Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 99

In this scene, it is impossible for two characters to choose her, only the player can choose, and-

The player "gentleman" who has abyss-level props and snatches partner cards!

Before Xu Youyuan had time to think about it, a sap knocked on her head. With a low cry from Butler A, the character was about to enter a coma, and her vision gradually darkened.

Who attacked her? Is it Qin Jing?

When he was about to lose control of the character, Xu Youyuan saw that Qin Jing was also knocked out, put his head in a bag and strapped it to the car.

Qin Zhen was picked up even more and threw it directly into the trunk of a pickup truck.

Xu Youyuan felt that her body had also been moved, and when she was shaking, she completely lost her perception of the outside world.

Xu Youyuan is frustrated, who is going to make trouble at the critical moment!

She sat cross-legged in the dark, and it took half a day after the game day before Butler A slowly woke up.

When she woke up, Xu Youyuan smelled a fishy vapor, and the surrounding environment was very humid. It was uncomfortable for her clothes to stick to her skin.

Xu Youyu's eyes were blindfolded, and he heard the sound of walking around with the soles of leather boots crushing on the gravel. There were people, and more than one person.

Her back vest was topped with a hard thing, a gun.

The cloth covering his eyes was uncovered. After a while, Xu Youyuan could see the surrounding environment clearly.

She was tied to a chair, and her legs and hands were tightly tied to the legs and back of the chair. There was a calm lake in front of her, and the fishy wind was blowing from the lake.

The lake is surrounded by dense woods. Trees that are straight and slender like needles stand side by side, and the temperature is very low.

The cold air wafted from the depths of the woods and wrapped around Xu Youyu's body, making her body drenched in sweat and blood tremble uncontrollably.

This is a lake in the depths of the forest. Trees can be seen everywhere. If it is not deliberate, no one will come to this kind of ghost place.

Xu Youyuan was tied to a chair and faced the lake, inexplicably.

"Come out." Xu Youyuan said.

It was not a human voice that responded to her, but a pair of eyes that suddenly appeared in the lake.

Those eyes are not human, staying quietly about five centimeters below the surface of the water and staring at Xu Youyi. When Xu Youyuan felt that it was still and suspected that it was an illusion, it slowly dived and disappeared.

Xu Youyuan recognized that they were the eyes of a crocodile.

In this big lake, there are more than one pair of crocodile eyes.

Before he showed up, he heard a cough.

Miss Qin Yun sat ten meters away from Xu Youyuan obliquely behind. The ground was covered with a soft blanket and a few bottles of wine. If it weren’t for her head with a heavy gauze and her face was extremely ugly, the lake and mountains would look really like. Picnic.

There were more than twenty people standing behind Qin Yun, each with a weapon in his hand, while the second young lady Qin Jing and the young lady Qin Zhen were blindfolded and held on the ground on both sides, with several guns on their heads.

Qin Yun pointed to the **** head, and asked Xu Youyu: "Did you?"

She knew about this...

Before the current kidnapping incident, Xu Youyuan had no grudges with Qin Yun, and she had stood by Miss Qin's Patriarch because she was too scumbag. It was absolutely compelling to hit her with a stone.

Xu Youyuan wanted to ease the atmosphere: "It was completely accidental."

"Accident?" Qin Yun was furious, "No matter how unexpected you are, you shouldn't hit me with a stone bigger than my head! Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough to hide, otherwise I will be dead now! More than the shot on the shoulder pain!"

Xu Youyuan: "...I'm sorry."

"Don't say anything, I'm sorry! You can choose for me now!" Qin Yun raised his arms with difficulty, and Miss Er and Miss were simultaneously dragged out and dragged to the lake.


"Both of them." Qin Yun pointed the gun, "You choose one to stay, and the other one is thrown into the lake to feed the crocodile."

The second lady and the little lady were blindfolded, but their ears were so good that they immediately struggled when they heard these words.

"It seems that they all have something to say. But when there is no chance, I won't give them any more roles." Qin Yun said loudly, "Choose! Choose now!" After shouting, the gunshot wound on his shoulder was severely painful, and his head hurt She was dizzy, but fortunately the people behind her supported her.

Xu Youyuan: "Well, Miss, can I ask a question?"

Qin Yun sat down again, holding on to the injury on his head, the dizziness has not passed.

