Military Technology

v2 Chapter 2015: longing for dream

With a burst of shutter sound, the question-and-answer session about reporters officially began.

Of course, the object of everyone's attention at this moment is naturally the much-anticipated Yuan Zifeng. I saw him sitting upright, facing the crowd with a smile, listening carefully to the various questions of the reporters.

The initial questions were all ordinary questions, which were naturally no problem for Yuan Zifeng, and he answered them with ease. But soon, a question raised by a reporter caused everyone present to be stunned for a moment, and then looked over.

This is a foreign media reporter, and he asked a very pointed question.

"...What do you want to say about this manned spaceship called Haoyu Technology's space adventure? What made you decide to take such a huge risk by calling it such a spaceship that has never been loaded before?"

The reporter asked in stammering Chinese. Although it was a little awkward, everyone present could hear what he meant. Although this question may seem ordinary and nothing special, it does contain evil intentions. Yuan Zifeng's answer was slightly inappropriate, and could be used by this foreign media reporter and some people with ulterior motives to distort and frame them.

After hearing this question, Yuan Zifeng still kept a smile on his face, but he was still a little nervous in his heart. He adjusted his thoughts, and then replied to the reporter with a smile.

"Thank you for your question. First of all, as an astronaut, our job is to undertake any space mission content entrusted by the country and the public. No matter how difficult or dangerous these tasks are, these will not stop us from serving the people. Determination!"

"Okay!" Wu Hao, who was seated on the rostrum, couldn't help but secretly praised them, but the answer was wonderful.

"Secondly, I am very honored to be able to undertake the first flight of the manned spacecraft of Walker 4. I would like to thank the leaders and Haoyu Technology for their trust and support for me, and handed over such a glorious task to me. hand.

Haoyu Technology is a very great technology company, and its achievements in the field of science and technology have attracted worldwide attention. Similarly, over the past few years, Haoyu Technology has been committed to the development of aerospace technology, and has achieved remarkable results so far, creating countless firsts.

This time I am also the first, the first astronaut to enter space with a manned spacecraft called Walker 4.

First, this is a meaningful word, and it is an appellation that countless people yearn for, a quantifier. For me, it not only represents honor, but also represents responsibility and danger, opportunity and challenge!

But that's fine, because we always have someone to do this first. Just like Columbus was the first to discover the New World, Columbus was the first to complete a circumnavigation, and Gagarin was the first to enter space.

It is because of the countless firsts like this, and the countless people who want to be the first, that we humans can promote the development of our society to this day.

What I want to say is that striving to be the first is not scary. What is scary is that we have lost the ambition to explore the unknown and the courage to overcome fear. "

Speaking of this, Yuan Zifeng said in a soft tone: "In the past three months, we have received a series of adaptive training for the Walker series spacecraft, and we have learned and understood how to control and drive it to fly in space.

Gu Dai

Together with the engineers of Haoyu Aerospace, I personally understood every part of the spacecraft and knew the structure of the spacecraft well.

It is precisely because of this understanding that I am very confident in this spacecraft, and I am equally confident in this mission. I believe that our mission will be a complete success. "

clap clap clap...

After Yuan Zifeng's remarks, there was a burst of warm applause, which was the recognition and support for this wonderful speech of Yuan Zifeng.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Zifeng answered a few more questions, then ended the interview and left the scene.

Those who lost their goals focused their attention on Wu Hao, who was sitting on the stage. Although Yuan Zifeng is the most shining protagonist in this press conference, Wu Hao, who has been smiling and not speaking on stage, is beyond the protagonist.

Even Wu Hao's topicality and newsiness attract more attention than Yuan Zifeng, an astronaut. If you just interview Yuan Zifeng, it may only appear in some fields of science and technology aerospace. But if it is Wu Hao, then it is no longer limited to a few sections, but has become a hot news of the public's attention.

Zhou Chengfang, Gao Jinguang and others who were sitting beside Wu Hao naturally showed smiles waiting to watch the play. They naturally knew the topicality of Wu Hao's body, and they had already anticipated this moment, so they were not surprised.

As for Wu Hao, facing the wolves and tigers in the eyes of the reporters, his back couldn't help but shiver, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Mr. Wu, what do you think of your company's first use of its own rockets and spacecraft to send people into space."

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled slightly. This is a relatively mild question. The reporter who asked the question should also be from a certain domestic media. Wu Hao has such an impression.

So he didn't think about it, but straightened the microphone and replied with a smile: "First of all, this question is not a problem for me. You ask me what I think, of course I like it. After all, this is our own project, and we also use our self-developed launch vehicle and manned spacecraft, I have full confidence in their performance, and I am looking forward to their performance this time."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, and then continued: "As a technology enterprise dedicated to the development of the space field, we research aerospace technology. Over the years, we have invested a lot of manpower in various projects in the field of aerospace technology, Material resources, capital, resources. All the investments have added up to an astonishing figure. This is not everyone who has this determination and dares to bet on the future to invest their net worth.

Through the unremitting efforts of all of us, our aerospace technology project has finally achieved a breakthrough, and has grown little by little in the development of these years.

It can be said that we can achieve today's results, which is inseparable from everyone's efforts. Not only the technicians who are directly or indirectly involved in these projects, but also those who have never shown up and have been giving away silently, such as operations managers, logistics staff, and even chefs who work hard to prepare delicious food for everyone, as well as cleaning and tidying. Environmental cleaners, etc.

So this mission, not just me, all of us are looking forward to, because this is the goal and dream that all of us have been working hard for. "