Military Technology

v4 Chapter 2362: starry sky

These are actually the shallowest understanding of the universe by human beings. They are using the earth as a template to find the second earth in the universe, which is the earth suitable for our human habitation.

However, it is still unknown whether there is a second earth that can support human survival.

Wu Hao firmly believes that there must be other civilizations and planets with life in this universe, otherwise how can the thing in his head explain it. However, if you want to find a planet exactly like the earth, this may hardly exist.

It's like finding two identical leaves in nature, but you can't find the same two identical people among humans, and even twins have slight differences.

Not to mention the more complex universe in this link, there may be extraterrestrial planets that are familiar with the earth, but they cannot be exactly the same as the earth, and they may not be suitable for human survival.

There may be a planet that is very similar to the earth, but its key elements for human survival will be different. For example, there is water on this planet, but the elements of water are different, all of which are liquid methane. For another example, this planet has a dense atmosphere, but the atmosphere is too dense, resulting in frequent and severe weather changes, and the environment is too harsh and not suitable for human survival. Or maybe there is oxygen and nitrogen in the air on this planet, but the ratio is reversed, with more than 70% oxygen and only 30% nitrogen. That's a good thing, but it's also a bad thing. Because although human beings cannot live without oxygen, they cannot adapt to excessive oxygen. If oxygen is excessive, oxygen poisoning will occur, which is also life-threatening.

And even if such highly similar planets exist, there are only a few of them, and most of them may have given birth to other life forms due to the special environment, such as those appearances in movies and TV dramas, Avatar, Thor, and the Decepticons of Titan. and Autobots and more. Maybe a tree man appeared, or maybe a purple potato like Thanos.

I don't know when human beings will be able to get out of this cradle and truly venture into this vast universe. Wu Hao often dreamed of becoming the captain or crew of a spaceship, driving the spaceship with many like-minded adventurers, sailing in the universe, and exploring more unknowns and mysteries.

In any case, he has already taken the first step. As for where he will go in the future and how far he will go, no one knows now, and he can only use his life to do his best.

I believe it will be a good result. He is full of hope and optimism for the future.

Blown by the cold wind, Wu Hao came back to his senses and saw that Shen Ning and several staff members had already walked far away and waited. Shen Ning knew that Wu Hao didn't like being disturbed when he was meditating, so he took the two staff members away.

Seeing this, Wu Hao waved his hand at Shen Ning who was looking at him, and then took out his transparent folding device. This device has been continuously updated, and the current new generation of transparent folding devices can be folded multiple times. So it opened a card-sized folding screen, and a tablet-sized transparent folding screen appeared.

Swipe the screen and dial Lin Wei's number. The beauty of the day, he wanted to share it with his loved ones.

The video was switched on, and in the screen, Lin Wei was wearing a set of silk pajamas, snuggling up on the sofa a little lazily, looking at the screen with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth: "Where are you, why is it so dark?"

Hearing Lin Wei's concern, Wu Hao smiled, then turned the transparent foldable tablet, and then said to Lin Wei in the video: "I'm at the landing site deep in the northwest desert, and I'm standing on the roof right now. Look at the charming scenery on my side."

With that said, Wu Hao turned the screen and pointed the camera at the Yatuhai lake basin below, as well as the landing site and landmark lights in the middle of the lake basin.

see it?

I see, the bright place in the distance is your landing field. No matter what Lin Wei said, she also learned a lot through these years of ear-to-eye, so she naturally recognized it at a glance.

Yes, our landing field is in the distance. I am now on the rooftop of the command and control center of the landing field, and I will show you the starry sky here. As he spoke, Wu Hao pointed the camera at the stars of the Milky Way in space.

Thanks to their compound eye lens, they can make this lens able to see the stars in the sky during the dynamic stage of the video.

You must know that it is possible to shoot the starry sky with the lens of cameras and mobile phones, but it must be time-lapse photography and photos taken in a long exposure state. As for dynamic videos, it is difficult to capture the effect of starry sky unless professional shooting equipment is used. Such a small lens installed on a mobile device can't be realized at all, but their compound lens can achieve the effect of professional equipment, allowing Lin Wei at Anxi's home to clearly feel the entire urging starry sky.

It's so beautiful, where is it? It's even better than what we saw on our trip to the Northwest last time. Lin Wei got up from the sofa and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Right, I also think it's beautiful, so I thought of sharing it with you at the first time. Wu Hao said with a smile.

As for Lin Wei, she showed an indignant look: "I think you're so cool, you're showing off to me."

Who do you blame, let you come together, but you don't want to. Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Lin Wei showed a sullen look: "Look, it really is revenge for me not following. Huh, who knows why the starry sky here is so beautiful, you take a picture here, it's the Big Dipper Bar."

right. Wu Hao nodded with a smile, and then pointed the camera at the Big Dipper in the sky, while Lin Wei showed an obsessed look, and finally showed a resentful look on his face.

In this regard, Wu Hao had no choice but to comfort him with a smile: "Okay, I'll bring you to play next time. It's winter, it's so cold here, and the wind blows my whole face to freeze. When summer comes, the weather here It's cool, and the air is good, and you can see more and better starry sky.

At that time we will set up a tent and invite everyone to camp in the desert. It will be fun. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, a smile finally appeared on the corner of Lin Wei's mouth. Looking at Wu Hao in the video, she giggled: "Look, I can't say it right, you're freezing."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help feeling distressed again, and then said with concern: "Okay, it's windy up there, hurry down, don't catch a cold.

By the way, when are you coming back? "

Wu Hao smiled and replied while walking: "Okay, I'll go down now. I can probably come back the day after tomorrow, and I have to inspect a few projects, so I have to delay a day."

Keep warm, wear more clothes, don't freeze. Lin Wei urged again.

knew. Wu Hao responded with a smile, then hung up the phone.

As for Shen Ning in the distance, seeing the smile on Wu Hao's face, the corners of his mouth slightly pursed, put away his complicated emotions, and then smiled and wanted Wu Hao to walk over.