Xu Youyuan took it as an acquiescence: "Why do you want me to choose? You hate the Qin family so much, shouldn't you let them both go to death... Of course, I am not saying that you are really killing them now, I just I want to know your mental journey."

Qin Yun said: "Do you need a reason? I am happy to see you killing each other and painful. What's more, this guy..." She looked at Qin Jing and sneered.

"Do everything possible to coax me into bed, and humiliate me when I am injured. Yes, I am not afraid to tell you. Actually, since many years ago, I had a good impression of you when we first met. I admit this today, it’s nothing. Big deal. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have succeeded even if you killed yourself on the spot.

"Okay, I am unlucky to like a daughter whose surname is Yin, but you are cheaper than your mother! You are going to leave after you fall asleep? I'm still making excuses in my heart, thinking you really have something urgent Leaving, I actually feel guilty for cutting you...

"Until I followed you back to Qin's house secretly, I met the butler... Ha ha ha, Qin Jing, she helped you graduate with your adult education, right?"

Butler A actually "hands" so many young ladies from the Qin family. At first, it was a bit wronged to think that she was a passerby. After all, she was the number one butler. Xu Youyuan apologized to Butler A in her heart.

Qin Yun's words also proved one thing, the love-themed scene is a complete world, not just a game with two players as a single visual development. In addition to the player, collisions also occur between other NPCs.

Therefore, the plot that Xu Youyuan sees may be different from that seen by Shi Yue. The interference item interferes with two people at the same time. The culinary attribute of Xu Youyuan's housekeeper A was forcibly selected. In Shiyue's view, housekeeper A is very likely to be an interfering NPC created by the system.

For analyzing the personality of NPC to determine who is the partner and who is the NPC, this will be more complicated, not to mention that the player may also be kidnapped by someone.

"If this is the case, Qin Jing is indeed a scum." Xu Youyuan said calmly, "but don't you want to hear what Qin Jing himself said? There are so many misunderstandings that were caused before time. You want to kill her. It's not too late to kill after listening to her explanation, right?"

If it was replaced by someone else, Xu Youyuan would not persuade him at all, and it would be useless to persuade him.

But Qin Yun is different. This child is innocent and might really listen.

Seeing that Qin Yun did not respond, Xu Youyuan knew that there was a play, and continued arching: "You see you tied her so that it is impossible to escape, and how well chosen this place is. Even if you want to escape, the old forest in the mountains is likely to get lost and hungry. Dead Wilderness. Isn’t it good to tear your mouth open to give her the last chance? You also said that you have liked her for many years and don’t want to give your thoughts the last chance?"

Xu Youyuan knew that two roles had chosen her.

But because of the rules of the game, she has no way of knowing which two characters chose her, but Xu Youyuan has already guessed who it is.

It was the two sisters who were **** in front of them, the second lady and the little lady.

The little lady has always had a deep love for butler A, and she can understand that she has chosen butler A.

But what's the matter with the second lady?

Is it just because the housekeeper A is also the housekeeper who helped her complete her adult education? Just because of this? That doesn't make sense.

Because it didn't make sense, Xu Youyuan was even more certain that the first person to choose her was Miss Er.

Not being led by the story and the logic of the character, precisely because the character itself is the player, with the player's own logic.

If the second lady is not an NPC but a player, choosing Butler A would be easy to understand, and even why she would leave Qin Yun immediately after sleeping with Qin Yun can explain.

Because this player discovered that Qin Yun is an NPC, not the "partner" she wanted.

Abandoned Qin Yun, and when he searched for the target again, he locked on the butler A. What Xu Youyuan didn't understand was this. Why did Miss Er choose the butler A instead of others.

Asking Qin Yun to give Miss Er a chance is not really wanting Miss Er to be scumbags. What Xu Youyuan wants to hear is Miss Er's reason for doing so.

As for the young lady, the course of action was straightforward from the beginning. The plot set that she likes butler A, and the young lady likes it to the end, without hesitation. If she is innocent and stupid, she is not wronged. But on the other hand, the player behind the little lady may be a very smart person, and she has long known that butler A is her partner.

NPC has no right to choose, only the player can choose.

Originally, the rule of the love theme was that a pair of partners choose each other, but now two people choose Xu Youyu at the same time. Obviously, there is something dirty in this scene.

