Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1190: Needle in the sea

At first, everyone thought that there might be a war of the century, and there would even be a lot of casualties on their side, but based on the current statistics, it seems to be acceptable.

When the sun of a new day arrives, the horizon has returned to its former calm.

In fact, yesterday, many people in city s saw huge fireballs, explosions, and continuous thunder.

But soon the meteorological department came out to clarify that there was an accident in a factory, but fortunately there were no casualties.

So Wu Tian and their activities were easily covered up in this way. This kind of thing certainly cannot be let ordinary people understand and know casually.

But Wu Tian and Tie Jun did not relax at this point, because there are still a few people who have been hidden and never showed up.

Wu Tian and the others put a lot of energy into them, and they didn't take these people out because it was too hard to find.

They seem to have fallen into the sea, and they will never be found after sneaking into the city of s.

When everyone was celebrating with joy, Wu Tian and Tie Jun had a heavy face. They sat in the combat command room worriedly, looking at the bright dots displayed on the big screen above.

That was Su Cancan and Luo Huaicheng, each leading a team, heading to an area where enemies might appear.

These news were provided by the aunts of the neighborhood committees, but in the past two days, Wu Tian and the others have investigated a lot, but they still haven't found any news about those people.

Success or failure may only rely on them to achieve the result.

"How is your situation? Have you arrived at the designated place?"

Wu Tian asked worriedly, and his heart was picked up.

During the two days they were waiting, nearly ten vicious murder cases had occurred one after another.

The TV station is continuously broadcasting relevant cases, but in fact, Wu Tian and the others don't even have any information about these cases.

It is what Wu Tian of the biochemical team did and their revenge. It's just that the targets of these people's revenge are ordinary people who don't even know what they are doing.

"Don't twitter there!"

Su Cancan's voice came from the communicator very impatiently. His French speaking made Wu Tian feel very cordial.

Sure enough, this tone made him feel relieved, which shows that Su Cancancan's state is not much different in normal times.

"How many people are left?"

Tie Jun rubbed his temples at this time. He hadn't taken a good rest these days, as if his head had gone white overnight, and his whole person was a little languid.

Wu Tian saw him like this, but there was no way. Tie Jun was the person in charge of this incident, and he had to handle this matter well.

Now that there are so many casualties, the pressure on the Iron Army is already growing, and he is about to breathe out.

"Five. Only five left!"

Wu Tian gritted his teeth viciously, and they hadn't found out just five people.

This thing stuck in their throats like a fishbone, making Wu Tian and Tie Cun people unable to eat or sleep.

"Is it possible...Let me mobilize the masses?" Tie Jun is almost out of options now. The uncles and aunts of the neighborhood committee are now almost spinning, and they have been helping Tie Jun to find these five people.

But these people have no useful clues. One can imagine how difficult it is to find these biochemical people.

"No, if you do that, it will cause a big panic..." Wu Tian immediately rejected it. The reason why they choked and hid is because this matter cannot be known to too many people, otherwise, I am afraid that I want to find out those 5 people. It will be harder.

Because no one can guarantee what kind of psychology and thoughts ordinary people will be like when they learn that something like biochemical transformation exists.

Maybe someone will admire it in particular, and it's even possible to help these biochemical people.

Don't underestimate the stupid things that ordinary people may do. They are absolutely possible to do such things.

The two talked in different ways, and news of Su Cancan's actions over there at this time also came back.

"We have broken through, and there is no one in the room that is said to be very suspicious."

Su Cancan's tone was not very good, probably because he had some opinions on Wu Tian.

It may be that Wu Tian used a casual piece of information to bluff Su Cancan over.

"Damn it! No more!"

Wu Tian was very uncomfortable and drew a cross on the point he was looking for on the map. In fact, there are not many similar points on the map, and there are only more than 50 on the map, and the rest have been searched by them. More than one hundred.

The footprints of Su Cancan and Luo Huaicheng's search teams were almost all over the entire city of S, and there were also various rumors circulating in the room.

The pressure on the police is also great. Sun Hongsheng can't wait to go here a dozen times a day, hoping to get information in the first place, so that he can catch people and deal with the case.

"This is not a solution. Even if we look for it for a year, I am afraid that it will not be effective." Wu Tian felt that this would only be a waste of time and energy.

It took such a large amount of movement to find 5 people in this area, and they still couldn't find it. Instead of making such a futile effort, it is better to stop the operation and find some other ways.

"How can that work! As long as we relax, they will immediately change hands and commit crimes!"

Tie Jun insisted on not agreeing, but Wu Tian looked at him and sighed.

"Some things I don't really want to say, but I have to say it at this time. Even if we were searching, these people did not delay their crimes. In the past two days, there were more than a dozen homicides... I think they have not relaxed at all. ."

When Wu Tian said this, he also glanced at Tiejun. This 60-year-old man now has no stalwart figure at the beginning, but is more melancholy.


The Tiejun wanted to say something more, but reason told him what Wu Tian said was reasonable.

Looking for a needle in a haystack like this, I don't know how long and how long will I be able to find all the 5 people.

Rather than such constant stimulation, perhaps should they ease their behavior.

"You go back and rest for a while. I will be responsible for this matter. I will come up with a countermeasure. If anything happens in the middle, I will be liable for compensation!"

Wu Tian said this not only to reassure Tie Jun, but also to let him rest first. Prolonged tension is a great pressure for anyone to the body.

Tie Jun looked at Wu Tian, ​​and finally nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'll leave it to you for now."