Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 3

Friends were still chatting, Xu Youyuan touched the access crystal of the game and listened without a word.

"Dull, boring, the same thing. I can’t do anything. I’m tired from get off work. I’m empty after work. I don’t want to move. I eat junk food all day on weekends. I feel sick when I eat, but I just can’t stop. I’m full of garbage and want to live a healthier life, but I’m so tired. I think of green organic food, calorie control, coarse grains... I feel tired from my bone marrow, and I can’t afford to toss them."

"Just find someone to take care of you."

"Who I'm looking for, I don't want to look for it. It hurts my brain to think of starting to break in again. And really, it's no exaggeration to say that I haven't felt like it for a long time. I'm not targeting anyone, I mean everyone. I don't know. Is my heart numb when I get older, and now I only think about work and only about making money. If I ask my girlfriend which one to choose or get rich overnight, I will definitely choose to get rich overnight!"

Everyone collectively agreed: "It is everyone's dream to get rich overnight."

"Really, I used to be young, and the hormones all over my body acted solely on the basis of feelings. Talking about falling in love and getting out of a single is like political correctness. Everyone worked hard. I found it, and after living together I found that it was not appropriate. I can barely continue to make a living."

Agan warned: "Your behavior is very dangerous. If you make trouble, come to a middle-aged dismantlement."

Jiang Yun said indifferent: "Too many middle-aged people have broken up. Our circle of people is almost finished, and Shiye and Agan are still there."

"Don't say it's appropriate, it's very difficult to find someone who is not upset about living together. I think it's good to live alone now. I am itchy, and I have to find someone to take care of it. It's really good to be single, believe me. I play games all day, and I can eat whenever I want. No one is wordy."

"You will get older without sex."

"Being single doesn't mean that you can't have sex. If you feel so uncomfortable, you can find a wife in the game, and then you can have a gun in the'secret room' and everything will be solved."

"Wow, you are not afraid of getting sick. Only young people will go to places like Secret Chamber." Everyone began to talk about various interesting things about the phenomenon-level app "Secret Chamber".

Shi Ye found that Xu Youyuan was extremely quiet today. She is usually the absolute central figure in the circle of friends. As long as Sister Bird arrives, she can't stop her mouth, laughing and cursing until late at night.

Today, Xu Youyuan seemed a little absent-minded from sitting down. Seeing her playing games connect to the black "R" mark on the crystal from time to time, it is obvious that it is an access device to "reshape the universe".

It seems that this time the hurdle is a bit difficult to pass.

Xu Youyuan and Shiye were thirty-four years old in the same year. They were classmates since elementary school. They have known each other the longest and the longest among girlfriends, and their relationship is also the best.

Shi Ye witnessed how Xu Youyuan, who had just graduated from university, was favored by SQUALL and was directly hired with a high salary. Watching her drank tons of coffee, spent countless nights, and moved forward without turning back against the gaze of countless people’s doubts, and finally made her son “reshape the universe” the world’s most well-known and popular one. Popular games have even led to a complete revolution in the game industry.

In the newspapers and magazines on TV, Shiye still vividly remembers how the youngest woman in the history of the Fortune rich list is so beautiful.

Similarly, when Xu Youyuan fell, she also saw it clearly.

Until now, only Shiye knew about Xu Youyuan's resignation from SQUALL. She specifically confessed not to tell others.

What happened to Xu Youyuan in the past year made Shiye unbelievable, and at the same time worried about the state of his friends.

Some time ago, I couldn't find her, whether it was WeChat or video, they all showed offline, even no one could be found in the game, and the offline time lasted as long as 12 days.

After finally seeing a living person, Shi Ye found that Xu Youyuan's condition was still not quite right.

"What's the matter?" Shiye leaned back, next to Xu Youyu, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Don't get bored with everything, let alone play and disappear. ."

Xu Youyuan's eyes rounded: "Don't be funny, do you think I'm the one who keeps things in my heart?"

