Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 6

Xu Youyuan said: "After coming out of the bureau, I asked the group to investigate the matter thoroughly, but was rejected by the grounds of'the incident has subsided.' The chairman and senior executives didn't want to make trouble.

"SQUALL is not afraid of negative news, not to mention the negatives that have been reversed. Some people may say a few words after the incident, and in a few years, everyone will forget it. And'reshape the universe'. It has reached the fifth year, and five years has also reached a critical stage for a popular game, and even because of the rise of other holographic games, revenue has shown signs of unhealthy decline. At this time, a sensational news has been created. , It may be a positive thing in the group’s view to shift people’s attention back to'reshaping the universe'."

Shi Ye: "You said, all of this is directed and performed by SQUALL?"

Xu Youyuan: "It's possible."

"But this is not a joke. It's just to make a headline for such a big event. Isn't it too risky?"

"In addition, there is another important reason." Xu Youyuan's eyes and low voice made Shiye frightened.

"You mean... you want to deal with you?" Shiye was puzzled. "Want to pull you off the producer? To get you to jail?"

"I didn't think about this possibility."

"If you are going to go to jail, why should you spend a lot of money to reconcile, find someone to commit the crime, and keep you out?"

"If I really have an accident, I will be able to confirm all the crimes.'Reshaping the universe' will not be able to keep it. What benefits can SQUALL get?" Xu Youyuan said, "In the beginning, these thoughts were just guesses hidden in my mind. Soon, when I was recalled to the company and asked me to resign on the board of directors, I knew everything was as I thought. SQUALL didn't want to really throw me into prison, but it wouldn't let me go so easily. This is not an accident, but a big pit that I want to take off my legs."

Hearing this, Shiye deeply understood the terrible nature of the matter: "Baby Yuan, what did you do to become a thorn in the eyes of others?"

Xu Youyu's brows sank with a gloomy air, and she did not answer Shiye's question.

However, Shi Ye could tell that Xu Youyuan understood everything, but she didn't want to say it.

Presumably this matter is very involved.

Maybe there is a crisis in Xu Youyuan's professional environment. Shiye, a layman, doesn't understand, and a friend must have her last resort. It is inconvenient to explain, so she won't continue to ask questions. She believes in Xu Youyuan's double business.

However, now there is something related to her, which must be asked.

"Wait a minute, what does it have to do with my sister?" Shiye pulled the topic back, "Don't you are changing the topic."

Xu Youyuan smiled at her: "I don't have the habit of changing the subject."

After the vehicle incident, she felt unprecedented danger, and the attitude of the board of directors made her extremely chilling.

This is clearly a cauldron from heaven, firmly buckled on her head.

If this incident were placed ten years ago, a 20-year-old stunned young man might have been stubbornly stubborn. After receiving such anger, he carried a big pot, and would not fight backhand on the spot without finding out the truth. The face never rests.

Xu Youyuan, who has been immersed in the workplace for many years now, understands that she cannot reverse the situation with her own efforts, at least not now.

What she can do now is to quickly hide in the dark, recharge her energy, investigate secretly, and clear her grievances.

As a producer, she is also the person in charge of the entire team. Whether it is development or pre-launch testing, the entire game's fire protection encryption, the internal information of the vehicle incident has not been disclosed to the outside world, she can't get out of the relationship.

The company can afford most of the compensation, but Xu Youyuan must also be punished.

Originally, her financial strength was not a problem, but the money spent on the treatment and aftermath of her deceased mother was already very large.

The company didn't let her down, and the final decision hurt her more than bones.

"We have given the society an explanation. As long as you surrender all the equity, leave SQUALL, give an explanation to the group, and we will find a way for the rest, you don't have to worry about it."

While she was going home to accompany her dying mother, the old club slammed a stick on her back, trying to break her spine. Not only did she **** all the hard work of her own son to "reshape the universe", it also ruined her reputation in the industry and society.

She knew that SQUALL was finally about to start the project, the project she strongly opposed.

Kick her out of the game completely, make her bear the blame, and even crown her cowardly image. SQUALL has eliminated Xu Youyuan's big trouble with complete self-protection.

Fortunately, her bones were hard enough to live next to each other, at least still standing, not lying down.

What really broke her life was not SQUALL, who had hidden ulterior secrets, but her wife—Xiao Ann, who is now an ex-wife.

When Xu Youyuan came home in a mess, carrying the personal belongings brought back from the company, and wanted to sleep well before fighting, she saw Xiao An sitting in the living room waiting for her.

The dog they raised together wanted to jump on her lap, but she refused.

"I know it's very sudden. You have just experienced an unpleasantness, but I don't want to wait any longer. In fact, I had the current thoughts before your mother became seriously ill. I always felt that it was out of season for fear that it would cause you a greater burden. Don't say anything, I didn't expect that a moment of relentlessness will not be good for you or me." Xiao An is wearing professional attire at home, her whole body tight and firm, compassionate and unfeeling.

