Military Technology

v4 Chapter 2376: drone war

Chapter 2377 Drone War

"In addition, this smart cluster attack UAV is also convenient to launch and transport. It can be launched alone, and the launch method is very simple. Only two people can complete the entire launch attack process. At the same time, it can also It is mounted on a fighter plane for air launch.

Of course, it can also be placed on the launch vehicle for long-range continuous launch. This intelligent cluster attack UAV can be launched in a variety of ways, and can be flexibly used according to the battlefield environment and tactical arrangements.

At the same time, because of the principle of our smart cluster attack drone, we can greatly increase the range and airborne time of this smart cluster attack drone. In this way, we can increase the range of this small suicide attack drone to thousands of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers.

That is to say, we don't need to be close to the battlefield, and we can launch this intelligent cluster attack drone to strike deep targets on the local battlefield from kilometers or even thousands of kilometers ahead.

It is also because the mother body of this intelligent cluster attack drone adopts a variety of propulsion methods. If the propeller is used as the power, it can achieve long-term airborne flight. If it uses a solid fuel engine, it can increase the rapidity of the attack, and for local The penetration of the firepower network has greatly changed the disadvantage that drones are easily shot down by enemy air defense firepower because their speed is too slow.

And because the parent missile body undertakes the early and mid-term flight work, it greatly saves a lot of fuel and energy for the sub-drone attack drones, thereby prolonging the airborne time and range of these sub-drone drones. "

After listening to Lin Jiaming's introduction, Wu Hao nodded slightly, then looked at the several smart cluster attack drones of different sizes in front of him, and then asked: "Can such a smart cluster attack drone Several sub-attack drones were separated."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Yonghui smiled and shook his head: "This is not necessarily the case, the specifications are different, and the number of drones is also different.

For example, this intelligent cluster attack drone with a caliber of 120mm can separate four small attack drones from it. This drone is used to attack some light armored targets, armed personnel, and high-value targets. is perfectly capable.

But if the power of sub-drones is increased, the number must be reduced, so only three or two can be carried.

As for this 600mm heavy-duty intelligent cluster attack drone, it can carry more than thirty such sub-attack drones. Only one such piece is needed to cover a considerable area, and it is often used to attack large cluster targets.

Of course, if necessary, we can also replace it with a more powerful drone, but we need to reduce the number of it to carry. "

Can't this volume be increased again? Wu Hao patted the 600mm intelligent cluster attack drone, and turned to ask Lin Jiaming.

Hearing his words, Lin Jiaming shook his head slightly and said: "Not necessarily, if necessary, it is also possible to increase, but that is too cumbersome, and can only be mounted on some large fighters, or even bombers. .”

Hearing Lin Jiaming's words, Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "600 mm is enough, if one is not enough, just launch another one, there is no need to pursue too large a caliber."

Is such that. Lin Jiaming nodded, and then continued to introduce to Wu Hao: "In addition, we have also equipped this intelligent cluster attack drone with a cluster control system, which means that this intelligent cluster attack drone can realize A large number of swarms attack.

And not just the parent missile body, these sub-attack drones can also achieve swarm attacks. Even the intelligent cluster attack UAV mother body and the separated sub-attack UAVs can also constitute a swarm attack system.

The entire intelligent swarm attack system can assign tasks according to the enemy's ground targets in the area, and control these drones to carry out selective attacks. That is, it is possible to give up some low-value targets, so as to focus the attack on high-value important targets. "

How does it cost. After listening to Lin Jiaming's introduction, Wu Hao did not express his opinion immediately, but asked Zhou Yonghui.

Hearing him ask this question, Zhou Yonghui said with a smile: "Compared to a single attack drone, the price must have increased, but compared to missiles of the same value, it is much cheaper.

I think cost should not be a shackle that limits the performance of this smart cluster attack drone on the battlefield. Its main goal is to control the attacking initiative on the battlefield in the shortest possible time, so that the enemy has no chance of parrying. Force, and in a high-pressure situation for a long time, so that the enemy has no possibility of a comeback.

Throughout the various wars and various battlefields in recent years, drones have performed better and better on the battlefield, and have even become the real protagonists. Various types of UAVs perform very well on the battlefield, and our UAV products are the best among them.

This naturally made us very happy, but we fell into melancholy when we were happy, that is, the technology and combat tactics of drones are highly similar, and they are basically at the same level, and no one is better than the other. Too much higher. Although our UAVs are more advanced than those of the same type, they are only a little more advanced and have not widened the gap with these similar products.

At the same time, is also because everyone's level is similar, which leads to the fact that both sides of the war often become the existence of fighting drones, and even evolved into a drone war dominated by drones.

Both sides are constantly launching drones to destroy the enemy's ground targets, and they are enjoying themselves. There have even been cases where the drones of both sides conceived and launched an air battle in the air.

So we have been thinking about the development trend of drones in the future, and what kind of new drones can impact the original drone technology and tactical system. I think this smart cluster attack drone will have a huge advantage in drone duels.

It can break away from the opponent, launch thousands or even thousands of kilometers away, and then attack the enemy's hinterland, including these drone launching units in the enemy's hinterland, making the opponent unable to parry. At the same time, such an intelligent cluster attack drone can be split into several drones. Even if they meet on the battlefield, they can gain an overwhelming advantage by virtue of their numbers. "

Hearing Zhou Yonghui's words, Wu Hao smiled, then raised a finger at him and said, "I have just one question. According to the relevant conventions, countries prohibit the production and use of cluster weapons. What you do is not in compliance. .”

What's the matter, our country has not signed it. Besides, this thing is a piece of waste paper in the face of war.

(end of this chapter)