Military Technology

v2 Chapter 1002: Live "Hit" Rockets

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the sun had already risen outside. Because of the launch mission, the entire base was already busy.

Wu Hao and the others went to the restaurant to have a simple breakfast, and then went to the launch command and control hall.

At this moment, the entire hall is in a state of battle. Compared with the relaxed atmosphere of Wu Hao and their R&D base launch command and control center, there is obviously a trace of composure, calmness, order and calmness that only troops can have.

After saying hello to Wei Hongyu and Gao Jinguang, they came to the guest seat and waited for the rocket to launch.

Less than three hours before launch, the rocket has already entered the countdown preparation phase before launch.

Therefore, he is not suitable to interrupt and influence everyone's work at this critical time. So I sat in the guest table with Lin Wei and her family, and watched the whole launch process.

The whole preparation stage before the launch can be said to be very boring, but whether it is Lin Wei or family members, even Wu Tong, this little girl looks quietly and tastefully, and asks about the pictures and data on the big screen from time to time. What exactly does that mean.

As for Wu Hao, he is staring at these data, because these data show the state of the rocket and the entire launch site at the moment.

"One hour to prepare!"

Just as everyone was a little tired while waiting, the voice from the hall broadcast made Wu Hao and the rest of the reporters at the scene suddenly raised their spirits.

The atmosphere at the scene also began to become serious. In the last hour before the launch, everyone was calmly watching the data on the screen.

The entire command and control hall, except for the various announcements from time to time, had no sound at all, and it was quiet a little that made people uncomfortable.

As for Lin Wei and her parents, including Wu Tong, who sat in the command and control hall for the first time, they were very nervous at the moment, staring at the screen intently. Even Wu Tong, who has been twittering, stopped talking.

"Thirty minutes to prepare, swing away!"

"The swing rod is disengaged..., the swing rod is disengaged."


"Enter ten minutes to prepare."

"Five minutes to prepare!"

"three minutes!"

"Prepare in one minute!"

"Thirty seconds!"


"Three, two, one, light up, take off!

"take off!"

boom! Through the surveillance picture on the big screen, everyone can see the Jianmu-2 modified rocket standing on the launch tower, with bursts of fire and white water vapor ejected from the tail.

"The program turns!"

Bang bang bang...

Warm applause erupted from the entire command and control hall, and Wei Hongyu on the side turned around and reached out to Wu Hao to congratulate him: "Xiao Wu, congratulations!"

Thank you Director Wei! Wu Hao immediately took Wei Hongyu's hand and thanked him.

Hahahaha, as long as it can take off smoothly, then it has already succeeded more than half. Next, it's up to the Rockets themselves. Wei Hongyu explained to him with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and then continued to stare at the screen.


The huge roar of the rocket came, accompanied by the vibration, and everyone could not help laughing.

The shock of this launch can only be truly experienced by visiting the scene. Lin Wei and the parents on both sides couldn't help showing excitement. Wu Tong was even more excited.

"The ground monitoring and control station of the base reported that the rocket tracking is normal and the telemetry signal is normal."

Papa papa... another round of applause came. This time it was the satellite customer representatives and the guests watching.

But Wu Hao and the others were not too excited, because the real test had just begun.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it and paying close attention.

The lobby announcement rang again.

"First and second separation!"

On the big screen, in the ground remote sensing monitoring picture, the rocket flying at high altitude flickered, and then a bright spot fell from the rocket and dragged its tail down.

"The ground measurement and control station of the base reported that the first and second levels have been successfully separated."

Papa papa... There was another round of applause in the hall, and this time the applause was even stronger than the previous two.

The landing procedure of the first level rocket body is started!

Immediately, the picture on the big screen was divided into two, the big picture was the launch vehicle that was rising slowly, and the smaller screen was the landing process of the first-stage rocket body.

The ground telemetry monitoring report showed that the grid wing of the first-level rocket body opened normally, the rocket landing attitude was normal, and the top guide parachute had been thrown out.

Bang bang bang...

As the broadcast ended, there was another round of applause in the hall. For most of the people on the scene, they were also very excited to witness the landing process of the first-level rocket body at such a close distance.

As for Wei Hongyu and Gao Jinguang's eyes, they stared at the screen tightly, never letting go.

At this time, the live broadcast picture was also displayed on the TV screen hanging in front of the guest seat 1. The TV picture is also divided into two, one side is the rising rocket, and the other side is the landing first-class rocket.

The ground telemetry monitoring report showed that the parachute group of the first-level rocket body has been thrown out and the state is normal.

Papa papa... This time, the applause in the hall was even more heated.

The normal opening of the main parachute group means that the recovery of the first-stage rocket body has basically been declared successful.

Although it has not landed yet, the entire landing process of the first-level rocket body has passed the dangerous stage safely and smoothly.

Just as the first-level rocket started to land slowly, on the other side, the latest news came from the live broadcast.

"The fairing is off!"

"The ground measurement and control station of the base reported that the fairing has been successfully opened and fell off."

Bang bang bang...

Amid the applause, UU Reading Yu Chengwu picked up a very calm command and said: "The AB fairing starts to land, is the helicopter recovery team in place?"

"The helicopter air recovery team reported that we have reached the scheduled airspace and are waiting for the fairing to arrive."

At the same time, another picture appeared on the big screen. This picture was slightly jittery, and it was a monitoring picture set up on a helicopter.

In the middle screen, there are two domestically-made medium-sized helicopters with yellow special operation paint below, flying below.

There is a long hook on the chins of the two helicopters. When the fairing is glide into the relevant airspace, the helicopters waiting to be ready will use the lower hook to hang on the paraglider of the fairing for recovery. Dispatch.

However, everyone's current vision is not here, but closely watching the landing process of the first-level rocket body.

The camera also switched directly to the landing field. In the sky above the landing field, the first-level rocket body was dragging the main parachute group and descending quickly.

When it was about to land, about 100 meters above the ground in the air, the main engine quickly ignited, and the landing speed of the first-stage rocket body dropped immediately.

On the landing field of the huge rocket tail flame jet, dust and smoke were blown up, and the entire first-stage rocket, accompanied by these smoke and dust, landed smoothly on the landing field. At the moment of landing, the parachute group also ran away smoothly.

Bang bang bang...

Suddenly, there was more enthusiastic applause in the whole hall, and even many people began to cheer.

The same picture was also transmitted to the public in real time for the first time through live broadcast.