Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1192: The treasure is not old

But the driver's yelling and cursing did not last long. He just walked up to the person, and suddenly the driver's voice stopped abruptly.

Then, he held his throat and fell tremblingly.

Tie Jun didn't understand what was going on and hurried to look at the window, only to see his driver fell under the man's feet, his body twitching constantly, and soon there was no movement.

"what's the situation…"

Although the driver drove for Tiejun, he also came out of the special forces. Physical fitness is naturally nothing to say, whether it is capture and fighting, or any killing skills, it is a top-notch existence.

But now, he hasn't even had a face-to-face encounter, and he just fell down, like a sheep that was arbitrarily slaughtered, without the strength to fight back.

A huge sense of crisis immediately emerged from Tiejun's heart. He realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly grabbed the gun on his waist.

At this moment when he was panicking, the two twins also gathered on both sides of the iron army door, and the two of them looked inside through the window glass.

Their dead faces make people feel very cautious. God knows how there are such people...

Tie Jun suddenly had a bad idea in his heart. He felt that the two people in front of him had not met him unfortunately, but they might have been deliberate.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly turned on the communicator on his body to connect with Wu Tian.

Wu Tian originally continued to observe the situation in the combat command room, but he suddenly received a communication from the Iron Army.

But Tie Jun didn't speak. Wu Tian kept asking what was going on in the communication. There was still silence inside, but the sound of breathing could be heard.

"Quickly, locate me the position of President Tie!"

Wu Tian vaguely felt that something was wrong, so he quickly made preparations.

It was at this time that Tie Jun violently picked up the gun in his hand and fired two shots at the car window.

At such a close distance, Tiejun believed that he could not make a mistake. When he was young, he was a fast gunner, shooting short-range pistols bravely in the whole army, no one is faster than him.

Although old, but the sword is not old, the speed of the Iron Army's guns is still lightning fast.

In the time when people blinked, the Iron Army had already fired two shots, hitting the two enemies separately.

After firing the shot, Tiejun opened the door of the car and kicked it up. The mysterious man outside the door flew up, and then ran off the car and ran towards the nearby residential building.

The street was very deserted, and there were no lights in the nearby buildings, but the Tiejun couldn't take care of that much at this moment. He knew that he was in an empty place and had no chance of winning against the enemy.

Especially the opponent is likely to be a bio-transformer...They have an unparalleled advantage in physical functions, and the Iron Army knows that it is impossible to defeat them in this regard.

"I found out! In Nancheng!"

However, it was also fortunate that the Tiejun connected with Wu Tian, ​​and his position was quickly located by Wu Tian.

"Notify the security team! Set out now! Escort Mr. Tie home all the way!"

Wu Tian immediately issued the order, but after thinking about it, he felt that this might still be a bit wrong, so he simply went into battle by himself.

It is impossible for the Iron Army to send him a newsletter for no reason. It must be a situation encountered.

And under that situation, he could not even tell Wu Tian about the situation at the time, so it must be very urgent.

The communication also began to have some noise at this time... and it hung up soon. Wu Tian speculated that it should have been blocked, so this matter might not be that simple.

The helicopter of the security team took off immediately, and Wu Tian personally led the team and immediately went to the southern city of s city.

On the Tiejun side, he hurried into a residential building, climbed a few floors up, and then desperately knocked on a door next to it.

Hope the people inside can come out and put it in.

But after knocking on the door, the Iron Army was a little worried. What if it hurts other innocent people because of his relationship? Thinking of this, Tie Jun put down his knocking hand again, gritted his teeth and continued to run to the floor.

At this time, the two twin biochemical humans had already followed the Tiejun into the building. The two of them were not in a hurry, but they were grinding slowly at the back, following not far nor near.

The Iron Army quickly reached the top floor and found that the door leading to the top floor was locked with a big lock hanging on it.

It's just that the connection place was a bit rusty. After trying it out, the Iron Army found that it could be loosened. He simply stepped back a few steps and kicked it up.

The strength of this foot was great, but the Iron Army never expected that this door was much more fragile than he had imagined, so the Iron Army stepped up and the door opened.

And he himself fell to the ground. Unfortunately, there was a stone on the ground that happened to hit the Tiejun’s ankle, and he heard a click, and there was a fierce pain immediately.

"Damn it!"

Tie Jun held the place where he was hit with his right hand, and continued to flee while crawling.

The pain made him understand that he might have broken a bone, but there was no way but he still had to continue running.

It's just that this time the speed of the Iron Army slowed down greatly, and a limping walk was definitely not as fast as running with two feet.

However, within ten seconds, the two twins had already reached the top floor, and all three of them appeared on the rooftop.

Seeing that he couldn't run away anymore, the Tiejun simply stopped.

He counted the bullets left in his hand. Two of the twelve-round magazines were used, and ten bullets remained.

In other words, the Iron Army can use nine rounds at most, and one of the remaining rounds is used to honor himself.

Although there seems to be no such requirement in the army now, the Tiejun still retains the tradition when he first joined the army.

Leave the last bullet to yourself, this is an awareness, not a requirement.

At this moment, the Iron Army had already achieved such awareness.

He raised his gun and aimed at these two biochemically modified people. The pain on his feet made it difficult to concentrate, and his heavy breathing made his arms shake. The simple thing of aiming began to become a little bit for the Iron Army. It's difficult.

The biochemical man walked towards him step by step, and the Tiejun shot without hesitation.

The bullet banged on the biohazard's head, dripping with blood, and the red and white exploded all at once.

Seeing the effect of this gun, Tie Jun was overjoyed and immediately aimed his gun at the other one.
