Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1201: Interrogate prisoners

Although their hearts were full of doubts, in order to achieve their own goals, Wu Tian and Luo Huaicheng still followed the appearance of these believers and knelt down together.

And the so-called hierarch above is preaching without shame.

In short, it was all nonsense, Wu Tian didn't want to listen, so he and Luo Huaicheng moved exactly in the crowd to see if he could find his goal.

But there are too many people here, densely packed with human heads, trying to find your goal here is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

This so-called leader’s speech is still going on, but the content has changed to raise funds from the believers.

This is the so-called eleventh tax, and one-tenth of your income must be paid to this so-called church.

Wu Tian and Luo Huaicheng were stunned there, but the most important point was that these believers also obeyed the request of this so-called leader.

For a moment, they lined up with their money in their hands and squeezed forward, eagerly wanting to donate their money.

Wu Tian hurriedly took hold of a young man next to him. He looked like he was only in his twenties, and he was quite gentle with glasses. He should feel like an educated person. How could he also listen to such rumors?

"Excuse me... why do you want to donate..."

Wu Tian really couldn't help his curiosity. Although the method of asking this was a bit abrupt, he couldn't take care of that much at this moment.

"Does this still need to be said... This is all for our future blessings and clearing our past sins. We are born to be guilty. Don't you know that?"

Wu Tian was confused when asked, but then he realized that this was a doctrine promoted by their church.

Through this so-called anxiety, as well as the desire to get something for nothing, bewilder people.

"Damn... these people are too livestock, since they can do whatever they want for money..."

Luo Huaicheng really looked down on such a person. To tell the truth, he was such a person. He should be taken to the police station and arrested. He didn't know why the police station didn't care.

"Now they don't think they can be too busy. Besides, judging from the current situation, as long as there is no murder, the police should not come over."

Wu Tian knows that Sun Hongsheng and the others are extremely lack of energy now, and they simply can't spare the energy to take care of them.

It can only be the first to use good steel on the blade, first to solve the great negative impact caused by those biochemical people.

The two of them continued to walk forward with the crowd, and gradually mixed into an inconspicuous corner. Since there was really no useful information in this small square, Wu Tian and Long Haicheng were going to go to other places.

While resting next to him, Wu Tian listened to someone talking in the small alley behind.

The voice is not very loud, but the content of the words makes Wu Tian very concerned.

"This time, the money should be almost one or two million! The amount is not a lot, but it should be enough for you to use it for a while."

"Damn! We evade their search every day, we are already very tired, are you using this little money to fool me?"

The other voice seemed to be very unhappy, not very satisfied with this number.

Wu Tian listened and walked over carefully, preparing to look here.

Luo Huaicheng didn't know what Wu Tian was interested in, so he looked at him strangely.

"There is no way. We have called twice this week. We used to call it once a month. We really can't withdraw any more money..."

It also seems difficult for the people who prepare the funds, and some things are not as simple as they thought.

But the other party didn't care about his mess, and slapped it over.

"I tell you, I won't care about you! No money? No money, why did this Guangyao company send us over?"

When they heard this, both Wu Tian and Luo Huaicheng's eyes widened. They never expected that they would hear the words Guangyao Company here.

It was immediately known that these two people must have something to do with the biochemical people, and the meaning of listening to them seemed to be that the so-called cult was also raising funds for these biochemical people.

If he said that, Wu Tian suddenly understood that the reason why these biochemicals are extremely difficult to find in the city, I am afraid that one of the important reasons is because someone is helping them.

As the saying goes, it is hard to guard against the thief. With such people, no matter how hard Wu Tian and the others work, there is definitely no way to effectively organize and stop them.

When the conversation between the two people basically ended, although it was too small, the person who collected the money still collected the money.

Just when the man was about to leave, Wu Tian and Luo Huaicheng rushed up immediately, covered the guy's mouth, and then led him to a small unmanned room next to him.

This place is very remote, and no one seems to have been here.

The two took off the person's mask and found that he was the person who had been connected to the biohazard before.

"Tread through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it. It takes no effort to get it."

Wu Tian and Luo Haicheng looked at each other and smiled. They thought they were looking for a needle in a haystack.

This guy looked nervous, he was not from Eagle Country, but a pure Chinese. Whether it is speaking, appearance or all aspects, it is revealed without exception.

"You are…"

This person knew very well that he was kidnapped now, because Wu Tian used the cloth strips found in the room to tie him firmly.

"You don't care who we are, you can answer whatever I ask you, otherwise you just wait to die!"

Wu Tian's threat was very simple and rude. He only did one thing and made this guy shut his mouth obediently and gave up his plan to call for help.

Wu Tian came over to a stool from the side, and then pulled the leg off the stool with just a light pull.

You know this stool is made of metal...

This hand operation immediately frightened the guy in front of him, and he nodded quickly, expressing his willingness to cooperate.

"Come on, who is behind you?"

Wu Tian looked at the captive with a smile, and the stool and legs in his hand kept beating in his palm.

"This one…"

The other party hesitated for a while, it seemed that he didn't want to say anything, but he looked at Wu Tian and shrank his neck, he should think Wu Tian was even more terrifying.

"I said, I said... I'm just a glutton... I knew it was an Eagle Country company behind it, and I really didn't know anything else."