Military Technology

v3 Chapter 2188: Amputation

Lin Lei, who had been in the intensive care unit, was pushed out again by the nurses and doctors, and was pushed to the operating room under their escort.

Lin's mother and Lin Wei, including Lin's father, saw their son so close for the first time in the past few days, so one can imagine their feelings. Mother Lin couldn't help but wanted to rush to her son on the hospital bed, but was firmly held back by the person next to him.

As for Father Lin, although his eyes were red, he still stood there, watching his son being pushed into the operating area.

As for Lin Wei, she covered her mouth even more, tears kept falling down. The other hand grabbed Wu Hao's arm, trying to catch the blood. Wu Hao naturally felt the pain in his arm, but he didn't care about it. While comforting Lin Wei, he paid attention to Lin Lei who passed in front of them.

Currently Lin Lei is still in a deep coma, and his body is covered with tubes for oxygen supply, infusion, urination, and other monitoring equipment.

As for Lin Lei's complexion, it may be due to sepsis or serious injury, which caused his complexion to turn black and dark, without any anger.

To put it bluntly, Lin Lei's current situation is very dangerous. They were all trying to **** him out of the hands of the **** of death. In the private words of some experts, Lin Lei's current condition, if it hadn't been for such a family and a brother-in-law like Wu Hao, he would have died long ago. As far as his current situation is concerned, it's normal if he can't be saved, but it's an accident and a miracle if he can be saved.

Director Tong and Mr. Sun attached great importance to this operation. The stern Director Tong led a few experts in surgical gowns like him and nodded at Wu Hao and the others, and then followed the patient to the operating area. walk inside.

Father Lin watched his son being pushed into the operating room, then sighed, and said to Wu Hao, "Let's go."

Wu Hao nodded, then nodded to Lin Wei and Lin's mother, and then walked into the surgery observation and study room together with Lin's father and Lin Wei's uncle.

As family members, they can naturally watch the entire operation process, which was also what Dean Liao and the others had asked about before. The reason why the other party let them watch the whole operation is also because Lin Lei's current situation is very unstable, and it is very likely that something unexpected will happen during the operation. So to avoid trouble, and some controversy that might arise afterwards. After all, whether it is Lin's father, Lin's mother, Lin Wei, or Wu Hao, they are all people that the hospital does not want to offend, let alone provoke them. It's not that I don't dare to mess with it, but because of trouble. Ordinary yelling is enough to give them a headache, if it's Wu Hao and the others, it's okay.

Father Lin agreed after thinking about it for a while. No matter how much he had to face it, it was useless to avoid it. Instead of sitting outside and passively waiting for the result, it would be better to go in and watch the whole process of the operation, so that even if there was any situation, he would be able to know immediately.

So Lin's father directly called his and Uncle Lin Wei's names, and the three of them went in to watch the whole process of the operation. Originally, Mother Lin and Lin Wei were arguing to go in together. However, Father Lin stopped him. Because the operation process may be a little **** and cause discomfort, so it is better not to let them watch it, which will cause some discomfort reactions. Especially Lin's mother, her body is not very good, if it is stimulated and causes the disease, it will be bad.

The three of them walked into the surgery observation and study room. Because it was an amputation operation, there were no doctors to observe it. A few young doctors who came in saw Wu Hao's serious eyes, and then walked out resentfully.

Because of this, the three of them were relatively casual in the surgery observation and study room. Instead of going to sit on the seats, they stood directly in front of the glass and looked at Lin Lei who was lying on the operating table in the middle of the operation, and Lin Lei who was doing the surgery. Nurses and doctors getting ready.

Lin Lei was connected to a lot of monitoring equipment, and his left leg was also exposed. A doctor kept wiping and disinfecting with disinfectant.

Looking at the blackened left leg, Lin Honghan couldn't help sighing, showing a look of self-blame: "When Xiaolei wakes up and finds that he has no legs, he will definitely blame my father."

Hearing the words, Wu Hao quickly comforted: "There is no other way. If you have to blame, then blame me. If you can wait for two days, maybe..."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Honghan shook his head: "You have tried your best, don't blame yourself."

Hearing Father Lin's comfort, Wu Hao shook his head and looked at Lin Lei on the operating table and the exposed left leg that was about to be amputated. To be honest, it was the first time he saw an amputation operation. It's a lie to say that he doesn't feel upset, but there is no way, he can't go out at this juncture.

Director Tong, who was ready over there, walked in with masks and hands raised. Several people nodded to each other, and then walked to their respective positions. Today, Director Tong is the chief Several other experts are assisting.

Director Tong and the others carefully looked at Lin Lei's left leg for a while, and then began to prepare separately.

On the other hand, the instrument table was already full of various instruments, including cutting machines, chainsaws and other large instruments. This is why doctors in other departments always ridicule that the orthopedics department is a bunch of carpenters who amputate their limbs with a chainsaw every now and then, which is too rough and has no technical content.

Little do they know that the current transplantation and anastomosis operations are all in the category of orthopedics, and the current orthopedics is also a very sophisticated and cutting-edge discipline in terms of technology and science.

Although a very thorough inspection has been carried out, just in case, Director Tong and the others took another bedside X-ray of Lin Lei's left leg before the operation, so as to further confirm the implementation plan of the amputation operation.

It was different from what Wu Hao and the others had imagined. They thought the amputation operation would be very simple, just cut and amputate it. I didn't expect it to be so troublesome and the preparation work so cumbersome.

For the three of Wu Haolin's father and the others who were watching outside the glass, the time seemed to pass so slowly, which made the three of them a little impatient and even more anxious.

Finally, the amputation operation began. Although Wu Hao and the others had listened to Director Tong and the others about the operation plan to them, it was only at the beginning that they realized that Lin Lei's left leg had to be amputated so much.

If it wasn't for Wu Hao's technical team's insistence, they might have to cut more straight.

This is obviously not acceptable, because it will seriously affect the installation and use of subsequent prosthetics. Even their intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic limbs require fixed support from residual limbs. If the entire amputation is too much, it will have a great impact on the fixation and use of the subsequent prosthesis.


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