Military Technology

v2 Chapter 926: Controversial projects with win-win resu

The reason why Anxi has spared no effort to actively promote this project is very obvious to the local economy. The most famous one is the disco park, which is famous all over the world, and the location of every disco park will be wildly looted everywhere.

Among them, the most familiar and famous one is the dispute between Xiangjiang Dishes Park and Shanghai Dishes Park. With the Dishes Park, Xiangjiang attracts tens of millions of tourists every year, which can be said to be very popular.

As soon as Shanghai Disch Park was completed, the attractiveness of Xiangjiang Disch Park fell instantly. Although Shanghai Disch Paradise often exposes some problems, this does not affect its popularity. Basically every day it is hot.

It is precisely because of this that more and more such entertainment theme parks are beginning to focus on our domestic market. For example, the film and television park located in the capital city chose to enter the domestic market after seeing the popularity of the disco park.

Anxi is inland and naturally cannot compete with super first-tier cities like Beijing Shanghai, but it is also very eager to have a paradise of its own.

So in recent years, Anxi has also spent a lot of energy in this area, such as the establishment of the country's first antique Tang Wenhua pedestrian street, relying on various cultural parades, it was made into Anxi's business card and spread to the whole country. And the whole world.

Although the entire pedestrian street is completely free, the huge economic benefits and indirect economic benefits brought by it are very generous. I have tasted the sweetness of Anxi and hope to increase the scale.

It is a pity that some other built classics did not form a climate, which is a pity.

So in the face of the project thrown by Haoyu Technology, the local leaders were naturally overjoyed and immediately took action, hoping to work hard to promote this project.

We must know that this project can definitely play a huge role in promoting the current Anxi entertainment industry.

It will not only directly benefit, but will also vigorously drive the economic development of the surrounding and even the entire Anxi city and stimulate consumption.

In fact, all tourist cities hope to attract a large number of tourists. And when these tourists arrive, you must be able to keep them.

The so-called retention is that you have to have more entertainment to allow these tourists to stay.

If they stay for one more day, then one more day's consumption will increase. These expenses include one night's hotel accommodation, food, transportation, shopping, etc.

Calculated on the basis of a basic income of 200 yuan per person per day, 10 million tourists stay for one more day, then the direct economic benefit brought is 2 billion, which is definitely a very objective number.

In addition, it has to be considered as some hidden benefits, so this is definitely a project with great benefits and no harm.

Just like Hangzhou in those days, in order to attract tourists to stay one more day, Hangzhou not only opened the West Lake scenic spot for free, but also performed free performances for tourists.

Because of this, Hangzhou quickly stands out from the national tourist cities and is unique. Later, more and more cities began to learn the Hangzhou model, and Anxi is definitely one of the best. Not only does it have all the amount of learning, but it also develops on this basis.

After all, Anxi has already tasted the sweetness from the cultural tourism market. Naturally, I am very keen on projects in this area, especially such projects that can enhance the overall competitiveness of Anxi cultural tourism.

In order to promote this project as soon as possible, the leaders on the ground have shown great courage. It can be said that they want land, policies, policies, and money.

With a wave of his hand, Du Yonghui directly approved them for 2,500 acres of land for the project, and also provided an objective number of interest-free loans and related support policies.

For Wu Hao, the project itself is to give back to the local area, which is also a way for local companies to give back to the local area.

According to normal circumstances, they will not start such business projects, so they will include micro-media. On the one hand, micro-media is mainly engaged in cultural and content industries, which is very suitable.

On the other hand, micro media also has such a rigid demand in operation.

With the increasing number of micro-media works, consumers and players also hope that the government can have such a place for everyone to play. This has become a wish of many people.

In addition, in recent years, Micro Media has been holding related game e-sports events, and there is also a need for such a theme venue.

So after combining so many originals, Wu Hao decided to start this project.

As for Micromedia’s largest shareholding, this is also because Micromedia is mainly responsible for subsequent operations and management, and the main investment is also provided by Micromedia. The three parties have reached a consensus in this regard.

This project has been in low-key preparations since its inception and has not been released to the public. Today, Wu Hao's announcement on this occasion, although it is more appropriate, caused a sensation and even controversy.

This is mainly because of the particularity of this project so it has been relatively low-key, just because it is afraid of being affected in the preparation process.

For such a game theme park, naturally some people support and some oppose it. Most of the supporters are definitely young people, and they are also the main market for this game theme park.

Most of the opponents are older middle-aged and elderly people. The so-called game uselessness theory, game harm theory, game misunderstanding theory, etc., have always flooded the entire network.

Even many classic game works were finally removed from the shelves under the attack of these paranoid parents.

And with the same fate and experience as games, I'm afraid there are only domestic animation works.

So for such a theme park featuring games and anime, you can imagine how these people will react.

Of course, for Wu Hao and others, it is naturally impossible to keep the secret of such a large project, and it is unrealistic.

So I still have to take the opportunity to announce it to the outside world, and the new game conference of Wei Media was just right, so Lin Wei arranged him to play last, one of the reasons was to release this important news.

Seeing the excitement of the audience below, Wu Hao's mouth turned up slightly. As for other things that are not in his consideration, let Lin Wei and the others deal with them.

As a matter of fact, this matter was originally handed over to Lin Wei to announce it. It's just that in the end everyone felt that such a major project was announced from his mouth and heavier, plus Lin Wei's pleading, so he bit the bullet and proceeded.

At this point, his lecture tour is over. After pouring a thank you, he walked off the stage amid warm applause, gave Lin Wei a hug, and then walked slowly to the seat and took a seat again.

The stage was handed over to Lin Wei, and she began to finish.