Military Technology

v2 Chapter 1955: imitate humans, learn from humans, repla

Military Science and Technology Text Volume 1955 imitates human beings, learns from human beings, and replaces... "However, why is it so smart, it is just like human beings." Xu Hui raised his own question.

Wu Hao didn't answer directly, but looked at Xu Hui and asked with a smile, "Remember when I introduced you earlier, I told you what its nickname was?"

"Xiao Ming, Coco!" Xu Hui replied casually, then his expression was stunned, and then he looked at Wu Hao with a surprised expression: "You mean this Chen Ke'er is your personal intelligent assistant Coco."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, to be precise, Chen Ke'er is the name of this simulated humanoid intelligent robot body, and Coco is my personal intelligent assistant."

In other words, it was Coco who was talking to me, and this Chen Keer was just a tool medium.

Wu Hao nodded and replied, "Yes, it's almost like this. This Chen Ke'er is a simulated humanoid intelligent robot body that we specially developed for Coco.

With this body, Coco can be manipulated to imitate humans and mingle with humans.

This is also the reason why, for so long, no one has discovered that it is a robot. If the limited space capacity and overall power of such a simulated humanoid intelligent robot alone cannot handle the complex language content logic in the process of interpersonal communication, so this aspect must be carried out with the help of Cocoa's artificial intelligence system. Only data manipulation is possible.

This is also the reason why Chen Ke'er rarely walks out of the park, because in this park, Coco was able to control Chen Ke'er well and achieve zero-delay response. In addition to the park, only the 5G mobile Internet can be used to transmit signal command data, which will cause a certain delay more or less.

So when someone communicates with her, she will feel that Chen Keer's response is very slow, always half a beat, not natural enough, etc. "

"No wonder!" Xu Hui nodded. Indeed, during their surveillance and investigation, they found that this Chen Ke'er rarely left the Haoyu headquarters campus. That's why they couldn't go directly to Chen Ke'er for investigation. The reason ah.

Seeing Xu Hui's wry smile, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "In fact, this problem is also being solved. In the future, we will gradually make the brain control center of this artificial humanoid intelligent robot, from the outside. By transplanting equipment into the body of the robot, it can get rid of the shackles of the Internet and have a wider space for activities."

After saying this, Wu Hao glanced at Xu Hui's face, and then added: "Of course, we can't let them get rid of the constraints completely, it is impossible. Because of the limitations of the robot's own power and computing power, they There will be difficulties in dealing with many problems, do not know how to deal with it, or the calculation processing time is too long.

So at this time, they need to transmit the answers to these questions back to the center through the network, and use the center's artificial intelligence system and supercomputing cluster to perform operations, so as to give reasonable answers and processing methods, and finally transmit them to the robot to help them. deal with these difficult questions.

Of course, this move is also to regulate the behavior of these robots, so as to prevent them from having problems, or doing something beyond the limit due to human changes. "

After saying this, Wu Hao changed his words and smiled: "Of course, this is a transitional stage. With the continuous evolution and development of artificial intelligence systems, these robots will become more independent and smarter.

But no matter when, they will be restricted, and will never make some actions beyond the restriction. "

Indeed, if such a robot falls into the wrong hands, it will cause great harm. Xu Hui nodded when he heard the words, with a worried expression on his face.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, then looked at Xu Hui and said, "It is precisely because of this that we have kept the information about this simulated humanoid intelligent robot strictly confidential. At present, there are only a handful of people in the company who know about it. ."

However, it will always meet people, how long can you hide it. Xu Hui asked Wu Hao.

How long can it be concealed, how long it can be concealed, human beings are not yet able to accept such a technology. Wu Hao shook his head slightly, then looked at Xu Hui and said, "In fact, the longer we hide it, the better it will be for us. This artificial humanoid intelligent robot has a very wide range of uses, and it will definitely be used before civilian use. Military fields, including some special fields.

So before that, it was definitely not easy to expose. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Xu Hui looked at Chen Ke'er and asked, "What about it? Why is it appearing so openly in the public eye?"

In fact, it is for learning, in fact, it is constantly learning. Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Learn? Xu Hui looked puzzled, obviously not satisfied with Wu Hao's answer.

Wu Hao nodded slightly and explained, "The reason why you think this artificial humanoid intelligent robot is so real, and you can't tell the difference between the real and the fake, is because it has performed a lot of data learning and training in the early stage, and it has such performance today.

We use the artificial intelligence system to continuously obtain information about people's expressions and body movements on the Internet language habits, including some basic skills, such as dressing, makeup, cooking and so on.

Then, on this basis, I will generate my own expressions, body movements and language habits to dress up and make up and other styles in each episode. Even we can generate our own cooking habits by absorbing some cooking information from the Internet.

In reality, through constant close contact, observation, and communication with people, we can learn some interpersonal interactions in daily life, daily life, etc., which cannot be learned on the Internet.

Of course, for the sake of safety, I put it in my secretariat office and arranged for someone to take care of it. "

"Your secretary Shen Ning?" Xu Hui said to him. Through their investigation, they knew that this Chen Ke'er and Shen Ning had a close relationship. They thought they were good friends. a possibility.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, Shen Ning is one of the insiders, and the person in charge of life that I arranged to take care of Chen Keren."

Xu Hui nodded, then said to Wu Hao: "I still feel numb in my scalp about this matter. According to the relevant procedures, I have to report to the higher-level organization for such a major matter."

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "This is the organizational work procedure, I can understand it, but please be sure to control the scope and keep it strictly confidential. If possible, I don't want too many people to know about this matter."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui nodded and said: "I will give feedback on your attitude and opinions truthfully. How to make a decision depends on the opinions of the superiors. Of course, I don't think it's a big problem, and we will definitely fully respect your wishes. of."