There is no doubt that the second lady and the little lady, one is Shi Yue and the other is a gentleman who used the grabbing partner card.

The pesky "gentleman" came, and couldn't hide.

But who they are, Xu Youyuan has a certain bias, but can't make a decision yet.

She needs more information to be sure.

When Qin Yun looked at the second lady, Xu Youyuan knew that there was a play.

The tape on Miss Er's mouth was torn, and Qin Yun said, "You heard it all. Go ahead."

The second lady, Qin Jing, was silent for a while, and said, "I have nothing to say. I am blind and choose the wrong person. I am willing to bear all the consequences."

Qin Yun couldn't understand: "What makes you choose the wrong person?"

Even though Qin Jing's eyes were blindfolded, he still looked in the direction of Xu Youyuan's voice, and smiled: "I was only for one person from the beginning. Only the closest contact can I know if it is her, because I remember everything about her. The characteristics of...Unfortunately, I made a mistake when I came up."

Qin Yun: "So you went to bed with me just to see if I was the person you were looking for?"

"I've said everything, there's nothing to say, it's not a misunderstanding, I take it all. That's it."

Qin Yun stepped forward and kicked her head forcefully, grabbed the gun from the people around him in a rage, and wanted a shot to destroy Qin Jing.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Youyuan exclaimed, "You, you, do you want to listen to what the little lady has to say?"

Qin Yun was inexplicable: "Why should I listen to her? What does it have to do with her?"

Yes, what does it have to do with the little lady...

Xu Youyuan was anxious, just thinking about pulling down the impulsive Qin Yun, she didn't have time to think about logic at all.

"Well, how do you know if you don't listen?" Xu Youyi was talking nonsense, quickly conceiving a reliable reason in his mind.

Qin Yun turned his gun to Xu Youyu: "You traitor, let you lie in ambush at Qin's house to do business for me, but you go in for three ways! You are desperately delaying time here, thinking that I won't kill you?"

"I'm not delaying time, in the wilderness, what's the use of delaying time..." Xu Youyuan said, "Think about it, why did the second lady go back to Qin's house? Still shooting the young lady? And why am I? With the little lady?"

Xu Youyuan guided Qin Yun, hoping that this straightforward child could come up with some reasons for herself, so she could just follow the words.

But Qin Yun's mind is relatively simple after all, and couldn't think of it, so he asked Xu Youyuan, "You are talking about why."

Okay, after confirming Qin Yun's IQ, Xu Youyuan started to flick, hoping to succeed in flicking.

"Guess why I and Miss Qin left the Qin's house? Did you lose your memory? Of course, it was because you let me kidnap her. I tried my best to trick the young lady out and want to send her to you. She found it. The second lady appeared in time and wounded her to prevent her from escaping. The second lady knew that you wanted to avenge the Qin family's determination, and appeared in time to retain the hostages. The second lady is not a person who can speak beautiful things, can't you? Don't you know? She didn't say anything but just did it, and risked the danger of turning her face with the Qin family and hurt the little lady. Unexpectedly, you didn't know her kindness and tied her up. This is really unfair to the second lady."

"Really." Qin Yun said coldly, "If she really is thinking about me, why did she make a mistake? I'm not the one she wants to find at all?"

"Joke!" Xu Youyuan raised her voice, almost roaring aggressively, almost roaring in a quarreling tone, frightening Qin Yun, "Don't think about what she did when she came back! Go back to Qin's house to help you! Come with Qin. I’m turning my face! Now I’m sure I will turn it if I don’t. As long as she is Mrs. Yin’s daughter, there will be one day. If she tells you the truth, will you agree? You still don’t treat her like a treasure Hold it in the palm of your hand, don’t let her go anywhere! Even now, I’m still clueless, Qin Yun, can you be more clear-headed!"

Qin Yun, who was scolded inexplicably, fell into contemplation. Xu Youyuan felt unbelievable when she was out of breath. She broke and confronted, and she actually took it all. Both theoretically and emotionally, she flicked reasonable, although a little reluctant. But it's not impossible to insist on believing.

Qin Yun looked at the second lady: "You said it yourself, is she right?"

The second lady smiled: "What she says is what she says."

Xu Youyuan closed her eyes—this fool, can you cooperate? Just admit that it is so difficult to have a true feeling for Miss?

