Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1178: Trouble guy

Although Wu Tian was not at the scene, he also passed the monitoring equipment expected on the heads of the security team members and saw the situation at the scene.


Wu Tian suddenly squeezed a sweat in his heart. This enemy is good at electric current, and he has become the enemy and nemesis of the security team.

The equipment on the players is driven by electricity, which is actually the easiest way to drive.

On the one hand, it can provide strong power, and on the other hand, it can also accept their consumption. But in the face of the enemy who has the same powerful power, things start to be a little difficult.

Because the opponent's abilities are likely to interfere with the operation of the exoskeleton mecha on the security team.

This mechanical device is a very powerful boost and protection when it can run, just like a perfect armor.

But when he loses power, this set of exoskeleton mecha is also likely to become a huge constraint for the security team.

If it stops running completely, then this outer mech will be a very narrow prison.

However, fortunately, the security team had taken this situation into consideration, and someone immediately picked up a pole from behind, and then plunged it into the ground.

There are several silk threads on this pole, all of which are connected to the exoskeleton mecha on each security team member.

The enemy's attack began immediately, and a huge electric current hit the nearest security team member waiting for him.

Originally in the enemy's mind, perhaps the security team member would roll on the ground in pain, and the air would be filled with the smell of scorched flesh.

But what made this biochemical transformation man never expected was that none of this happened.

Such a powerful current, along the wire behind the team member, passed to the ground, and then dissipated without a trace.

As if nothing had happened before, the other party obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen, and was immediately stunned.

However, the security team did not miss this opportunity, and immediately rushed up, and directly threw the two enemies to the ground.

The guy with the hard head was so powerful that several people rushed up to overwhelm him, and there was no way to control it. He struggled and immediately pushed the security team away.

"Sure enough..."

Wu Tian looked at the situation at the scene and said secretly. Although he already knew that there would be such a result, he was still a little unhappy when something like this really happened.

The gap between ordinary people and these genetically modified people is really too big, and the current ribs and skills have not been able to completely bridge the gap between them.

I can only say that I try my best to shrink, but after all, the outside world is not as smooth as what my body can provide.

These bio-transformed people are extremely smooth when they act. It can be seen that they can make good use of their bodies and these extraordinary powers without any training.

Seeing that this method of offensive did not work, the security personnel immediately prepared to change to other methods of combat.

The people in front immediately withdrew back, and the security team members behind immediately walked up with a spray gun in their hands.

This spray gun has appeared several times before. It can spray a metal iron net with high-voltage wires on it. Once it touches the human body, it will release a high-voltage current.

This is also the most powerful weapon that Wu Tian and the others have tried repeatedly before, specifically targeting these biochemical transformation people.

They have been practicing this kind of cooperation for a long time, and their actions are smooth and smooth.

The people in front had dispersed, and the two metal nets immediately rushed towards the two bio-transformers.

But the other party is not a vegetarian either. The bio-modified person who manipulates the electric current noticed something wrong as soon as the metal mesh came out. It seemed that he could feel the high-voltage electric current carried on it.

So this guy rushed up, grabbed the metal iron net, and kicked it aside.

And the other hand grabbed a metal net that was leaping toward his companion and tore it apart.

The high-voltage current on the metal mesh has no effect at all on this biochemical reformer.

He himself can control such currents, so in a sense, it is more similar to his own ability.

The security team members were also a little flustered. They suddenly realized that they seemed to have touched an iron plate, and all the methods did not seem to work well for the enemy in front of them.

Upon seeing this, Wu Tian knew that it was not a good thing for them to continue forcibly, so he quickly issued orders to them from Huadao's command room.

"Everyone retreat! Take Mr. Tie and quickly retreat! Carry out the second plan!"

As soon as Wu Tian's voice came out, the originally panicked players immediately calmed down. They started the action quickly, some of them held shields and broke them behind. Another group of people took Mr. Tie into the car and left the place quickly.

After a brief battle, the two bio-transformers also mobilized the blood of their battle.

They also didn't expect that the other party would retreat at a disagreement. They obviously didn't have any fierce fighting on their side, and there was nowhere to vent their energy.

The two immediately chased up, because the time now had begun to slowly become a bit late, and the sky immediately began to darken.

During this period of time, there were homicides in city s, and people hardly dared to walk around after nightfall, which happened to facilitate Wu Tian and their actions.

After the province was able to explain why there was such a battle scene, the car of the security team galloped away on the deserted street.

And in the back, two people are chasing desperately with two legs. The speed of these two biochemical transformation people is not slow, almost on par with cars.

And they couldn't tell that they looked tired, running so violently, the two men seemed to be breathing, and they were familiar with the road.

The security team members also began to feel a little dignified in their hearts. They knew that the people they were facing were not ordinary people, but these women were too livestock...

"Don't worry, let's implement according to the plan. Please ensure the safety of Mr. Iron."

Wu Tian's voice appeared in their earphones at the right time. With the care of the leader, the security team members felt relieved.

Indeed, they rarely receive very serious injuries, except for the last time...

These bio-transformed people are not without their shortcomings. There is no flawless person.