Military Technology

v2 Chapter 1824: The Contest of Spear and Shield (Boutiqu

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then looked at the audience and emphasized: "More importantly, this kind of laser anti-aircraft weapon consumes electrical energy instead of ordinary ammunition. Compared with traditional laser energy Weapons, the new high-energy lasers we have developed, have the characteristics of low energy consumption and high power. To deal with such tiny targets, super solid-state batteries can be used.

In this way, we can reduce the size and weight of this small laser anti-aircraft weapon as much as possible, so that it is easy to carry and easy to deploy.

And it has an autonomous air defense function, so it doesn't need people to be on duty 24 hours a day, so that it doesn't take up the establishment, and it doesn't require too complicated training.

Once encountering tiny drones for detection or attack, or other guided weapons, this laser air defense system can respond quickly and take the initiative to shoot down the incoming target.

Similarly, we also integrated cluster array control technology into it. In this way, multiple sets of such laser defense systems can form a large multi-point air defense network. These laser air defense systems will integrate computing power, intelligent computing, operate autonomously, and use resources reasonably to increase the success rate of interception. "

Speaking here, Wu Hao paused, changed to a PPT, and then continued to preach: "Of course, we can change the laser weapons on this system to traditional anti-aircraft weapons, such as machine guns, small-caliber machine guns, etc. The specific situation depends on the actual combat needs of the troops. In this regard, we leave a lot of room for freedom.

At the same time, we will also open up this intelligent air defense system platform, and the military, including the military industry system, can cooperate with us to develop weapons and equipment for various purposes on a basic basis. "

Hearing this, everyone in the audience immediately applauded enthusiastically. Among other things, Wu Hao's kindness, generosity, and support for the troops deserve warm applause from everyone.

If it were any other company, I am afraid that this intelligent air defense system would have been regarded as a gold mine and go all out to dig out the value. Then it will be generously opened up to Wu Hao for everyone to share.

Of course, Wu Hao is not the kind of person who loses money and makes money and suffers himself, and he will not do such a stupid thing. Although he promised to open the intelligent air defense system to the outside world, if others want to use or even develop and utilize this system, they must cooperate with Wu Hao and the others. As for how to cooperate in this regard, it depends on how the two sides negotiate.

However, in the eyes of the leaders, these do not affect the overall situation. What they value is not this little benefit, but after developing this intelligent air defense system, they can concentrate resources and strength to develop weapons and equipment with better performance. On the one hand, it can be used by troops to consolidate national defense. On the other hand, it can also revitalize and develop the military system industry, which is also of great help to the overall improvement of national defense and military forces.

After everyone's applause ended, Wu Hao smiled and said: "I believe everyone is curious, what is this second weapon that can defend against the attacks of these tiny drones?

In fact, this weapon and equipment has also appeared in the exercise, and it played a very critical role in the outcome of the exercise.

I believe many people have guessed that this is the heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective booster armor we developed, and the other one is the latest Xingtian power armor that was unveiled in the exercise.

Generally speaking, this can be regarded as a large category, all of which are wearable protective equipment. In fact, it can be seen as the armor worn by soldiers in ancient wars, or we will give you the bulletproof vests that everyone wears. The change has improved the overall protection performance.

That's right, it seems to be back to ancient times, allowing soldiers to put on 'armor' again.

In fact, this is not unusual, or not unexpected. In fact, wars have always been a contest between spears and shields from ancient times to the present.

This is true whether it is between countries, between armies, or between weapons and equipment.

One side attacks, and the other side must defend. The roles of both sides are not fixed, and the contradiction between offense and defense can be changed at any time. This is actually our tactical strategy.

The same is true for weapons and equipment. After the invention of muskets, ancient armor was easily penetrated by virtue of its strong penetrating power, which also contributed to the final desolation of ancient armor and disappeared in the long river of history.

What followed may be the darkest and bloodiest era in the thousands of years of human beings. Perhaps the number of people killed in human wars in thousands of years has not been as many as in the past two centuries.

These are all due to the rise of modern weapons, the continuous upgrading of firearms and artillery, and the presence of tanks and armored vehicles outside the land, as well as the overlord fighters in the air.

It can be said that in these two centuries, human beings have developed killing tools to a peak.

However, in such a **** and dark era, the development of defensive equipment seems to be very slow, and even stood still for a while.

Do you still remember the platoon of guns in the era of muskets? The two sides lined up in several arrays, marching forward like an ancient army formation, and firing guns at the same time. In order to line up neatly, the troops of both sides can only form such a dense array and line up to be shot.

That's right, such a tactic sounds ridiculous to us now, but it actually existed over time and lasted for a long time.

What is even more tragic is that such a stupid and absurd tactic forced us to open the country and became the beginning of the modern history of humiliation.

The great powers who have suffered a lot in this regard have gradually learned their lessons, and with the continuous development of musket technology, skirmish line tactics and trench fortifications and eventually evolved into fortresses .

As for the soldiers, they still don't have any defensive equipment on them, and the only thing that may be useful is the highly decorative helmet on their heads. The symbolic meaning of the helmet at this time may be greater than the actual protective meaning, but it is undeniable that these helmets that look like decorations have played a great role in the war. It can not only help soldiers avoid stray bullets, but also It can prevent some shrapnel from scratching the head.

This function was also officially discovered, so the helmet was valued and gradually developed into the current style.

As for the appearance of tanks and armored vehicles, they were actually originally used to cover infantry. Because before this, the infantry's charge attack did not have any cover, and it was entirely by using soldiers to fix and carry the enemy's guns.

So during this period, the most famous "Verdun meat grinder" appeared. The war lasted from February 21 to December 19, 1916. Germany and France invested more than 100 divisions, and more than 25 troops died. Ten thousand people, more than half a million people were injured.

Just ask how many long battles in the history before this time can have such casualties, I am afraid there are only a handful of them. "