"You really are. Your self-esteem is too strong and you don't want to be soft in front of others."

Xu Youyuan smiled and said, "Isn't it just that little mess? Everyone is upset. I just don’t have a job now. I don’t have to worry about it. I took a big vacation and went to Iceland to play around. ."

"I didn't see you posting photos in Moments."

"Isn't the matter of resignation kept secret? I didn't tell my dad, I don't want him to know it. My mother's going to hit him too hard, don't add to him anymore." Xu Youyuan pressed his elbow against Shiye. , "Don't worry, I..."

Halfway through Xu Youyuan's speech, she heard Jiang Yun raise her voice:

"If I find a girlfriend again, I will find a younger one."

Everyone laughed: "The old cow wants to eat tender grass? How small is small?"

Jiang Yun said: "At least seven or eight years younger. Young and passionate, the little dragon on the bed, the little milk dog under the bed, with various poses, innocent and innocent, and believes nothing except love and me."

Everyone can't listen anymore, even Shiye can't stand it: "Do you still want this old face? You can do it at the age of seven or eight? Use your extra seven or eight years of social experience to deceive an ignorant girl? Don't go out. Say I know you."

Jiang Yun was immersed in the fantasies of finding a little girlfriend, no matter how despised or teased by his friends, he would not admit defeat: "What's the matter, my sister has just been cheated, and she is going to bankrupt her family soon. Isn't it okay to fantasize?"

"Yes, fantasy belongs to fantasy, don't sin."

"It's a crime to find young people?!"

"Isn't it a crime to deceive people's feelings and delay people's youth? What else can there be other than a moment of passion, really wanting to live with a child?"

The inconspicuous ridicule finally made the atmosphere really alive, and Shi Ye and Jiang Yun stunned each other, and the phone rang when they were overjoyed.

"Hey? Shi Yue, are you here?" When Shiye answered the phone, everyone looked at her.

"Shiyue is back?" Agan asked Xu Youyuan.

Xu Youyuan: "How do I know, I am not familiar with her sister."

Shi Ye hung up, and Agan asked her again.

Shi Ye said: "I came back in the summer and found a domestic company. Now that the global environment is so bad, it's a bit of a future to return to China to find a job. And I don't worry about being alone at home in a foreign country."

"What is Shi Yue learning?"

Jiang Yun remembered: "Little sister learned what you hate most."


"artificial intelligence."

"real or fake?"

Shi Ye could see the entire courtyard and the French windows of the gate: "The full name is Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, which is still a bit different from artificial intelligence."

"So cutting-edge. Are you here? Let us old aunts have a long time to learn."

Xu Youyu turned her face and glanced at the door slightly, Shi Ye squinted and beckoned: "Here."

Shi Yue opened the door of the coffee shop and walked to her, smiling sweetly at everyone, "It's been a long time since I saw you all."

Shi Yue has tall legs and long waist, almost as high as her sister's chest. She has medium-length hair and slightly curled ends. The makeup is very light, the lips are pink with big eyes, and the smile is very sweet.

She was wearing a fruit-green jacket, showing the edge of a white T-shirt from the zipper of the jacket, and the lower part of her body was ordinary jeans, but her knees were more exaggerated than ordinary people. There is a clover with white stripes on a dark blue background. It is indeed the dress that young people like. It is very simple, everything is comfortable, and the whole is youthful. He carried the strap of the backpack on his right shoulder, and in the left hand he held a book that was as thick as a brick and affixed to the city library logo. Xu Youyuan didn't look at Shiyue's face. From the height of her sitting, she saw the eye-catching title on the cover of the book-"Holographic Online Games and Immersive Entertainment Development Process".

Jiang Yun: "Ah? You are Xiao Yue? Have you all grown up like this?"

My friends were dumbfounded. In their memory, Shi Yue was a primary school student 11 years younger than Shi Ye, not a little bit younger.

