Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1006: Guangyao Company

Richard was suddenly flattered, and he didn't expect that he was really stuck and helped Wu Tian.

"Oh, Mr. Wu, it doesn't matter what you say! I absolutely can't say anything!" Richard was even more excited than Wu Tiandu.

This is his idol. The idol said to himself that he wanted to help him. How could he refuse this kind of thing.

"Well, in fact, this is the case. This request is somewhat inappropriate, but I still hope to get an answer from you!" Wu Tian didn't say it directly, but first put eye drops on this guy to make psychological preparations.

Richard hadn't guessed what Wu Tian was going to do at this time, but he was already a little nervous.

"Yeah!" He still agreed. Although the reputation of a businessman is very important, sometimes it depends on the situation.

Wu Tian looked around vigilantly and made sure that no one was paying attention to the two of them, and then quietly said to Richard: "That's it. I want to investigate whether a company has ever conducted transactions in your place. "

Richard's nervousness suddenly relaxed. He thought it was something.

"It turns out that this is what you want to ask? You don't have to worry about it. Although we keep it confidential to the outside world, these information is disclosed to each other by the companies engaged in this industry within ourselves. Hidden. Very simple, I can check it for you now."

Richard was also unambiguous, and went straight back to his seat, opened his laptop, and tapped it a few times.

Long Yun also leaned in at this time, and she was also very much looking forward to whether there could be any results from the investigation.

"Guangyao Company, right, there is!" Richard's speed was very fast, and the results were found in a few queries.

Immediately afterwards, there is a large series of transaction records on the computer screen.

"So many? Long Yun looked a little surprised, because there were thousands of transaction records above, and each amount was extremely large, with the lowest being tens of millions.

After investigating for a long time, they couldn't find their handle, but now it's the fox's tail that finally leaked out.

"Sure enough!" Wu Tian gritted his teeth. Fortunately, he met Richard here by accident. Otherwise, it would take a lot of effort to know the news.

The most important thing is that the counterparty is using Fangtecoin, and he didn't even know it. Although there is no way to track this Fangtecoin, this sentence is not so absolute.

Wu Tian and his company can locate any Fangte currency. As long as this Fangte currency is exchanged with cash, they can know where and when it was done at that time.

If you make good use of it, you can also master a lot of business information.

"This company... is quite frequent..." Richard did not expect to find a large company after such an investigation. I just don't know what is the use of Wu Tiancha.

"Thank you, thank you really." After getting what he wanted, Wu Tian quickly thanked Richard and returned to his seat.

He and Long Yun glanced at each other, and now the two of them are basically certain that there must be something wrong with this Guangyao company.

Long Yun just asked for a copy of the transaction record, which clearly recorded the records of the transactions between Guangyao Company and other enterprises.

After some observations, she found that more of the trading partners in it were some biomedical companies in Eagle Country.

Combining those biochemical people...Long Yun suddenly had a bold idea.

"Mr. Wu, I'm afraid this company is..."

Wu Tian knows what she is going to say, but this thing cannot be said on this plane. After all, there are some outsiders next to her. If someone hears it, something big will happen.

He waved his hand hastily, "I know, I'm almost as you guessed, since this is the case, we have to investigate this time more clearly."

These things will not only scare Wu Tian, ​​but will only strengthen his belief.

After getting off the plane, Wu Tian went to see Mr. Chu for the first time.

Wu Tian believes that this old man is something they can trust. After all, they have worked together, and the other party is also very rich, and it is easy to do things if he has the strength.

Seeing Wu Tian suddenly visiting, Mr. Chu was somewhat unexpected, but he was still very happy to entertain Wu Tian.

"Oh, why are you here, you should also say before you come, I'll be prepared."

Although Mr. Chu said so, but the table of very hearty meals served Wu Tian.

"Master Chu, this is not necessary. I am here this time. There is something I want to ask you. I have a task to do."

Wu Tian also didn't pretend to be mysterious, but straightforwardly said that he had come to investigate Zhang Zerui's affairs.

For Wu Tian, ​​Mr. Chu was not surprised at all.

"Well, no problem, if there is anything I can help, I will try my best to help you."

With their words, it's easy to say. Wu Tian quickly took out a list of Zhang Zerui's itinerary.

"This is our investigation. We don't have any doubts about everything else. We know what he did, but this company is the only one..." After that, Wu Tian pointed to the name of Guangyao Company.

"Guangyao Company?" Mr. Chu muttered, but there was nothing in his mind that had anything to do with this company. "Never heard of..."

Wu Tian nodded. The reason why this company feels great is because it is too low-key.

"It's normal if you don't know, because after our investigation, it appears to be a small construction company. But we think it is impossible for Zhang Zerui to go to this kind of company, so there must be something wrong with it."

Hearing what Wu Tian said, Mr. Chu hurriedly took a few more glances and took a closer look at the place where the Guangyao company was located.

"It's in Xinjinshan. I've been to this area. It's an area where very wealthy people live and live. It's called Rose Garden. It seems that this company has a very deep foundation."

Although Mr. Chu knows very little news, it is already very powerful to get so many results with just such a little consultation.

In fact, Long Yun had investigated these things early in the morning, but she didn't think there was anything important about this thing.