Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 444: Wait and see

"Yes." Wu Tian nodded vigorously and assured him confidently: "Don't worry, you can definitely increase sales in a short time."

"Then I have to wait and see." Seeing Wu Tian's confident look, Liu Jun was relieved a lot.

"Uncle Liu, we don't have to be anxious about the sale of our real estate. The immediate task is to purchase the factories in the east. Only when we get the factories, we can make a full layout. Otherwise, the real estate in Xiangmihu alone will not make money."

"Yes." Liu Jun nodded in approval, turned and looked out the window, "If there were no plots like the factory, all our ideas would be empty talk."

"Let's go, let's talk to the bosses of those big factories now, no matter how much the price is spent, we must take down those factories." Wu Tian was determined to win.

The plots of the plant are too important for the entire Xiangmihu project. They belong to the core plot of Xiangmihu, which is close to the urban area and development plots.

If you can't get the plots of the factory buildings, all previous efforts will be in vain, and the development of wetland parks and mountain parks is meaningless.

The construction of the park is aimed at driving the three major sectors, mainly with residential buildings in nearby scenery villages, supplemented by mountain villas and amusement parks, and leveraging the development of commercial streets with old factories to promote the development of the entire new city.

Just as the two were about to leave the office, the secretary hurried in, "Boss Liu, Golden State Group boss Huang Jinzhou is downstairs and said he wants to see you."

"Huang Jinzhou?"

Liu Jun's brows tightened. He didn't expect the boss of Jinzhou Group to come to the company suddenly. After a short pause, he turned his head and said to Wu Tian: "Xiaotian, the boss of Jinzhou Group will come here. Let's meet him."

"Let's go." Wu Tian nodded, and followed Liu Jun to the outside for the first phase, to see how sacred this Jinzhou Group boss was.

After the two went downstairs, they saw a middle-aged man in his 50s sitting in the rest area with several entourages standing beside him.

This is Huang Jinzhou, the owner of the Golden State Group. He is fat and bloated, with a big belly straightened up, just like a pregnancy.

"It turned out to be Boss Huang, so lucky to meet." Liu Jun walked over quickly, his mouth full of smirks.

"Mr. Liu."

Huang Jinzhou leaned his body on the chair, looked up at Liu Jun, and said coldly, "I heard someone made a noise in the Xiangmihu sales center?"

"It's okay, it's done." Liu Jun smiled reluctantly, pretending to be nothing.

He knew that Huang Jinzhou was playing a ghost behind his back, but he didn't say it clearly. It was to save some face for the other party.

After all, Huang Jinzhou is the leading real estate tycoon in Luzhou. He is not a last resort, and he tries not to break his face.

"It's okay." Huang Jinzhou shook his sleeves and said with a smile, "I always come to Liu today for the Xiangmihu project."

"Really?" Liu Jun took Wu Tian and sat down on the opposite sofa, while having someone serve Huang Jinzhou tea.

Huang Jinzhou stood up with a big belly and said domineeringly: "I am very interested in the Xiangmihu project and hope to cooperate with Mr. Liu in the development."

"This one……"

Liu Jun didn't know how to respond. After a little thought, he smiled and declined and said, "Thank you, boss Huang, for his kindness, but the Xiangmihu project was sponsored by boss Wu. I can't do this."

"Well, go find your boss Wu." Huang Jinzhou's tone is always so domineering, as if talking to his subordinates.

"Introduction, this is the boss of Wu Tianwu, the biggest investor in Xiangmihu." Liu Jun pointed to Wu Tian who was sitting next to him and introduced.

With his current power, he couldn't provoke Huang Jinzhou at all, so he could only move Wu Tian out as a shield.


Huang Jinzhou's scrutiny gaze fell on Wu Tian. After watching for a long time, he couldn't help but mockingly said: "A little brat is actually an investor in Xiangmihu?"


Liu Jun nodded vigorously, pointing to Wu Tian and said, "Don't look at Boss Wu's young age, his strength is extraordinary, he has already made money by investing in many industries."


Huang Jinzhou snorted coldly, without paying attention to Wu Tian.

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of tea, he said strongly to Wu Tian, ​​"Well, since you are an investor, then talk about our cooperation."

"Boss Huang, how do you want to cooperate?" Wu Tian lifted Erlang's legs and swayed like a second uncle.

"I am very interested in the Xiangmihu project. I intend to invest a huge amount of money in your Xiangmihu." Huang Jinzhou was too lazy to talk nonsense, and explained his intentions straight to the point.

Wu Tian didn't circumspect, and decisively refused: "I am not short of money, and I don't need Boss Huang to invest."


Huang Jinzhou put the cup on the table hard and reminded him coldly: "Speak to me in this tone, does your kid know who I am?"

"The owner of Golden State Group, a subsidiary of Shengshi Group, and the largest real estate developer in Luzhou."

"You guys are acquainted." Huang Jinzhou shook his body and yelled impatiently: "You only have two choices now, either cooperate with me, or you go bankrupt, and eventually the Xiangmihu project will be Will fall into my hands."

"Boss Huang is threatening me?"

"That's it."

"I was not scared."

"Your kid really doesn't shed tears without seeing the coffin." Huang Jinzhou bit his teeth and said viciously: "In Luzhou, it would be a dead end to challenge me."

"I said, I wasn't scared."

"Pop!" Huang Jinzhou slapped the table fiercely, full of anger, "Since your kid is so ignorant, don't blame me for being cruel, the Xiangmihu project will be mine sooner or later, let's wait and see."

After saying this, he got up and took the person away quickly, the fat all over his body shaking left and right in the air.

Seeing Huang Jinzhou lead people away, Liu Juncai asked with lingering fear: "Are we really going to fight the Golden State Group head-on this time?"

"Yes, if you want to rush into the real estate sector in Luzhou, you need to eradicate the Golden State Group, which is a roadblock." Wu Tian said in a very firm tone.

"However, the strength of Golden State Group in the real estate field of Luzhou cannot be underestimated. With our strength, I am afraid..."

"No matter how big a tiger is, it has weaknesses. As long as it can attack the key, it will definitely die." Wu Tian soothed, and then said: "Our top priority now is to purchase the factory buildings in the eastern part of Xiangmi Lake. It was seized by Golden State Group."

"Yes, I will meet with the plant owner now to discuss the acquisition." Liu Jun did what he said and called the owner of the dozens of plants in person.

Before deliberately lowering the price, offending the more than a dozen plant owners was not a light one, but this time the call was closed.

After the phone call, Liu Jun looked like an eggplant that Shuang beats, and sighed: "Those factory owners were offended by me before, and now they don't give face, and they didn't make an appointment."

"No appointment?"


"It seems that they have discussed it. I am afraid that the owners of these more than ten factories have already joined together."

"so what to do now?"