When she was young, Shi Yue always followed her sister's buttocks. She was a small man with a simple ponytail and always carried a large schoolbag with her special children's laptop in it. Children like to eat cones, use a cone to cheat them. Singing is very nice, and was picked up by parents to perform during the New Year and New Year holidays. Later, when I was older, I was not happy to sing. Shi Yue rarely saw him after he entered junior high school, and even had no chance to meet after he was admitted to university and went abroad to study.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the little girl became a light mature woman. If she walked across the street alone, she would definitely not recognize it.

Shi Yue smiled at Jiang Yun: "How are you doing recently?" The tone was casual, like saying hello to an old friend.

Shi Ye frowned slightly: "What's the matter with you, call me sister."

Shi Yue kept smiling and did not call "Sister" according to Shiye's words. He carried his backpack and unzipped the zipper of the backpack while sitting between her sister and Xu Youyuan: "I wanted to get together when I returned to China, but I was busy just starting a job. The back of my head was about to be kicked and cracked. I finally found the opportunity, but Shi Ye didn't let me come."

Shiye glanced at her with a little doubt, and said as he pondered, "I can't talk about what you have to get together with old people like us."

Shi Yue didn't refute, opened the backpack, took out the same wrapped gifts, and sent them one by one: "It's a little rush to prepare, don't mind."

A group of old aunts were ecstatic when they received the gift and opened it on the spot. They sighed how long they had not received the gift, and they all forgot what it was like to tear the wrapping paper with expectation.

"It's for you." After Shi Yue gave it a round, he finally handed Xu Youyu a small square box wrapped in navy blue wrapping paper.

Xu Youyuan didn't take it immediately, and Shi Yue didn't put it down either. The two looked at each other face to face, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

"Thank you."

After a stalemate for about five seconds, Xu Youyuan finally took the gift.

Shi Yue's smile was sweeter: "I don't know if you will like it."

Xu Youyuan did not respond to her, nor did she disassemble it on the spot like the sisters around her, but put it in her bag casually.

Jiang Yun received a watch that could only measure body fat, Agan received a pair of contact lenses with navigation function, and the others were purchasing popular smart products from overseas.

The crowd rushed to Shi Yue with countless questions, asking her how to ask her work, Shi Yue answered one by one with a good temper. For a while, the gathering of the old aunts finally filled some vitality.

Xu Youyuan didn't join everyone's chat and went to the bathroom.

Seeing her leaving, Shi Ye asked her younger sister, "What did you give to Sister Young Yuan?"


"What did you give away? Huh?" Shi Ye was actually cold.

Shi Yue: "..."

Xu Youyuan weakly got up from the warm toilet mat, feeling a little annoyed. I don't know if it is because this month's menstrual period has been late for more than a week, and there is no movement yet. What kind of temper is the eldest aunt?

Coming out of the cubicle, her waist and legs were still aching, and Xu Youyu was ashamed and annoyed, and she cursed secretly.

Go to the mirror and take a close look at his face.

It is still familiar, but the skin condition has become a little strange.

She was very willing to spend money on this face, even if she covered it with a lady's foundation, she could still see signs of slack. The menstrual period did not come as scheduled, but the acne was very active and never went down, the one on the chin was still painful, and there were signs of head appearing on the forehead. Xu Youyuan touched it lightly and it hurt.

She was considering whether to go out and reintegrate into the sisters' gathering, or stay here by herself. I am a little annoyed that I didn't bring the adapter in, otherwise I can still enter the game and consume some time.

Shi Ye didn't know when to show up behind her, nor went to the cubicle, but stared at her.

"Why?" Xu Youyuan was a little annoyed, reaching under the faucet, the sensor sensitively sensed that the warm water slowly flowed out. The water volume and speed are very comfortable, and it doesn't splash on Xu Youyu's clothes.

Shi Ye asked something Xu Youyuan didn't expect.

"You and my sister, did something happen?"