But having said that, if this matter is replaced by Xu Youyuan, Xu Youyuan would rather hang up the plate and replay the whole situation, and would not confess to someone who doesn't like it.

Qin Yun smiled: "It seems that you still have a lot of affection for this housekeeper."

After tearing the tape on the little lady's mouth, Qin Yun said to Xu Youyu:

"I'm not good at the most emotional thing, but I can still play games. The Qin family is the most stinky being in the world. It is my happiest thing to watch you panic. Give each of you a minute. , Talk to your housekeeper, and after finishing speaking, the housekeeper will choose."

Xu Youyuan has a bad feeling: "Have you not given up..."

"Choose one person to survive." Qin Yun held the gun, "I killed the other person on the spot. How about it, play? Forget it, why bother to ask you, you have no choice. Okay, now you two You can start talking."

Xu Youyuan closed her eyes in despair.

The second lady said: "Can you give me one last look at her?"

Qin Yun didn't speak, his face was terrible.

The cloth in front of Miss Er's eyes was removed. After a little adjustment, she looked at Xu Youyu. After watching quietly for a while, she gently said, "Think about it, and then choose after you understand it. Don't worry, you will definitely choose. ."

Xu Youyuan understood that the scene of this stage reached the final stage, and the eldest lady would really shoot and kill one of them. If you choose the wrong one, Shiyue will die and the game will fail.

Compared with the failure of the game, what makes Xu Youyuan more worrying is the immersive atmosphere.

Even the water vapor and thick fog gave her very real feelings. The restless mood made her restless, and her goose bumps shuddered.

"How about you." Qin Yun asked the little lady, "I will listen to you."

Little Miss: "I have nothing to say. You can choose whichever you choose, I don't blame you."

"Hmph, they all said the same thing, half a catty, and nothing said." Qin Yun looked at Xu Youyuan, "Okay, they have all said it, it's up to you to make a choice. I will give you ten seconds. select.


When Qin Yun was counting down, the system also advanced the countdown.

[System reminder: Choose between Qin Jing (Miss Second) and Qin Zhen (Little Miss) to survive. You have ten seconds to think. 】



In fact, it is not the most terrible thing that a wrong choice leads to the death of a partner in the game.

The most terrifying thing is the involvement of the "gentleman" in this round.

If the wrong partner dies, according to the rules of "grabbing partner card", once Xu Youyuan's partner dies, she will automatically become the new partner of the "gentleman". This fact is too disgusting, Xu Youyuan absolutely cannot agree.



In fact, Xu Youyuan already had the answer in her heart.

Since there is always a choice, why delay to the last second?

Even if the wrong choice is made, Xu Youyuan is confident that she will return to Shiyue in the end and win the "Love Is Better Than Golden" gift package together.

Even if it is a firm love, the process is bumpy, and Xu Youyuan accepts the bumps.

Her partner will always be Shi Yue.

Xu Youyuan opened her lips together and said the person's name.

Qin Yun was silent for a moment after getting the answer, and sneered: "Do you think I can't shoot?"

The resounding and determined gunshots stunned the birds in the woods, and flocks to the pale blue sky.

A corpse fell to the ground, the blood bar became empty and died on the spot.

Xu Youyuan closed her eyes when the gun fired. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was still in the game, and the ropes of her hands and feet had been loosened.

Shi Yue didn't die, she chose the right one, and they didn't fail!

The excitement of the rest of his life made Xu Youyi feel hot and swept away the cold.

But the game is not over yet.

With a sound of falling into the water, Qin Yun pushed the man who had not been shot down into the lake.

"She has her hands and feet handcuffed, so she can't swim up by herself." Qin Yun pinched a bunch of keys at his fingertips, threw them out, and the keys fell into the lake together.

"You saw it before. There are crocodiles in the lake. I raised them. There are three of them, the big bear, two bears and Xiaoli. The first thing you see when you wake up is Xiaoli. Don’t look at its cute name, in fact It is a one-eyed one, and it attacks people most fiercely..."

Before Qin Yun finished talking, Xu Youyu plunged into the lake one by one, without any hesitation.

After a ripple broke on the lake, butler A was nowhere to be seen.

Qin Yun watched the lake gradually returning to calm, paused for a moment and continued: "...Xiao Li is having a bad temper during the spawning period and is trying to find her prey to spread fire. If you meet Xiao Li, remember to run faster. Once bitten by it, it will entangle to the end until it kills the prey. Good luck to you."

