Military Technology

v4 Chapter 2383: Have you ever seen a pomegranate with th

Chapter 2384 Have you ever seen a pomegranate as big as a volleyball?

After bidding farewell to Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming, Wu Hao returned to the base alone. According to past habits, Wu Hao will have a meal with the two of them and chat first. But because the live-fire target test has just ended, the two still have a lot of work to do.

So Wu Hao didn't bother the two of them and returned by himself.

Back at the Northwest Research Center, Wu Hao looked at the time, saw that it was still early, and then came to the Biological and Life Science Research Center. For Wu Hao's arrival, several persons in charge were a little surprised and greeted him one after another.

Regarding this, Wu Hao waved his hand, telling them to continue working and leave him alone, while he followed Yang Fang to the Plant Science Research Center.

All over these glass greenhouses, which are full of birds and flowers. Compared with the biting cold wind and vast white snow outside, it is very warm and humid inside. All kinds of plants grow luxuriantly, and some bees and butterflies dance among the flowers of these plants.

There are still huge fruits hanging on many fruit trees, and he can still recognize some of them.

"This pomegranate is so big." Following Shen Ning's admiration, Wu Hao looked over, and there was a relatively low pomegranate tree in front of Shen Ning. There are three or four pomegranates hanging on the tree, and each pomegranate is very large, about the size of a volleyball, almost two of the high-quality pomegranate varieties currently on the market.

Hearing Shen Ning's exclamation, Yang Fang smiled and walked to the edge of the pomegranate tree, held up a large pomegranate that was artificially supported, and introduced to Wu Hao with a smile: "This is the latest pomegranate we have cultivated. It is a new variety, and its fruit volume is almost several times the size of the pomegranate currently on the market. Just such a pomegranate can reach about three kilograms.

It not only has a large fruit, but the fruit inside is also very large, and it has no seeds, and it is full of pulp. "

As she spoke, Yang Fang took the scissors from the staff next to her, and cut off the pomegranate on the tree that was bigger than a volleyball, ruddy in color, and gleaming with oil.


Before Wu Hao could stop it, Yang Fang cut it off. In this regard, Wu Hao couldn't help but smiled wryly and said: "It was finally cultivated, it's a pity to cut it like this."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Fang held the pomegranate in front of Wu Hao and showed it: "It's okay, we have cultivated a few of this variety, and we are going to pick them anyway."

Hearing Yang Fang's words, Wu Hao smiled helplessly and took the pomegranate from Yang Fang's hand. Sure enough, it was very heavy, and it was estimated by hand that it weighed at least six or seven catties.

Wu Hao lifted up this huge pomegranate and looked it over carefully. The whole pomegranate is not round, but a four-sided round shape, with a very smooth skin, as if it was about to be in oil.

"I've never seen such a big pomegranate before. We weighed it." Wu Hao then put the pomegranate on an electronic scale prepared by the staff, and found that the pomegranate weighed 3327 grams. A pomegranate weighs about six and a half catties, which already exceeds the Guinness World Record of 5.2 catties held by the pomegranate.

Seeing this number, Wu Hao and Shen Ning were startled. And Yang Fang showed a smile on her face: "This is not the heaviest one. There is a tree over there that grows a bigger one, and the weight may reach about four kilograms."

There are even bigger ones, and Wu Hao couldn't help being surprised. To be honest, it was the first time he had seen such a big pomegranate when he grew up so big, so he couldn't help being a little confused and worried, and then asked Yang Fang: "Is this pomegranate also the result of your genetic modification and gene editing?"

Yang Fang smiled and shook her head and said: "Actually, this pomegranate variety is not considered genetically modified. To be precise, it is gene editing. We found the gene that controls the size of the pomegranate, and then edited it. That's why it grows so big. The pomegranates come.

If you don't try it, it tastes good. "

Hearing Yang Fang's suggestion, Wu Hao couldn't help being taken aback, and then asked, "Can you eat it?"

Of course, the taste is not bad. Speaking of which, Yang Fang picked up the big pomegranate, then walked to an operating table, washed the pomegranate in clean water, and wiped it clean with kitchen paper. Immediately, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he cut open the pomegranate skin cleanly with a knife, and then broke it lightly with his hands, and the pomegranate split in two.

There are large, crystal-clear pomegranate seeds exposed inside. Compared with ordinary pomegranate seeds, the volume of this pomegranate seed is much larger, almost two to three times that of ordinary pomegranate seeds.

The inside of the whole pomegranate is densely packed with ruby-colored pomegranate seeds, shining with glass light, which is very beautiful.

Yang Fang neatly arranged the pomegranate into several halves, then handed it to Wu Hao with a small tooth and said with a smile, "Try it."

Seeing this, Wu Hao took it with a smile, then gently picked one off with his hand, and put it in front of his eyes to observe carefully. The whole pomegranate seed is in an irregular translucent shape, with glass luster flashing under the light. If you don't know it, you may really think it is a ruby ​​at first glance.

After sizing it up, Wu Hao put the pomegranate seeds into his mouth, and then bit into them lightly. As the juice burst out from the pomegranate seeds, a sweet and sour taste instantly filled his mouth. The sweetness is mostly about 70%, the sourness is about 20-30%, and there is a little bit of the unique fragrance of pomegranate.

The taste is very good. Wu Hao nodded with a smile, broke off a few more pomegranate seeds and put them in his mouth to chew slowly.

We always say that a fruit tastes delicious and sweet, and this concept is very abstract. Speaking of which, everyone has different tastes and different acceptance of sweet and sour, so the degree of liking for this fruit is also different. To put it bluntly, taste is a very competent It is difficult for us to unify it.

It's just that everyone will accept and welcome a good taste, and this kind of taste is often more neutral. Too sweet, too sour is not good. Generally speaking, the sweetness and sourness of a fruit is actually just right when it is three to seven. If it is too sweet, it will be greasy, if it is too sour, it will not taste good, and the experience will not be good.

Obviously, the pomegranate in front of him tasted very good, and Wu Hao didn't have that kind of hard seed in his mouth, which was a very good feeling.

Is this also a drought tolerant crop? Wu Hao asked Yang Fang with a smile.

Yang Fang smiled and nodded and replied: "Yes, pomegranate itself is a relatively drought-tolerant crop. It is drought-tolerant but not water-tolerant. If there is too much water, it will not grow well.

In addition, pomegranate itself is very resistant to barrenness and has low requirements for soil. This also means that it can not only grow in the crevices of some rocks, but also in deserts.

Of course, a good growth environment will also allow pomegranates to grow better, so fertilization during the growth period is also essential.

As for us, we also took a fancy to pomegranate's drought and barren resistance, low temperature resistance, and its economic benefits, so we conducted in-depth research on it and bred many new varieties. "

(end of this chapter)