player who was so tightly blocked by it was already screaming dry. I don't know how long it took to kick the cat's ass.

"Help! Who will help us!"

"Get it away! More than 190 people have gone to the end!"

The orange cat regained consciousness in the sound of shouting and cursing, and immediately sat upright, pinching up some residue on the ground of the passage.


Isn't this an exclusive drug for cats that all cats are irresistible!

The orange cat is furious, does this **** named Nothing still have humanity? !

Wuro2000, who was hit by super glue and stuck so completely immovable as the nickname was not visible, didn't even want to look at this stupid cat.

Screenshots of the live broadcast of Orange Cat blocking the road went viral on major social networking sites.

"Repost this orange cat, all your worries will be blocked in 2036!"

The video of the player Nothing killing three people alone was also hotly transferred, and her output jumped to the fifth place in the overall output list.