Qin Yun glanced at the second young lady, Qin Jing, who had fallen on the ground and could no longer move, lowered her eyes and disappeared into the thick fog...


The little lady was handcuffed with her hands and legs. After falling into the water, she couldn't struggle at all, so she could only sink straight to the bottom of the lake.

Originally, there was only a little blood on her health bar, and when she was drowning and unable to move, she would most likely be killed on the spot!

In fact, knowing that Shiyue is Qin Zhen, and Shiyue has already selected her, Xu Youyuan only needs to call up the card, turn Qin Zhen out to choose her, wait for the system to respond, and let Xu Youyuan confirm whether to choose this again. After the role, this round is even cleared.

However, the time in the game world will not stop during the time of calling cards and waiting for the system to provide a second confirmation. The two players have already proved this when choosing Xu Youyuan.

In this way, Shi Yue might die directly, and the game failed at this moment.

Xu Youyuan thinks that the safest way is to save Shi Yue, and then choose her in the system!

The most important thing is that after she successfully chose Qin Zhen, Qin Zhen has overlapped with Shi Yue and became one person.

The moment Shi Yue fell into crisis, Xu Youyi's body had already reacted.

Save her.

No matter how dangerous it is, save her!

"Xu Youyuan!"

Shi Yue called her in the private chat channel.

"Trust me." Xu Youyi said calmly, "You believe me!"

They haven't finally chosen each other, so even if they know it well, they still can't speak too clearly for fear of being convicted of cheating.

However, some people spoke with a calm tone, and actually didn't know where the key was lost.

Fortunately, the lake is not deep, and Xu Youyuan dived to the bottom of the lake, trying to find the trace of the key with his eyes open.

Butler A's lung capacity is good, and her condition shows that she can hold her breath for another minute!

But Shi Yue's situation is not so good.

Xu Youyuan glanced at her while looking for the key and found that she was drowning.

How could you think that the fierce-looking young lady can't swim!

Xu Youyuan resolutely gave up looking for the key.

Originally, I thought that if you untie the little lady's hands and feet, you can go up the water with her. Now it seems that even if you untie the little lady's hands and feet, she may not be able to swim, and she won't be able to help at all.

I had to bite the bullet!

Xu Youyuan did not continue looking for the key, but turned around and swam directly towards Qin Zhen. When Qin Zhen was about to lift up, Shi Yue already understood her thoughts.

But at this moment, Shi Yue had already lost control of Qin Zhen.

Qin Zhen fell into a coma because his blood volume and physical strength had all reached the limit.

Xu Youyuan caught her, lifted her back up, and swam vigorously.

It is impossible to bring a person who is completely immobile ashore from the water, if it is replaced by Xu Youyu himself, it is impossible to achieve it in reality, but the housekeeper A has a glimmer of hope to be able to do it!

Steward A can become the number one steward of the Qin family. In addition to her excellent stewardship, she also has eighteen martial arts proficient settings, but Xu Youyuan doesn't have time to explore her slowly.

The game hasn't failed yet, proving that Qin Zhen is still alive!

"Xu Youyuan...I feel uncomfortable..."

Shi Yue's voice came from the private chat channel.

"what is up……"

Qin Zhen's feeling of drowning was passed to Shi Yue through the game access crystal?

It is not impossible. All the pain, dizziness and other feelings in this game will be passed on to the player, but the degree is much lighter and will not cause too much discomfort to the player. But for the immersive effect, there will definitely be a weakening experience of drowning when drowning.

Drowning is much more uncomfortable than being beaten with a stick, not to mention that she was shot before!

Xu Youyuan exhausted all her energy and stroked the water. She didn't want Shiyue to endure this pain for too long.

When they saw the light coming from the lake, there were two static black shadows floating in the water on the left hand side, making Xu Youyuan shiver all over.

After a split glance, it was two crocodiles.

The crocodiles are less than five meters away from them, and there is no movement. If you don't pay attention to them, it may not be easy to feel their presence.

Just like the **** of death who can wake up at any time while floating in the water.

The moment Xu Youyuan saw the two crocodiles, her heart almost stopped beating, but she soon recovered, struggling to the surface of the water is the first thing that matters.

I hope the crocodile will not find them...


Xu Youyi prayed secretly in her heart.