Xiaoan said: "I think I'd better stop procrastinating...If you continue, I don't want to embarrass us. You are my dearest person, and I don't want to hide from you anymore."

There was no derailment, no quarrels, or any major twists and turns, Xiao An talked to her in a way familiar to adults.

It's like the smiles on both sides when they are tossed by Party A, and it's like the follow-up teaching when dismissing a certain employee. This is a war without gunpowder in the adult world, and it is necessary to maintain a good-looking self-cultivation no matter what happens.

Sitting in the home where the two have lived together for three years, the lovers and legal partners of the past five years parted ways in a peaceful atmosphere in less than fifteen minutes.

The luggage was packed a long time ago, and the friend's car was also parked outside the house. Xiaoan waited for Xu Youyuan to come back, and left directly after saying goodbye to her.

Shi Ye said: "The divorce between you and Xiao An was too sudden, and it was caught in the death of your mother and the vehicle incident. I can't ask the cause and effect. So...what is the reason for you to separate?"

"No reason." Xu Youyuan thought for a while and said, "It's also true, but I don't love each other anymore. I put all my energy on work, and I don't care much about her. She feels like she is single. , And also **** for family reasons. Since it’s no different from being single, why not just be single at all? That’s what she thinks. I have no other idea, since love is dead, there is no reason to be **** anymore."

Shi Ye couldn't intervene for a while.

She and Xu Youyuan are very familiar, but no matter how acquainted, she doesn't have much to talk about when they close the door and live their lives. She knows how cold they are.

"She thinks I don't know what love is anymore." Xu Youyuan looked at Shiye very seriously. "She thinks I can no longer love someone. She said that the gifts I give on various holidays are not because I love her, nor are they Because she needs it, it’s a habit. It’s like getting up in the morning, brushing your teeth and washing your face, and doing it again at night. Day after day, the same, without any passion, she doesn’t want to step into the increasingly numb life of middle age, she I'm completely tired of it."

"Do you think she is right?"

Xu Youyuan said: "I didn't think before. I thought about it after a few days. Maybe she was really right. I didn't agree with her statement before, but I didn't have time to think about it. Didn't I lose my job? Is there enough? Time to think about what she said. I admit that she was right. I really care more about work. But, how can I maintain my current life if I don’t work hard? If I don’t go up, someone will immediately pass over my head. Born in this age and position, do I have other choices?"

Shi Ye knew: "So you and my sister are in this kind of complaining mood..."

Xu Youyuan had a headache: "Even if I am irritable, I can't take the initiative to sleep with your sister. As I said, this is totally an accident."

The divorce procedure with Xiaoan went through very quickly. The two signed the electronic agreement separately without even having to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Everything can be done online in this era.

The two divorced by agreement and shared the family property. Of course, Xu Youyu no longer had much family property to divide.

Xu Youyuan wanted to keep the only house on hand now, and divide the money from Xiaoan into her for a few months.

Xiao An doesn't agree. She wants to go abroad, and all the courses have been signed up, so the last sum of money is short. She must get the share she deserves now.

"It takes time to sell a house."

"I have a friend who can pay the full amount. The transfer procedure is now also very fast, don't delay any longer, baby kite."

Shi Ye was a little angry: "It's procrastination for her, but for you? You were not prepared at all. After such a big event, she actually urged you to sell the house?"

Xu Youyuan did not comment, and continued: "The house was soon sold, and later I moved to live in the western suburbs, as you know."

When Xu Youyuan moved out of the duplex building facing the bustling river view from the city center, she carried nothing except two suitcases and a backpack except for daily necessities.

The previous car was sold, and it was replaced by a small broken car without an unmanned driving system. Fortunately, Xu Youyuan is old and has caught up with the era of driving his license, so he can drive by himself.

The exchanged money pays a full year's rent. In this era, even in a one-bedroom house in the western suburbs, the rent is staggeringly high. However, compared with the city's tens of thousands of rents, the suburbs are still very cost-effective except for a long distance, that is, a little bit of gas every month.

After cleaning and cleaning, Xu Youyu moved in.

After living in the western suburbs for about a week, she calculated the money left in her hand and knew that she had to find a job, and she desperately needed income.

Can write code and draw original pictures, and even write some scripts. Xu Youyuan always took a breath and never let up. Over the years, she has accumulated a lot of contacts at work. Xu Youyuan thought that even if she was not in work, it would not be difficult to take care of private work and eat a meal.

Unexpectedly, these contacts all left her at a critical moment.

Not to mention the "reshaping the universe" of the vehicle turmoil in the industry, it is well-known across the country. Because of this incident, Xu Youyuan was kicked out of SQUALL and became a bereaved dog, which has reduced her from an industry leader to a laughing stock in the industry. It's even a scourge. In addition, SQUALL continued to suppress secretly, all the news that Xu Youyi sent to friends in the industry fell to the sea.

Thirty-four years old, tired and middle-aged, just experiencing the pain of bereavement, divorce, and falling from the clouds, Xu Youyuan, who was injured, found herself trapped in a valley with no way out, with only one person left.